Autopsy of a Battle.The Liberation of the French Riviera in August and September 1944.
By Jean-Loup Gassend (
English edition available. Disponible en français.
On the night of August 14-15, 1944, the First Airborne Task Force, which included the U.S. 509th, 517th and 551st Parachute Infantry Regiments, jumped into enemy held territory spearheading Operation Dragoon, the Allied invasion of southern France. Based on interviews from all combatant units, battlefield archaeology, period photos, letters and reports, this book provides an outstandingly detailed hour-by-hour account of the advance through the French Riviera, as seen by those who lived through it, bringing to light the tragic and gruesome realities of what was later to become known as the "Champagne Campaign."
The project continues, and the author is always looking for more veterans (for oral history interviews), documents, photos, manuscripts and information regarding Operation Dragoon and the southern France landings of August 15th 1944. If you are a veteran or family member, please contact me at
Battlefield archaeology, oral and pictorial history, review of the archives
Jean-Loup Gassend is a medical doctor specializing in forensics. Over the past ten years he has extensively explored the battlefields of the French Riviera, recovering many lost artifacts as well as the bodies of missing soldiers. Jean-Loup Gassend has French and Canadian citizenships, is fluent in both English and French, and has working knowledge of German, which enabled him to discover many previously unexplored sources for the writing of this book.
Jean-Loup Gassend is always seeking for veterans, manuscripts, photos, information and documents about the war on the French Riviera, the First Airborne Task Force and Reserve Division 148. If you are the relative of a soldier involved in the invasion of southern France, please contact the author at:
La Libération de la Côte d'Azur. Août-septembre 1944. Opération Dragoon.
Alors que la Bataille de Normandie prend fin et que la Libération de Paris n'est plus qu'une question de jours, les Alliés ouvrent, le 15 août 1944, un second front dans le sud de la France. Tandis que des commandos français débarquent sur la côte provençal et escaladent les falaises de la calanque des Deux Frères, que la Devil's Brigade de la First Special Service Force s'empare des Iles de Port Cros et du Levant, cinq mille parachutistes de la First Airborne Task Force sautent à l'intérieur des terres près de Draguignan. L'Opération Dragoon vient de commencer...
Face aux forces alliés une seule division allemande: la 148.Reserve-Division. Hétéroclite, composée de jeunes soldats souvent peu expérimentés, d'éléments polonais, slovènes, ou tchèques souvent peu motivés, elle résistera parfois avec acharnement et conduira une retraite ordonnée sous les ordres du Generalleutnant Otto Fretter-Pico.
Cette opération est pour la première fois étudiée en profondeur et sur toute sa durée. Sous la plume de Jean-Loup Gassend nous suivons jour par jour, heure par heure, et village par village, la progression des troupes alliées à travers les paysages de Provence jusqu'à la frontière Italienne.
Avec une grande rigueur et un souci du détail frappant, l'auteur pose le décor des combats puis, et c'est la richesse de cet ouvrage, donne la parole aux acteurs. Ces témoignages d'anciens combattants de tous bords ou d'habitants de la région apportent à cet ouvrage une humanité, une émotion rare. Parachutistes Américains, marins français, résistants, soldats allemands ou simples civils, chacun livre ici ses souvenirs, sa vérité. La guerre et le combat y sont décrits avec une précision cruelle, mais aussi avec pudeur et sensibilité.
Médecin légiste et archéologue amateur, l'auteur fait également parler la terre de Provence. Investiguant sur le terrain, il exhume des terres rouges de l'Estérel les témoignages émouvants de ceux qui ont donné leur vie. Il a ainsi souvent permis l'identification de combattants depuis longtemps portés disparus.
Doté d'une iconographie originale particulièrement riche cet ouvrage est un document exceptionnel sur cet épisode capital de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, souvent méconnu du grand public.
L'auteur de ce livre est toujours à la recherche de nouvelles informations et photos concernant les Alpes-Maritimes et le Var durant la seconde guerre mondiale, et peut être contacté à l’adresse suivante:
Pubication: juillet 2014
Editions Heimdal
ISBN: 9782840483533
Book features - Contenu du livre
-Dozens of firsthand accounts of paratroopers of the First Airborne Task Force (509th PIB, 517th PRCT, 551st PIB and 1st Special Service Force), most of them unpublished.
-Detailed day by day reconstruction of the advance of the First Airborne Task Force through southern France between August 15th and September 7th 1944, using oral history, period letters and documents from Allied, French and German sources, veteran's memoirs and battlefield archaeology.
-Witness accounts from soldiers of the 141st Infantry Regiment, 442nd Antitank Company, 887th Airborne Engineer Company, 676th Medical Collecting Company, 602nd Pack Field Artillery Battalion, 65th Infantry Regiment (Porto Rican), 46th and 48th Quartermaster Graves Registration Companies and the Groupe Naval d'Assaut de Corse (French).
-Accounts from OSS operatives in southern France, Lt Walter Willard Taylor and Captain Geoffrey Jones.
-Des dizaines de témoignages de parachutistes de la First Airborne Task Force, dont la plupart sont inédits.
-Reconstitution jour par jour de l'avancée de la First Airborne Task Force à travers l'est du Var et les Alpes Maritimes entre le 15 août et le 7 septembre 1944, basé sur des récits de témoins, des documents d'époque alliés, français et allemands, et des fouilles sur les lieux des combats.
-Overview of the German Occupation period on the French Riviera.
-Overview of the Allied 1st Airborne Task Force parachute and glider operations (Operation Dove) of August 15th 1944 in the le Muy and Draguignan area.
-In depth descriptions of the battles and events that occurred between August 15th and September 7th 1944 in Anthéor, Antibes, Beausoleil, Biot, Cannes, Callian, Col de Braus, la Colle sur Loup, Fayence, Grasse, Levens, Nice, Mandelieu la Napoule, Menton, Montauroux, Peille, Peymeinade, la Roquette sur Siagne, la Roquette sur Var, Seillans, St Cézaire sur Siagne, St Laurent du Var, St Martin du Var, St Tropez, St Vallier de Thiey, Tanneron, Théoule sur Mer, Touët de l'Escarène, Toudon, Tourette du Château, Tourrettes, la Turbie, Valbonne, Vence, Villefranche sur Mer, and Villeneuve-Loubet.
-Résumé de l'histoire de l'Occupation de la Côte d'Azur.
-Résumé des opérations aéroportés du 15 août 1944 dans la région du Muy et de Draguignan.
-Description détaillée de la libération des lieux suivants: Anthéor, Antibes, Beausoleil, Biot, Cannes, Callian, Col de Braus, la Colle sur Loup, Fayence, Grasse, Levens, Nice, Mandelieu la Napoule, Menton, Montauroux, Peille, Peymeinade, la Roquette sur Siagne, la Roquette sur Var, Seillans, St Cézaire sur Siagne, St Laurent du Var, St Martin du Var, St Tropez, St Vallier de Thiey, Tanneron, Théoule sur Mer, Touët de l'Escarène, Toudon, Tourette du Château, Tourrettes, la Turbie, Valbonne, Vence, Villefranche sur Mer, and Villeneuve-Loubet.
-Detailed description of the landing of the Groupe Naval d'Assaut de Corse and of the 141st Infantry Regiment in Anthéor (Blue Beach) and Théoule sur Mer on August 15th 1944.
-The sinking of LST-282.
-Description détaillée des opérations de débarquement du Groupe Naval d'Assaut de Corse et du 141st Infantry Regiment à Anthéor et à Théoule sur Mer le 15 août 1944.
-In depth information about German Reserve Division 148, and firsthand accounts from several soldiers of the division.
-Dozens of unpublished photos of German soldiers on the French Riviera.
-Before and after photos taken in the same locations in 1944 and nowadays.
-Citations and background information on how two Knight's Crosses were earned during the fighting on the French Riviera.
-Description détaillée de la Reserve Division 148, et témoignages de plusieurs soldats allemands de cette division.
-Des dizaines de photos inédites de soldats allemands sur la Côte d'Azur.
-In depth information about the French Resistance and the maquis in the Nice area.
-Dozens of firsthand accounts of resistance members (8ième and 27ème Compagnies FTPF, Groupe Morgan, Groupe Hochcorn, Combat, Organisation de Résistance de l'Armée, etc).
-Description détaillée de la vie dans le maquis dans l'arrière pays niçois.
-Des dizaines de témoignages de résistants et maquisards (8ième and 27ème Compagnies FTPF, Groupe Morgan, Groupe Hochcorn, Combat, Organisation de Résistance de l'Armée, etc).
-Numerous photos of military relics recovered from the battlefield.
-De nombreuses photos de reliques retrouvée sur les lieux des combats.
-Personal stories and photos of dozens of American, Canadian and German (including many Silesian and Czech) soldiers who were killed during the Allied advance through the French Riviera.
-Des photos de dizaines de soldats Américains, Canadiens et Allemands ayant été tués durant les combats sur la Côte d'Azur.
-Battlefield archaeology investigation reports concerning the areas where the encounters described in the book took place.
-Des rapports de fouilles réalisés sur les lieux des combats décrits dans le livre.
-Detailed Allied, German and French casualty lists at the end of each chapter.
-Complete casualty list of all First Airborne Task Force soldiers killed in southern France.
-Complete casualty list of all the German soldiers (Reserve Division 148 and Infanterie Division 34) killed in the Nice area during World War II.
-Critical comparison of numbers of killed mentioned in period documents, military reports and medal citations, to actual numbers of bodies recovered from the battlefields.
-A la fin de chaque chapitre, une liste nominative des pertes alliées, allemandes et françaises.
-Une liste complète de tous les soldats de la First Airborne Task Force ayant été tués dans le sud de la France.
-ATTENTION/ la liste complète de tous les soldats allemands ayant été tués dans les Alpes Maritimes et l'est du Var pendant la guerre n'est incluse que dans l'édition anglaise du livre.
-Detailed description of the little known work of the Graves Registration Companies on the French Riviera.
-Information about the funerary practices of the German and US armies, and about how local civilians disposed of bodies of killed soldiers.
-Des informations et photos sur le travail peu connu des compagnies funéraires américaines.
"This book is massive and I can't believe all the photos and detailed info the author has amassed in less than a decade of research. The published results of his inquest could easily have been the result of a lifetime of research. Few other author/researchers could have compiled this amount of information, if they gathered photos and info for a lifetime. The author is a doctor and his approach to WWII history is literally like that of an autopsy. He has found not only death reports and death photos of members of the German military and French Maquis, he has even recovered the remains of many forgotten victims of 1944 fighting, via battlefield archaeology. As such, this book is a grim and graphic reminder of the tragedy and human cost of war and perhaps such details are not for everyone. His approach however, is conducted from an angle close to my heart. The fact that he lives in the area where the events took place allow him to immerse himself in the people, villages and battlefields where the Dragoon invasion took place. Up until the last decade, this aspect of the ETO war had been largely overlooked and forgotten by history buffs. Since little was written about it, the events of Dragoon remained obscure, misunderstood and poorly documented. Now, with just the publication of two landmark books, Mike deTrez's 'First Airborne Task Force', a gigantic pictorial, loaded with vintage photos and color pics of artifacts, and now 'Autopsy of a Battle' by Jean Loup, readers interested in learning about this different world of combat can inform themselves with just the contents of these 2 definitive works. I personally love this book and am taking a long time, to work my way through it. I would recommend it, with the caveat that you need to know what you are getting-in to if you buy this book. This is real, gritty in your face history and it might prove to be more than you can handle or want to know. Is it a happy book? Heck no, don't open it expecting anything other than a detailed and honest accounting of the many tragic events that transpired as the Germans were forcibly driven from that region of France.
The word awesome is routinely over-used, to describe things in the 21st century, but this massive compendium does deserve that appellation. Taken as a whole, the research and presentation are impressive and overwhelming. It's 8 pounds of unadulterated history."
Mark Bando, 101st Airborne historian and author.
"The amount of detail & trivia is amazing, as well as mind numbing."
Keith Bickel.
"I finally received my copy of your book last Friday and I'm impressed by the finished product. It's the first book I've ever read that combines battlefield archeology, personal interviews, and historical documents and photographs to the extent you do. It's clearly written from the viewpoint of the soldiers who fought the war rather than the generals who commanded the armies. I also find the interactions between the soldiers and the local civilians interesting. Hope others enjoy it as much as I do."
Arland Schneider, relative of a 517th PIR casualty
Review by the Armor Modeling and Preservation Society:
"I just received my copy of Jean-Loup Gassend’s book, Operation Dragoon. I have only had time to skim through it, but all I can say is “Wow!” This is not a light collection of stories – this is the definitive book about Operation Dragoon. It is a huge book, with 500+ pages of incredible research by Jean-Loup. I have followed a couple of stories of Jean-Loup’s research over the years, and I know how detailed and careful he is in his research to uncover the true facts and to verify them. That is evident in this book. For every event, he has managed to locate first-hand accounts from multiple eyewitnesses with various viewpoints. He tells the story from the German, French, Canadian, British, and American soldiers and citizen sources, with collaboration from his own archeological investigations into documents and physical evidence. It will take me some time to make it through this book, but so far, I have enjoyed every page."
Ben Barrett, webmaster
"I just finished reading chapter 4 of your forthcoming book. I found it absolutely fascinating in many regards. The sheer chaos of war as evidenced by the unintentional parachute drops into these areas in the first place. The 'friendly fire,' the misinformation, the wretched brutality of human conflict- unfortunately these things never seem to change and are never truly counterbalanced by individual acts of heroism or plain decency."
Arthur Lee
"Thanks again for the honor you've given those who fought and returned home and those who lost their live there. I actually had tears in my eyes when I first looked at the size and quality of the book and opened it and began to read"
"(...) The book is written by a non-historian, Jean-Loup Gassend. He is actually a forensic physician from the French Riviera who grew up with stories of the fighting that occurred in his home region and became fascinated by them. He participated in attempts to locate and identify war dead from the region and eventually decided to write a book on what transpired there in August-September 1944.
Gassend created what can only be called a labor of love--and something really only possible by someone willing to spend years devoted to a project. The book is coffee table book sized, but not coffee table book thick. Rather, it is a massive tome, about 560 pages long (and weighting nearly 8 pounds).
Gassend did research in French, English, and German, laboriously writing veterans or their surviving relatives, or conducting interviews. He also did the same for French civilians. He also did extensive research in secondary sources and primary documents. Moreover, as a forensic physician, he also engaged in forensic battle research, analyzing casualties and the physical items found on them (in some cases, looking at casualties was the only way to establish that which German unit was in which place at which time). In other words, the subtitle "autopsy of a battle" is a more literal title than one would think. The level of research is impressive.
Gassend, probably wisely, decided to write his book mainly as an oral history, allowing participants (military, resistance, civilian) to tell the story themselves, for the most part. As a non-historian, this was probably the best way for him to go. The book is reasonably well-written (Gassend speaks/writes English), though Schiffer's copy-editors should have caught a few things.
The Riviera "campaign" was really nothing but small scale skirmishes, sometimes very small scale, with no truly big action at all. The largest single combat was when the French resistance rose up against the Germans in Nice. What this does is allow Gassend to treat each little skirmish, each little episode, as a treasure to explore and relate, from every perspective possible--American/Canadian, German, French resistance, French civilians.
Gassend's emphasis on casualties and deaths--in numbers that are meaningful as opposed to the vast deaths of the Bulge or Kursk or Iwo Jima--gives the book a special character. When a person dies here, it is a death, not a statistic. And we often find out exactly how that person died--war isn't pretty. This is something that really is missing from the overwhelming majority of military history works, but it is possible here because of the nature of the historical situation as well as Gassend's patient, loving dedication to detail.
I haven't read many World War II books like this one, I will certainly say. But it is a book worth reading, even though in the larger scheme of things, virtually none of the actions here mattered at all. Gassend shows us that sometimes it is not the larger scheme of things that we should be paying attention to."
Mark Pitcavage
Videos linked to some of the stories featured in Autopsy of a Battle can be viewed here:
-Killed soldier's photos returned:
Autopsy of a Battle can currently be bought on Amazon and elsewhere in both English and French:
Ein Buch als Friedenswerk
von Reinhold Steiml und Markus Salzeder Stammham/Waldkirchen | 16.01.2013
Wenn demnächst in Frankreich ein Buch erscheint, das die Gräuel des Weltkriegs und die sinnlosen Opfer auf allen Seiten der Fronten darstellt, dann ist darin auch ein Kapitel jenem Josef Fuchs gewidmet, der 1944 aus Stelzermühle bei Waldkirchen (Lkr. Freyung-Grafenau) zu den Waffen gerufen wurde – und der nie mehr zurückgekommen ist. Sein Bemühen, Zeitzeugen und deren Nachkommen zu finden, hat den jungen Autor des Werkes "Autopsy of a battle", Jean-Loup Gassend, seine Fühler auch nach Waldkirchen ausstrecken lassen. Dort ist er fündig geworden. Maria Krieger, die Nichte von Josef Fuchs, hat Jean-Loup Gassend bestens unterstützt.
Zum einen, um ihm mehr über ihren Onkel, seinen Weggang, die Situation damals im Bayerwald, den Schmerz daheim über den Tod des jungen Soldaten bei einem Einsatz in den französischen Seealpen zu berichten. Zum anderen aber auch im Bemühen, ihm Wege zu ebnen zu weiteren betagten Kriegsveteranen und auch Nachkommen, die von ähnlichen Schicksalen berichten konnten.
Maria Krieger, die seit den 1990er Jahren in Stammham wohnt, aber aus der Stelzermühle stammt, war ebenso wie ihr Mann so fasziniert von den Bemühungen des angehenden Mediziners aus Nizza, dass sie ihn nun sogar zusammen mit ihrem Gatten in Südfrankreich besucht hat.
A heartwarming tale from Villeneuve-Loubet
An 82-year-old American war veteran of the 517th Parachute Infantry Regiment made a memorable trip recently to Villeneuve-Loubet to retrieve the army helmet that he lost in Cormes 60 years ago during the Liberation of Provence in 1944. Marvin D Moles, accompanied by his daughter and son-in-law, was the guest of a young French-Canadian who had discovered the helmet five years ago in Cormes. Jean-Loup Gassend, 22, is passionate about World War II memorabilia and having discovered Marvin’s name on the helmet, he spent five years tracking him down through the local press in the United States to his home in Dublin, Virginia. They decided to meet up. Many of those living in Cormes had not forgotten the Americans’ role in their liberation from the German occupation, and turned out in force to witness the handover of the helmet. The war veteran received an equally warm reception in Sospel where he had spent three months in 1944.
Des soldats allemands exhumés sur la côte d'Azur
Publié le 25/10/2006 sur le site
Ils avaient participé aux combats qui avaient directement suivi le débarquement allié en Provence, le 15 août 1944. Les restes d'une quinzaine de soldats de la Wehrmacht ont été exhumés mercredi 18 octobre à Villeneuve-Loubet près de Nice (Alpes-Maritimes). Ils étaient tombés lors de la bataille de libération de la petite ville, le 26 août 1944 et reposaient à environ un mètre sous terre, dans un sous-bois à la sortie de la commune, sur la route de Grasse.
Jean-Loup Gassend, étudiant en médecine de 24 ans (mais passionné par l'histoire) avait pu localiser l'endroit où avaient été enterrés les soldats allemands grâce à des témoignages recueillis dans la localité : « Les corps ont été transportés dans ce bois, après les combats, par les villageois qui les ont enterrés », a expliqué l'étudiant, qui a informé l'association Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge (VDK) qui s'occupe de l'entretien des cimetières militaires allemands à travers le monde. L'institution allemande estime que 7 000 soldats allemands sont toujours portés disparus sur le territoire français mais la fosse de Villeneuve-Loubet constitue l'une des principales découvertes de ces dernières années.
Des ossements, des casques et des munitions ont pu être dégagées lors de ces fouilles. Mais ce sont surtout les cinq plaques d'identification déterrées qui pourraient permettre d'identifier avec certitude les victimes. Ces plaques ont été envoyées à Berlin pour être analysées. Les soldats retrouvés à Villeneuve-Loubet seront inhumés le 23 juin 2007 au cimetière militaire allemand de Berneuil, près de Saintes (Charente-Maritime).
A reference book
Autopsy of a Battle has been used as a reference in the following works:
-Groen Mike J., Marquez-Grant Nicholas, Janaway Rob. Forensic archaeology, a global perspective.
-Cross Robin. Operation Dragoon: the Allied liberation of southern France.
-Schott Richard L. The Jumping Doc in World War II: memoir of Captain Judson Chalkley, M.D., 551st PIB.
Author contact:
The author is always seeking for veterans, manuscripts, photos, information and documents about the First Airborne Task Force - 1st Airborne Task Force and the following units:
-First Special Service Force
-2nd Independent Parachute Brigade
-2nd Chemical Battalion
-3rd Ordinance Medium Maintenance Company
-4th Battalion Parachute Regiment
-5th Battalion (Scottish) Parachute Regiment
-6th Battalion (Welsh) Parachute Regiment
-40th Engineer Regiment
-46th Quartermaster Graves Registration Company
-48th Quartermaster Graves Registration Company
-51st Evacuation Hospital
-65th Infantry Regiment, Puerto Rican (Borinqueneers)
-83rd Chemical Battalion
-141st Infantry Regiment
-334th Quartermaster Airial Resupply
-460th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion
-463rd Parachute Field Artillery Battalion
-509th Parachute Infantry Regiment
-512th Signal Company
-517th Parachute Infantry Regiment
-550th Glider Infantry Battalion
-551st Parachute Infantry Battalion
-596th Parachute Combat Engineer Company
-638th Medical Clearing Company
-636th Tank Destroyer Battalion
-645th Tank Destroyer Battalion
-676th Medical Clearing Company
-887th Airborne Engineer Company
If you are the relative of a soldier of the First Airborne Task Force, particularly of one of those listed below, please contact the author at:
Marion L. Adams Pvt 35703699
Alton L. Allen Pvt
Glen H. Allen FLO T-060478
Lawrence L Alto FLO T-122096
Elmer J. Anderson Pvt
Robert C. Anderson Pvt
Joseph Andrews 2Lt O-396102
Henry / Heinrich Apperman 2Lt O-1320581 141st Infantry Regiment
John N. Apperson Maj O-301346 509th Parachute Infantry Battalion
Edward A. Armatta SSgt
James M. Arredonds Cpl 39251615
Marius Arzallier Sgt Chf Inf Col
Edgar R. Jr Attebery Sgt
James E Bagby 34 630 661
Al D. Baggett Pvt
William F. Baldwin T5
Melvin E. Barbeau Pvt
Ira Barnhurst Pvt
Clifford H. Bartow PFC 32894159
Roy E. Baze Capt O-377640
Stanley Jr Beatham Sgt 31044588
Arthur E. Beauchaine Sgt
Homer C. Beaver T4
Eugene Beckner T 4 37300492
Richard B. Bednarz Pvt
Edgar F. Beeman PFC 12174306
Arthur C. Begue Pvt 602nd Pack Field Artillery Battalion
Joseph Belanger Sgt 1st Special Service Force
Marvin C. Bell PFC 39280878
Orman G. Bell FLO T-122899
Harold E Bell Cox 7233802
William C. Benter Pvt 42039514
Clarence Bergeman PFC 36735915
Solomon Biblowitz SSgt
Lewis R. Billman T5 35392487
John E. Billstrom 2Lt O-672275
Joseph Henry Birtles Pvt 7380344
Charles P. Blair PFC
Joseph A. Blais Pvt
David G. Bloyd Pvt 15394397 509th Parachute Infantry Battalion
William F. Boggan PFC
Thomas Frederick Booley Bmb 1089541
Foster V. Bowden Pvt 39844505
Henri Braconnier Matl Can Groupe Naval d'Assaut de Corse
Samuel Braff Pvt 31371477 141st Infantry Regiment
Levi Brierley Pvt 5124358
Dan G Brogdon PFC 34680400
Vivian F. Brookshier PFC 37539693
Douglas Brown Cpl 33128397
Frank S. Jr Brown Pvt 31303343
Robert W. Brown PFC 39134894
Joseph L Buchanan Sgt 14017112 509th Parachute Infantry Battalion
Robert S. Buckley Pvt
Paul H. Buechler PFC 35044018
William Buk PFC 33602311
Gavin Pollock Burns Pvt 14350728
Francis N. Jr Burns Pvt
Don N. Burnside PFC
Ira J Butler Pvt
René Cacaud Qrt Mtr Mnvr
Ernest Calvert Lnc Cpl 14219293
Charles H. Camden Pvt
John J. Campbell Pvt
Frank Campos PFC
Elmer J. Carlson Pvt
Joseph Carvalho PFC 31371240
Joe Castanon PFC
Anthony S. Celli PFC 12160585
John F. Jr Chappell PFC 14068228
Charles Chesunas PFC 35267594 141st Infantry Regiment
Henry A. Ciner PFC
John W. Clark Pvt
Ernest R. Coffelt PFC 34734290
John G. Colflesh Sgt
James T. Collins PFC
Thomas Collinson Pvt 36561455
Hector H. Colo PFC 39566024 517th Parachute Infantry Regiment Hector Conception, North Bunker LA
Edward E. Conaway Pvt
Moffet C. Cook Pvt 38531177
William C. Cooper Cpl 33037842
Albert Corlou 2 Mtr Fsl Groupe Naval d'Assaut de Corse
Francis Edward Cox Pvt 7380951
Thomas J. Crane 1Sgt 33082489 509th Parachute Infantry Battalion
Oakley H. Crane SSgt 12138417
Oscar F Crevelling Sgt
James H. Crosby Pvt 6927574 509th Parachute Infantry Battalion
Lynwood W. Cross Pvt 34810300
Roderick S. Cross PFC 31005369
William C. Cutmore Pvt
Stanley E. Dainard Pvt C-4446 1st Special Service Force
Richard R. Daley PFC
Robert B David S Sgt
Roy W. David Sgt 19115661
Charles Reginald Davis Cpl 5825576
James M. Davis T4
Robert E. Davison Pvt 39312263
Albert T Dawson T 5
Jacques G.F. Debray 1er Bataillon de Choc Debray Jacques G. F.
Bernard J. DeCamilla Pvt
James W. Deming T5 12216229
William E. Dennis PFC 15115562
Vernon D. Dirkson Pvt 37546744 517th Parachute Infantry Regiment
Robert L. Dodson 1Lt O-2055900
Sigurd L. Dohner Pvt 32799176 509th Parachute Infantry Battalion
Anthony J Dorsa 1 Sgt
Carl H. Dorschel 1Lt 1046417
Pierre Dourous Matl Fsl Groupe Naval d'Assaut de Corse
Benjamin Dowie Pvt 6985362
John A. Jr Driscoll Pvt
Toney F. Duarte Pvt 39390568
Larry J. Ducote Pvt 38219760
Vernon E. Dunbar PFC
George H. IV Dunlap Pvt 34817527 141st Infantry Regiment
George E. Durham MSgt 6438339
Joseph A. Edgerly PFC
Thurman H. Edwards PFC 32483834
Perry I. Ellis Sgt 14062818
Wallace P. Englert Sgt
Albert J. Ernst Pvt 32829161
William E. Everett Pvt 34311768
Anthony Fabrick PFC 33622713
Charles S. Farrell PFC
Hubert J. Fiander 1Lt O-25745
Pierre Fichefeux 2 Mtr Mnvr Groupe Naval d'Assaut de Corse
Warren B. Fields Pvt 36566508
Daniel A. Fisher Cpl
Herbert E. Fisher Pvt 33120264
Cecil M. Fitzgerald PFC 34728951
Charles A. Flament PFC 31381513
John L. Florant Pvt
Leo L. Jr Flynn Pvt
Johnnie C Ford/Fort PFC
Albert S. Foster PFC 38038060
Robert George Fouracre Pvt 5194041
John Fouts Pvt 38470226
Harold M. Freeman 2Lt
Jack D Funk Pvt
Joseph Gabrus Sgt 12065045
Jesus M. Gallardo Cpl
Julius Garcia Pvt
George B. Gardner Sgt C-72766
William H. Gates Pvt 6939871
John E. Gaunce 1Sgt
Marvin N Gillman T 4
Jesse O. Goswick PFC 32890925 517th Parachute Infantry Regiment
Renaldo Granger Sgt M/65375
Louis F. Green PFC 38319548
Louis Green Cpl 32561973 from Emerson, NJ Millie, Fannie, Mary
Burton M. Gregory Pvt
Donald F. Griffin Pvt 16021254
William C. Griffitts Sgt 20801888 141st Infantry Regiment
Morrie Grodin SSgt
Robert R. Gruwell Pvt 39277657
Jacques Guidoni Qrt Mtr Can Groupe Naval d'Assaut de Corse
Henri Guilcher Matl Gbr Groupe Naval d'Assaut de Corse
Clarence N. Guynup Pvt
David B. Haight PFC
Leonard R. Haller Pvt 35750995 509th Parachute Infantry Battalion
J B Hampton PFC 34728088
Robert X. Hardin FLO T-120248
Robert R. Hathorn Pvt
John J. Hay Pvt 32728747 463rd Parachute Field Artillery Battalion
George P. Hemsworth PFC 10726224 509th Parachute Infantry Battalion
Lowell Jr. Henderson PFC
William B. Henderson PFC 37539693
Lawrence Hendrickson Cpl 37173336
Arthur J. Hessong PFC 33139154
John M Hill Pvt 13081489
Sayre Hillerson Pvt 33316110 141st Infantry Regiment
Ralph V. Hirales PFC 39847995
Walter M. Hofsommer Pvt
Carl O. Hosey PFC 35268193 141st Infantry Regiment
Robert M. Houck Pvt
Dudley W. Hudson SSgt 34606437
Felix J. Hughes Pvt 32651685
Allen H. Hulshier Pvt
Richard A. Jamme Cpl 39328656
Howard D. Jr Jaynes Sgt 16146056
FW Jenkins 36462841
William R Jenner Sjt
George W. Jensen PFC
Frederick M. John Pvt
Davy James Jones Pvt 14342324
Raymond L. Jones PFC 32243176
Chester B. Jozefski Pvt
Walter H. Jr Juve Pvt
Olav Kaastad Pvt 37309913 40th Engineer Regiment
Joseph J. Kaplar Pvt 33620898 509th Parachute Infantry Battalion
Frank J. Keefe Pvt 32522280 602nd Pack Field Artillery Battalion
John A. Kenna Pvt
Philip M. Kennamer PFC 38469985
William E. Kern FLO T-000806
Wilburn M. Kersey Pvt
Paul R. Kimball 2Lt O-531344
Albert J. Klausen PFC
Burl J. Knapp Cpl 36402694 509th Parachute Infantry Battalion
Harold L. Kobel Pvt 16089059 509th Parachute Infantry Battalion
Orrin F. Kuehl Pvt
LaVerne Jr LaBar Pvt 33359847
Walter L. Ladd T4 35470679 1st Special Service Force
Paul G. LaPorte Lt Canadian 1st Special Service Force
Robert J. Larkin Cox 6262561
Ralph E. LaValle FLO T-000813
William C. Lawson Pfc 37214203?
Horace F. Leaman FLO T-124242
Calvin R. Lee PFC
James E. Lee Pvt
Theodor N. Legg PFC
Joseph Legros PFC
Charles C. Lemen Pvt
Rudolph M Lencer Sgt 32274543
Louis P. Lesmeister SSgt 37203983 602nd Pack Field Artillery Battalion
Harold J. Lewis PFC
Billie E. Lewis PFC
Lewis N. Lindsey Pvt/Cpl? 14047256
Harry Linett Cpl 12079843
Daniel T. Lopez Pvt 32910141
Vestal R. Lucas Pvt 38419909
Albert V. Luksis PFC 509th Parachute Infantry Battalion
Arthur E. Lundquist PFC 32931782 509th Parachute Infantry Battalion
Arthur J. Lupone T4 32522351 602nd Pack Field Artillery Battalion
George R Lynch PFC 32981213
Rexford C. Mann Pvt B-137315
Gérard Marche Capt Corvette
Leonard Mathis Pvt 33525081
Kenneth R Mattice Sgt 32040289
Travis V. McDonald PFC 38343717
Theodore M. McDonald Pvt 36246219
Kenneth D. McDougall 2Lt
Richard M. McFarland FLO T-123849
Joseph T. McGeever Capt 517th Parachute Infantry Regiment
Paul R. McKee 1Lt O-1823909
Herbert B. McLamb PFC
Melvin W. McLey PFC
Willard E. Meek PFC 35593202
Harold D Metzger Cpl
Patrick L. Michaels Pvt
Georges Mignot Matl Fsl
Maurice J Miley 2Lt
Ralph R Jr Miller Capt 1283116
Robert J. Miller Sgt 39566866
Harold H. Miller Pvt
Walace A. Montgomery Pvt
Harry F. Moore 2Lt 0-1823915
Stanley W Moore Pvt 38468661 509th Parachute Infantry Battalion
James D. Moore 2Lt O-2055069
Harry J. Moore Pvt
Alfred Moore Pvt 35642441
Eric Arthur Morley Pvt 6299827
Thomas A. Naylor Pvt
Harry Newell Pvt 2152812
William E. Nichols PFC 34817628 141st Infantry Regiment
Eugene E. Obenrader PFC 33683835
Joseph E. O'Brien Pvt
Patrick O'Flaherty Pvt 5125846
Daniel L. Ogniewski PFC 32932175
Marvin R. Oliver PFC
Harry E Oliver 2Lt O-1320157
Clarence B. Olson PFC
Victor A. Osburn T5 Med 35209270
James J. Pacey PFC 35218224
Robert J. Painton Lt
Melvin R. Palmer Pvt
Anthony Paplatario 1Sgt
Leon W. Parks Pvt 32938245 551st Parachute Infantry Battalion
Eugene F. Patenaude T4
James Fairbairn Patterson Pvt 7264358
Rushton D. Peabody 1Lt 551st Parachute Infantry Battalion
Thomas W Pennebaker Pvt
Albert T Peterson SSgt 20232720
Adolph Petras T/Sgt 20803348 141st Infantry Regiment
John A. Pinciak Pvt
Alfred Jr Pipino Pvt 509th Parachute Infantry Battalion
John J. Polinsky Pvt
Paul Emile Maurice Pollender Pvt D 129989
Lee W. Polson T5 Med 34128576
Thomas C. Potenza Sgt B-137590
Leon V Potter Pfc
Sam L. Rader T4
Stanley E. Radon Pvt 6584895
Carl F Rash PFC 35552820
Carl R. Jr Ratajczak Pvt 33407875
Emmett J. Reed Pvt 35776745
Joseph J. Reginato Pvt 517th Parachute Infantry Regiment
George W Reid T 5
William Richards PFC
Julius J. Richmond Pvt 34610801
Howard L. Richmond Pvt
Arthur W. Ridler 1Lt O-454403
Arnold C Ridout SSgt 39132903 517th Parachute Infantry Regiment
Don A. Rigby Pvt
Albert M. Robinson 2Lt
Robert George Rodger Pvt 3129916
Herbert Rodgers Lnc Sjt 2937177
William A. Rogge PFC 20653122
Burnell Rose SSgt 34303847
Joe G. Rowe Pvt
Walter D. Jr Ruark Cpl
George P. Ruell Pfc 12153037
Charles J. Sadlo 2Lt
Richard Sailor Pvt 37020050
Carl G. Salmon Pvt
Ross Leroy Samuel Lt Canadian
Max W. Sanchez FLO T-121464
George J. Scecina Pvt
Floyd Stanley Schmidt Sgt Canadian
Mark E. Scott PFC
Harold D. Seegar Pvt
Ramon M. Sepulveda Pvt 36383866
Pierre Servel Ensgn Vaisseau
Rex D Sexton PFC 39386260
Alton L. Shaneyfelt T4 517th Parachute Infantry Regiment
George W. Sharpe 1Lt
Theodore R. Shearer Lt
Thomas L. Sheehan Pvt 42032916
Arthur E. Sherman Cpl 39571184
Harold I. Shumaker PFC 36121939
Alois J. Siewierski PFC
Eugene D. Jr Singley Pvt
Duane L. Smith 2Lt
David W. Smith Sgt
Willis H. Smith PFC
John A Staat Pvt 36653263 517th Parachute Infantry Regiment
Charles F. Stanford PFC 33039782
Hugh R. Starr T5 15012443
Preston Stephens FLO T-060452
Leonard Stevenson Pvt 5783995
Arthur Claude Firth Stewart Lt 108201
Joseph M. Stewart Cpl
Alton W. Strassburg PFC 32842298
William A Sutherland Sgt
Glenn W. Swank Pvt
Frank J. Sweetitz Franz Swetitsch Pvt 32767093 509th Parachute Infantry Battalion
Casimer W. Szczech T5
Jerome F. Tappen T5
Charles H. Tatro Pvt 31304642
Louis J. Tenute Pvt 37547430
Gwilym John Thomas Cpl 4202347
Hillard B. Thomas 2Lt
Raymond F. Thompson Pvt 34545137
Alfred G. Thompson FLO T-122745
William Thorng Pvt 6145127
James J. Tierno Pvt 33323297 1st Airborne Task Force
Gerald K. Tilney Sgt 35164966
Reidar Tobiassen Pvt 32335593
Joseph J. Tully Pvt 31237338
Joseph F. Van Ness Pvt 6273776 517th Parachute Infantry Regiment
Walter Vanderpool Pvt 517th Parachute Infantry Regiment
Charles E. Vickers T4
Ernest Waddle 2Lt
John L Walkmeister 20907209
Edward J. Jr Wall T4 32748680
James L. Walton Pvt 34673997
Lee M. Webb 1Lt O-1286934
James E. White Pvt 37549178 509th Parachute Infantry Battalion
Harley L. White T5
Jack Whitfield PFC
Henry Wikins Wikinski Pvt 33781304 596th Parachute Engineer Company
John Williams Cpl 4208945
Max G. Williams Cpl 34008807 551st Parachute Infantry Battalion
Willis A. Woodcock Pvt
William J. Wright Pvt 33572805
Stephen J. Wright Pvt
Alvin J. Yellowrobe PFC 39619427 551st Parachute Infantry Battalion
Joe E. York PFC 33436367 517th Parachute Infantry Regiment
Basil Yulo PFC
Joseph L. Zadlo PFC 33312244 509th Parachute Infantry Battalion
Lt William H. Crawford, FSSF, from Passaic NJ
Howard Knapp, 463rd PFAB
Thomas M Shaw, 463rd PFAB
Edward M Spath, 463rd PFAB
Joseph Vuchak, 463rd PFAB
Weldon Walker, 463rd PFAB
Thomas J Wolf, 463rd PFAB
Keywords: oral history, battlefield archeology, Operation Dragoon, Airborne, Reserve Division 148, First Airborne Task Force, Maritime Alps, WWII, French Riviera. Histoire orale, archéologie de confit.
Author contact:
The project continues, and the author is always looking for more veterans (for oral history interviews), documents, photos, manuscripts and information regarding Operation Dragoon and the southern France landings of August 15th 1944. If you are a veteran or family member, please contact me at
Chapter 1: The Occupation of the Maritime Alps
An Introduction to the Geography of the Maritime Alps
A Brief history of the Maritime Alps in World War II
Reserve Division 148
Order of Battle of Reserve Division 148
The Soldiers of Reserve Division 148
Air Raids
The French Resistance
German Casualties During the Occupation
The Gestapo
The Civilians
Snow White
Chapter 2: The French Resistance
Brief Introduction to the French Resistance
Joining the Resistance
Life in the Maquis
Maquis Actions
Assassinations and Executions
Large-Scale Military Operations
Chapter 3: The Operation Dragoon Parachute Drops
Operation Dragoon
The First Airborne Task Force
History of Units of Interest
517th Parachute Regimental Combat Team
509th Parachute Infantry Battalion
551st Parachute Infantry Battalion
Glider units
141st Infantry Regiment
Groupe Naval d’Assaut de Corse
First Special Service Force
Quality of the Allied Units
The Parachute Drops of August 15, 1944
The Landing as Seen by the Germans
The Glider Landings
Saint Tropez
Casualties of the Dragoon Airborne Operation
Collector’s Corner
Chapter 4: The Unintentional Parachute Drops in the Fayence and Montauroux Region
The Road Network Connecting the Var to the Maritime Alps
Introduction to the Fayence-Montauroux Area
Reserve Division 148’s Reaction to the Invasion
A Landing Far Away from the Drop Zone
The Ambulance Ambush
The Colle Noir Ambush
Callian Battlefield Investigation
St Vallier de Thiey Battlefield Investigation
La Roche in Fayence
No Man’s Land
Reoccupation by the Germans
The Montauroux Ambush
The Recapture of the Fayence-Montauroux Area by the Americans
Office of Strategic Services Actions at la Roche
The Casualties
Chapter 5: Pathfinders and Forcemen in Tanneron
The Pathfinders of the 509th PIR
The Wounding of Lieutenant Wright
Tanneron Battlefield Investigation
Aftermath of the Liberation
Chapter 6: The Landings in the Estérel Mountains and the Battles for la Napoule and Cannes
Geography of the Region
The Groupe Naval d’Assault de Corse
The Landing in the Anthéor Cove
The Advance East Towards Cannes
The Sinking of Landing Ship Tank 282
The Fighting Outside la Napoule
Estérel Mountains Battlefield Investigation
Friendly Fire Incident near le Tremblant August 20, 1944
The Fighting at la Napoule as Seen from the German Side
The First Airborne Task Force Takes Over the Front
The German Defenses at la Napoule
The Attack of Hill 84 by the 509th Parachute Infantry Battalion
The Capture of Hill 131 and of the Village of la Napoule
The 551st Parachute Infantry Battalion at Hill 105
The Advance to Cannes
Mougins Battlefield Investigation
Entry into Cannes
The Casualties
Chapter 7: Resistance Activities in the Cannes Region
The Liberation of the Prisoners of the Groupe Naval d’Assaut de Corse
The Villa Montfleury Massacre
The Surrender of Polish Soldiers
Daily Life Between the Landing and the Liberation
The Death of Unteroffizier Karl Häusig
The German Withdrawal from Cannes and Antibes
A Word of Caution
Chapter 8: The Capture of Saint Cézaire sur Siagne
The Night of the Landing
Occupation by the Germans
Office of Strategic Services Action at Saint Cézaire
The Battle for St Cézaire
The Aftermath of the Battle
The American Dead
The German Prisoner of War
The Burial of the German Dead
The Shaving of Women
Ferdinand Koblas and the Leftover Mines
The Siagne Front as Seen by the Commander of Reserve Grenadier Bataillon 7
Chapter 9: The Liberation of Grasse and its Region
Guiding the Allies
Crossing the Siagne
Artillery Duel at Peymeinade
The Liberation of Grasse
Advancing to the Loup River
The 517th Parachute Infantry Regiment’s advance to the Var River
Chapter 10: Crossing the Loup River at Villeneuve-Loubet and La Colle sur Loup
Advancing to the Loup River
August 25, 1944, at Villeneuve-Loubet and la Colle sur Loup
The Attack on Villeneuve-Loubet During the Night of August 25th to 26th
The Capture of the Château de Villeneuve
The Capture of the Village of Villeneuve-Loubet
The German Counterattacks at Villeneuve-Loubet
The Liberation of la Colle sur Loup
The German Soldiers of Reserve Grenadier Bataillon 372 at Villeneuve-Loubet and la Colle sur Loup
The Aftermath of the Fighting in Villeneuve-Loubet
The German Dead at Villeneuve-Loubet
Villeneuve-Loubet Battlefield Investigation: the Exhumation of the Mass Grave of German Soldiers
Grenadier Alois Wühr
The Bunker on the Route Nationale 7 at Villeneuve-Loubet Plage
Chapter 11: The Advance to the Var River
The Liberation of Cagnes sur Mer and Saint Laurent du Var
The Liberation of St Paul de Vence
The Liberation of Vence
Chapter 12: The Battles for Levens and La Roquette sur Var
The Death of Commander Gérôme
The Occupation of St Martin du Var and of the Levens Region by the Resistance
Sapin’s Patrol to Plan du Var
On the Western Bank of the Var River
The Germans Counterattack at Levens
The Germans Recapture Levens
The Germans Capture la Roquette sur Var
The Resistance Counterattacks Levens
First to the Var River
The 517th Parachute Infantry Regiment Attacks la Roquette sur Var
The German Dead in la Roquette sur Var
La Roquette sur Var Battlefield Investigation
Demining the Var River
Chapter 13: The Resistance Rises up in Nice
The Ariane Massacre
A Volatile Climate
The Start of the Insurrection
The Prefecture
The Level Crossing
The Death of Lieutenant Wilhelm Hansen
Telephone Games
The Capture of Oberstleutnant Hans Niedlich
The Insurrection Spreads
Urban Warfare in Nice
The Germans Evacuate Nice
The Execution of Civilians in Menton
The Casualties of the Nice Insurrection
The Arrival of the Americans
Chapter 14: In Resistance Controlled Territory
Tourette du Chateau
Chapter 15: Advancing to the Mountains at the Italian Border
The Peille Insurrection
The Allied Advance from August 31 to September 7, 1944
The 551st Parachute Infantry Battalion’s Patrol to la Turbie.
Monaco and its Surroundings
The Mont Agel Fort and the Final Advance to Menton
The Allied Advance Towards Turini
The Advance to Col de Braus
Too Much to Bear
Chapter 16: Conclusion and a Few More Stories
Conclusion about the Allied Advance from August 15 to September 7, 1944
A Few More Stories
“What can I say?”
The German Sniper at Col de Braus
Hill 1098
Friendly Fire
The Champagne Campaign
Patroling at Peira Cava
A Single Death on the Battlefield
The Fate of the Wounded
Where Have all the Flowers gone?
Index of units
1st Special Service Force, mainly chapters 3, 5, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16
2nd Chemical Battalion, 66, 287, 419, 420
2nd Independent Parachute Brigade, 65, 66, 69, 103, 149
5th Scottish Battalion, 65, 103, 124
8th FTPF Company, mainly chapters 2, 12
7 Reserve Grenadier Bataillon, 18, 42, 246, 249, 257, 262, 433, 436, 437
8 Reserve Artillerie Regiment, 18, 146, 147, 151, 152, 401, 402
8 Reserve Grenadier Regiment, 18, 53, 129, 134, 168, 391-393, 397, 398
8 Reserve Pionier Bataillon, 18, 20, 340, 469
11th Evacuation Hospital, 204, 488
14 Festung Pionier Bataillon, 41, 237
22.U.Jagdflottille, 184, 185
23 Flugmelde-Funk-Kompanie zbV, 120, 121
27th FTPF Company, mainly chapters 2, 12
28 Reserve Jäger Bataillon, 18, 23, 61-64, 102, chapter 6, 393, 450, 455, 456
34 Infanterie Division, 449, 456, 461, 469, 471, 472, 477, 486, 487
36th Infantry Division, 65-67, 160, 180, 202, 203, 246, 489, 491
36th Field Artillery Battalion, 166
36th General Hospital, 171
40th Engineer Regiment, 331, 332, 488
46th Quartermaster Graves Registration Company, 491-494
48th Quartermaster Graves Registration Company, 172, 491-494
51st Evacuation Hospital, 85, 332, 488
65th Infantry Regiment, 486, 487
80 Grenadier Regiment, 456, 471, 472
83rd Chemical Battalion, 66
107 Grenadier Regiment, 477-479
141st Infantry Regiment, mainly chapters 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 16
148 Division Füsilier Bataillon, 18, 23, 180
148 Feldhelblazarett (St Vallier Hosital), 18, 109, 115, 117, 186
148 Feld Ersatz Bataillon, 17, 363, 403
148 Reserve Division, all chapters
164 Reserve Grenadier Bataillon, 18-20, 22, 23, 26, 28, 32, 33, 151, 180, 182, 183, 325, chapter 12, 397, 408, 449
239 Reserve Grenadier Regiment, 18, 282, 290, 304, 313, 393, 398
242 Reserve Division, 74, 161
307 Torpedoboots Flotille TA, 34
327 Reserve Grenadier Bataillon, 18, 63, 64, 102, 111-117, 136, 139, 140, 146, 239, 262, 297, 305, 327, 398, 403
372 Reserve Grenadier Bataillon, 17, 18, 24, 25, 38, 39, 77, 102, 111, 113, 116, 129, 143, chapter 10, 414
391 Flak Abteilung, 27, 181, 186, 266, 272
442nd Anti-Tank Company, 66, 67, 82, 84, 447, 448, 464
444 Reserve Grenadier Bataillon, 18, 102, 146, 147, 168, 175, 182, 217, 224, 229, 327
460th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion, 65, 66, 75, 98, 140, 250, 252, 363, 371, 457, 474
463rd Parachute Field Artillery Battalion, 65, 66, 84, 88, 198, 213, 215, 224, 227, 474
509th Parachute Infantry Battalion, mainly chapters 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16
512th Airborne Signal Company, 66, 304, 473
517th Parachute Infantry Regiment, mainly chapters 3, 4, 8, 9, 12, 15, 16
550th Glider Infantry Battalion, 66, 67, 69
551st Parachute Infantry Battalion, mainly chapters 3, 6, 13, 15, 16
596th Parachute Combat Engineer Company, 65, 66, 71, 92, 384, 385, 451, 473
602nd Pack Field Artillery Battalion, 66, 67, 79, 80, 82, 84, 275, 276, 287, 295, 419, 433, 443, 444, 446, 464, 473, 475
636th Tank Destroyer Battalion, 128, 133-135, 473
638th Medical Clearing Company, 487
645th Tank Destroyer Battalion, 149, 220, 221, 223, 324
661 Ost Bataillon, 17, 18, 24, 26, 156, 161, 164, 165, 168, 170, 175-177, 224, 229, 398
676th Medical Collecting Company, 66, 83, 487, 488
800 Feldkommandantur, 76, 77
875 Flak Bataillon, 392
887th Airborne Engineer Company, 66, 294-296, 322, 438, 445
932 Grenadier Regiment, 95, 96, 425, 427, 428
937th Field Artillery Battalion, 133, 287
994 Feldkommandantur, 388, 408
1038 Heeres Pack Abteilung, 425
Compagnie Lorrain, 337, 338
Groupe Charly, 346
Groupe Combat, 340, 342, 358, 359
Groupe Hochcorn, 422, 441
Groupe Morgan, 46, 47, 61, 62, 345, 346, 358, 359, 422, 447
Groupe Naval d’Assaut de Corse, 66, 67, 156-160, 169, 224, 227-229, 463, 464
Groupe Tartane, 44, 231, 264, 270, 288, 303, 357, 358, 394
Hako Nizza, 397
Kessler Regiment, 19, 262
Maquis de l’Ongrand, 431, 432
Office of Strategic Services (OSS), 128, 138-140, 143, 245-247
Organisation de Résistance de l’Armée (ORA), 47, 62, 63, 337, 447
General index
84, Hill, chapter 6
1098, Hill, chapters 15, 16
Adrets, les, 189, 224, 226
Agay, 11, 18, 26, 156, 160, 161, 164, 224, 225, 227, 234, 463, 489
Agel, Mont, 262, 396, 431, 432, 439-442
Allos, Col d’, 23
Anthéor, 26, 67, 154, 160-165, 169, 224, 225, 227
Antibes, mainly chapters 1, 6, 7, 10
Ariane, l’, 50, 386-389, 421, 431
Arpasse, chapter 12
Ascros, 51
Aspre de Redon, 283-286, 289
Aspremont, 335-338, 360, 385, 391
Atlantide Hotel, 31
Auribeau, 147, 228, 235, 238
Authion, 449, 463
Bagnols en Forêt, 128, 133, 134, 178
Bancairon, 337, 422
Baou Roux, 53
Baou Trouca, 286, 289, 291, 293, 294
Baraquements, 448
Bargemont, 45
Barla, Rue, 404, 409, 413-415
Baronne, la, 342
Beaulieu, 18, 19, 411, 439, 444
Beausoleil, 439, 440, 475, 476
Beauvezer, 53
Bedford Hotel, 19
Bellanda, Rue, 18, 186
Belluny, 146
Belvédère, 449
Beuille, 47, 339
Bézaudun, 52, 277, 363
Biot, 221, 224, 225, 240-242, 276, 321, 327, 328, 333, 401, 474
Black Shirts, 405, 411-413
Bloody Stump, 465-469
Bocca, la, 23, 30, 49, 212, 220, 228, 233, 235
Bollène Vésubie, la, 335, 448
Bonson, 350, 377
Borigaille, 137
Bouyon, 51, 340, 341, 371
Brague river, 227, 240-242, 282, 318-321
Bramafan, 38
Braus, Caire de, 458-461
Braus, Col de, 189, 277, 396, 397, chapters 15, 16
Breil sur Roya, 189, 396, 397, 408, 461, 480
Breques d’Utelle, 53, 60
Broc, le, 277, 340, 342, 363, 365-368
Cagnes sur Mer, 18, 27, 32, 231, chapters 10, 11, 400
Callian, 45, chapter 4, 178, 246, 250, 261, 473, 474, 496
Camiole, 101, 102, 117, 130, 133, 143
Canjuers, 45
Cannes, mainly chapters 1, 2, 6, 7
Cap d’Ail, 189, 439, 440
Cap Ferrat, 19-21, 285, 410, 411, 488
Carros, 277, 324, 340-343, 363, 385, 423, 441
Castelet, château du, 51
Castellar, 445, 446
Castillon, 302, 443, 445, 450, 455, 470, 473
Caucade cemetery, mainly chapters 1, 2, 6, 13
Cavendish Hotel, 34
Cessol boulevard, 391, 392, 398, 405-407, 410
Charles Albert Bridge, 50, chapter 12
Chaudan, le, 37, 340
Cimiez, 18, 185-187, 227, 327, 344, 346, 424
Cireuil, 285, 286
Clapière, la, 341, 342
Claviers, 45, 47, 48, 60, 105, 122
Colle Noire, chapter 4
Colle sur Loup, la, 276, chapter 10
Colomars, 336, 391
Colombe d’Or Hotel, 304, 389
Contes, 349, 397, 453
Courmes, 277-280
Coursegoules, 52, 277-281, 330, 333, 343
Cros de Cagnes, 18
Digne, 63, 78, 335
Distinguished Service Cross, 140, 215, 220, 294, 299
Draguignan, mainly chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 16
Drancy, 34
Drap, 414, 415, 443, 444, 488
Duranus, 53, 349, 350, 359, 360, 362
Eclaireur, l’, 388-390, 392
Ecole Normale, 20
Emil Bertin, 439
Ergot, l’, 37, 231, 335, 337, 347, 386, 411, 412
Escarène, l, 397, 451-457, 460
Esquillon, Pointe de l’, 67, 156-160
Estérel, mainly chapters 1, 5, 6, 7
Estoc, Pont de, 122, 123
Excelsior Hotel, 36, 37, 386
Eze, 187, 410, 413-415, 437
Fabron, 22, 183, 407-409, 413
Fayence, mainly chapters 2, 4, 8
Férion, chapter 12
Fréjus, 101, 102, 139, 156, 175, 179, 180, 212, 235, 340, 357, 358
Galibier, Col, 23
Gallia Hotel, 34
Gambetta Boulevard, 60, chapter 13
Garoupe, 184, 185
Gattières, 50, 61, 62, 340-342, 363, 401
Gaude, la, 326, 333, 342
Genoa, 33, 34, 247, 449
Gestapo, chapters 1, 2, 110, 229-233, 243, 259, 275, 339, 386, 388, 390, 404, 408, 421
Gilette, 49
Golf Juan, 16, 185, 227
Goliath tank, 212, 319-322
Gourdon, 189, 330, 423-425
Granges de la Brasque, 47
Grasse, mainly chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Gréolières, 423, 424
Guillaumes, 43, 62-64
Hyers, 60
Isola, 449, 450
Jew, 15, 33-37, 43, 46, 50, 51, 60, 92, 179, 259, 354, 476
Knight’s Cross, 464, 465, 472
Lantosque, 422, 447, 463
Lavina, Tête de la, 455, 461, 462, 469
Lérins islands, 18, 30, 173, 184, 185
Levens, mainly chapters 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
Logis du Pin, 425
Loup river, 32, 189, 219, 227, chapters 7, 9, 10, 11
LST 281, 165-168
Lucéram, 454, 455, 461, 469
Madone, Col de la, 432, 444, 445
Malaussène, 46
Malvan, 328, 333
Manda, la, 50, 61, 363
Mandelieu, mainly chapters 6, 7
Mardaric, 308
Marjories, les, 146, 149
Massena Lycée, 343
Massena Place, 393, 397-399, 404, 419, 420
Mayen, Impasse, 411, 412
Menton, mainly chapters 1, 13, 15, 16
Méras, Mont, 460, 461
Mitant, le, 67, 84
Monaco, 39-41, 118, 119, 183, 184, 246, 397, 405, 408, chapter 15, 16
Mons, 60, chapter 4, 246, 257, 264
Montauroux, mainly chapter 3, 4, 5, 8
Monte Carlo, see Monaco
Montfleury, 35, 64, 229-233, 386
Mortola, 18
Motte, la, 76, 83, 84, 92, 94, 107, 111
Mougins, 18, 30, 49, 102, 197, 217-219, 222, 224, 276
Moulinet, 397, 480, 481
Moutette, la, 52
Muy, le, mainly chapters 3, 4, 5, 6
Napoule, la, mainly chapters 6, 7
Negresco Hotel, 476
Nice, mainly chapters 1, 2, 13
Paradis Street, 34
Parti Populaire Français, 33, 34, 230-233, 390, 392
Pasteur, 50, 390, 413, 451
Pegomas, 146, 147, 224-229
Peille, 430-433, 438, 443, 444
Peillon, 432
Peira Cava, 432, 455, 461, chapter 16
Petit Niçois, 389, 390
Peymeinade, 113, chapter 9, 282, 453
Pibonson, 217
Pin, Tête du, 477-479
Plan du Var, 37, chapter 12
Plan Sarrain, 226, 238, 239
Pont du Loup, 38, 277, 278, 281, 282, 322
Puget le Muy, 425
Puget-Théniers, chapter 12, 14, 440
Reichsdeutsch, 22, 429
Roche, la, chapter 4
Roquebrune, 92, 397, 411, 440-443
Roquefort les Pins, 276, 284, 287, 288
Roquette sur Siagne, la, 224
Roquette sur Var, la, 22, 50, chapter 12
San Peyre, 198, 212
Scandéious, Mont, 461
Seillans, chapter 4
Sospel, 18, 62, 262, 394, 396, 397, chapters 15, 16
St Agnès, 443, 444
St Antoine, 414, 415
St Basile, 23
St Blaise, 337, 338, 343, 345
St Cézaire, mainly chapters 4, 8
St Claire, 343-346, 359, 360
St Jeannet, 50-52, 61, 189, 327, 342
St Julien du Verdon, 61, 63, 389
St Laurent du Touët, 37
St Laurent du Var, mainly chapters 1, 11, 13
St Marc, 266, 269
St Martin du Var, mainly chapters 1, 12
St Martin Vésubie, 44, 45, 335, 337, 361, 422, 423
St Maurice, 414, 415
St Paul en Forêt, 134
St Paul de Vence, mainly chapters 10, 11
St Pierre de Féric, 401-403
St Roch, 29, 36, chapter 13
St Roseline, Chateau, 74
St Sauveur, 353, 354
St Sylvestre, 20
St Tropez, 70, 84-89, 92, 96, 102, 145, 200, 220, 295, 337
St Vallier de Thiey, 18, 109, 110, 115, 117-120, 186, 189, 246, 262, 281, 316, 422, 423
Tanneron, 22, 143, chapter 5, 181, 188, 196, 220, 229, 234, 235, 487
Théoule, 18, 26, 30, 67, chapter 6, 228, 235, 415, 463, 491
Thorame Basse, 63
Thorenc, 264, 357, 425, 429, 463
Tignet, le, 103, 264-267
Toudon, 11, 188, 425-428
Touët de l’Escarène, 37, 450-454, 457, 458
Tourette du Château, 425-429, 463
Tournon, 111
Tourrette sur Loup, 303, 304, 322, 330
Tourrette-Levens, 335, 343, 349
Tourrettes, chapter 4
Trayas, le, 156, 157, 170-172, 226
Tremblant, le, 168, 169, 171, 178-180, 188, 189, 202, 209-212, 473
Trinité, la, 18, 397, 434
Turbie, la, 189, 396, 431-441, 475
Turini, 11, 396, 430, 433, 447-450, 463, 489
Valauris, 224
Valbonne, 186, 224, 227, 275-277, 324
Vanade, la, 288, 289
Var bridge, 19, 20, 26-28, 30, 180, 306, 357, 408
Vence, 18, 23, 36, 180, 231, 264, chapters 10, 11, 340, 363, 423, 424, 450, 488, 496
Ventabren, Cime de, 455, 469
Ventimiglia, 247, 405, 443
Verdon, 53, 78
Verrerie, la, 149-154
Vésubie, 47, 335, 337, 338, 340, 350, 357, 441
Villa Fabron, 22, 183
Villa Montana, 19, 20
Villefranche, 20, 23, 409-411, 414
Villeneuve-Loubet, 8, 11, 27, 31, 39, 61, 240, 241, 277, chapter 10, 324, 326, 414
Volksdeutschen, 22, 429
Volksliste, 17, 22, 382
Westminster Hotel, 339
Index of people
Abonnel Gabriel, 325, 541
Acchiardi César, 320
Achatz Mtr.Ogefr, 186
Adèle Tata, 286
Adenauer Konrad, 379
Affleck Jack, 209
Agnese Alfred, 354, 540
Aguillon Charles, 356
Aguillon Clément, 352
Aicardi, 318, 319, 321
Aikman Jim, 203, 204
Akehurst Jake Col., 418, 419
Alary Roger, 146, 149, 153
Albert Marius, 242
Albertini Capitaine, 46, 346
Albertini Jean, 231
Albi Lucien, 228
Albin Raymond, 409, 413, 541
Albritton Emory, 208, 209
Alentchenko Eugene, 413, 541
Alice the Blonde, 31
Allen Alton, 485, 508
Allen Glen H, 90
Alto Lawrence L, 90
Alziari Félix, 426
Ammer Alfred, 225, 237, 521
Ammermon Walter, 253
Anchisi Boris, 291,
Anderson Donald, 203, 433, 434, 436
Anderson Elmer J, 90, 504
Andreossetti, 159
Andrews Joseph, 90
Antoinette Princess, 41
Antoniucci René, 345, 346, 349, 540
Apperman Henry-Heinrich Lt., 179, 180, 473, 501
Apperson John N. Maj., 198, 199, 200, 201, 220, 502, 505
Archer Clark, 74, 376, 458, 469
Ardisson Marcel, 440, 540
Ardisson Marcelle, 245, 256
Ardouin, 289
Aréna Joseph, 408, 413, 541
Armstad, 144
Arndt Uffz, 217
Arness James, 209
Arredonds James M, 460, 503, 506
Arrigo Guerci, 450, 540
Arterburn Nello, 251
Arzallier Marius, 158, 160, 500
Arzoumanian Arisdakesse, 413, 541
Astier Maurice, 123, 141, 540
Athey Edward Lt., 83,
Atwell Rex, 455, 456
Auboyneau ORIC, 156, 157, 159
Audibert Pierre, 123
Augier Remi, 149
Aurmer Kurt, 225, 521
Autheman Jean, 407, 413, 541
Autran Albert, 123
Bacle FFI, 338
Bagan Frank J., 481
Bagby Carl, 203
Bahns Johannes, 141, 511
Bail Ignatius, 457
Bailet Joseph, 350, 540
Bailey, 86, 128, 462
Baille Raymond, 424, 540
Bakawaski H., 80
Baldini François, 306
Baldwin William F, 90, 504
Balesi Louis, 231
Baling Dominique, 320, 321
Ballestra Jean, 407, 413, 541
Baltanz Erich, 401, 402
Barbary Dr, 343
Barbera Antoine, 452
Barberis Raymond, 228, 229
Barbi Tonin, 342
Barbier Casimir, 233, 345, 357, 540
Barbier Roger, 344, 345, 357, 540
Bardana Marius, 289, 291, 295
Bareli Albert, 452
Barnhurst Ira, 91, 505
Baron August, 332, 541
Barralis René, 407, 413, 541
Barsch Olt, 23, 189
Bartocchi, 293, 297, 300, 308
Bartolozi, 394
Bartow Clifford H, 288, 502, 506
Bartsch Heinz, 226, 521
Bartsch Josef, 211, 212
Bartsch Max, 414, 523
Battenfield John, 209
Baudoin Cesar, 352-354, 374, 540
Bauer Willy, 34, 229-232
Baum Charles O., 144, 149
Baum Arthur, 93, 509
Baume A., 80
Baumgaertel Friedrich Lt, 63, 64
Baylet Antoine, 309
Baze Roy E. Capt, 200, 215, 220, 221, 487, 502, 506
Beatham Stanley Jr, 213, 215, 502, 506
Beauvers Mr, 36
Beaver Homer, 485, 508
Becherer Hauptmann, 304
Beck Mme, 259
Beckner Eugene C, 90, 504
Bednarz Richard, 497, 507
Beeman Edgar F, 170, 172, 501
Beerschwenger, 63
Behle Colonel, 63
Belckx Abbé, 345
Bell George, 214
Bell Marvin, 469, 506
Bell Orman G, 90
Bellessime Mr, 286
Ben Stali, 159
Benard, 160
Benedetti Pierre, 39
Bennett Pvt, 128
Bennett William Capt., 305, 306
Benter William C, 162, 164, 500
Berard Lt, 346
Bergeman Clarence, 213, 215, 487, 502, 506
Bergia Henri, 216, 540
Bergmann Karl Lt., 225, 520
Bergner Hans, 166
Bernado Sauveur, 413, 541
Bernard Claude, 10, 112, 115, 130, 132, 133, 143, 269
Bernard Mr, 131
Berrone Gabriel, 233, 540
Bertant Mr and Mme, 285, 305
Bertola Léon, 366
Bertone Luigi, 450, 540
Bertrand Edouard, 409
Bertrand Jean, 447, 541
Bertrem Adjudant, 431
Betemps Lt, 362, 363
Biacca Conchita, 230-232, 540
Bialowons Ogefr., 188
Bianco Mr, 259
Bidet Capitaine, 412
Bienek Lt, 23
Bier Daddy, 442
Bieringer Ludwig Gen. Maj., 76, 77, 79, 102
Bigler Richard Capt., 108, 130
Bilhartz, 229, 230
Bilko Paul, 117, 142, 520
Billman Lewis R, 209, 501, 505
Billstrom John E, 90
Biny Gustave, 231, 540
Birtles Joseph H, 92, 503
Bittner Georg, 141, 509
Black Sidney, 203
Blackman Henry, 299
Blair Charles P, 91, 504
Blanc Paulette, 278-280
Blanc Xavier, 447, 541
Blanchis Adjudant, 270
Blaskowitz Generaloberst, 15
Bloch Jacques, 447, 541
Bloch Mr, 34
Bloyd David G, 196, 197, 501, 505
Blummer W., 80
Blythe William Lt Col, 357, 358, 393, 395
Bobichon Jean, 413, 541
Bocchiardo Victor, 388, 540
Bock Jakob, 133, 141, 509
Böckler Mtr. Gefr., 186
Bodo Joseph, 388, 540
Boehmke Warren, 196, 222, 474
Boeracker Lt, 23
Boese Robert, 459, 460
Bogniot August, 413, 541
Bohl Paul, 186, 188, 520
Böhm Gustav, 210, 226, 522
Boisard, 159
Boju Lt, 160
Bolini Raymond, 343-345
Bolin Bill, 75
Bonardi Pierre, 411, 412, 414, 540
Bonhomme Yvonne, 246, 256, 259, 261
Bonne Aventure, 343
Bonner John, 378
Bönsch Johann, 23, 64, 189, 210, 211
Booley Thomas F, 92, 504
Booth Dale, 72
Bordfiel Sgt, 255
Borger Richard, 37
Borghese Pierre, 228, 229
Borghni René, 388, 540
Börner Olt, 184
Boscarollo Vincent, 413, 541
Bosio Anna, 440
Bosler Walter, 152
Bottin, 362
Boucard Pascal, 10, 309, 310
Bouge Paul, 269
Boursac Jean-Marie, 332, 541
Boutigny, de, 267, 268, 270, 271
Bovis Aimé, 360, 362, 540
Bovis (Policeman), 404
Bovis Prosper, 352, 354, 374, 540
Bovis Roger, 350
Bowden Foster V, 153, 502, 505
Bowers William, 251, 466- 468
Boyce John, 171
Boyer, Cpl, 128
Boyer Roger, 407, 413, 541
Braconnier Henri, 160, 500
Braff Ruby, 172, 173
Braff Samuel, 172, 173, 501
Brandt Capt., see Hooper Grand Capt
Brandt Valentin, 94, 511
Bremont Edouard, 345
Brierley Levi, 91, 503
Brignone Laurent, 217
Briquet Marcel, 330, 331, 424, 541
Brissey Eugene, 365, 367, 369, 372, 373, 375, 376
Bromer Anton, 415, 524
Brookshier Vivian F, 172, 501
Brown Douglas, 91, 505
Brown Frank S Jr, 265, 270, 502, 505
Brown Robert W, 457, 503, 506
Bruno Lucien, 28, 30
Bryant James, 136
Buchanan Joseph, 87, 90, 504
Buchmann Lt, 348, 380, 381
Büddemann Friedrich, 185, 186, 227, 521
Buffen Lars, 225, 241, 522
Buk William, 469, 506
Burhans Robert D. Col., 304
Burkhardt Capt, 398
Burns Gavin P, 91, 503
Butler Ira J, 85, 86, 90, 504
Butruille-Mignon Dr, 343
Cabasson Jean, 122, 141, 540
Cacaud René, 159, 160, 500
Cagnol François, 426
Cairou Mr, 452, 453
Calamari, 50
Callahan James, 139
Callahan Jerome, 467
Calori Charles, 434, 436, 437
Calvert Ernest, 91, 503
Calzoni Primo, 51, 345, 346
Campana Jean, 158, 159
Campbell John J, 90, 504
Campos Frank, 86, 90, 504
Cane André, 410
Canta René, 390-392, 398, 400, 404, 408, 417, 418
Cantergiani Venance, 413, 541
Canziani Fred, 378
Caparros Joseph, 330, 331, 541
Cape Joseph, 386
Capitan Alex, 483
Carbonel Hélène, 131
Carbonel Jean-Paul, 31, 49, 173, 219, 220, 233-235, 240
Carbonel Raymond, 110, 111, 130, 132, 134
Cardwell D., 80
Carle Pierre, 201, 212, 234, 235
Carmine Raymond, 407, 413, 541
Carpentier Dr, 221
Carpi Sous Brigadier, 412
Carr Guy, 68, 103, 253, 461, 462, 480-483
Carter Clifton, 489, 490
Carvalho Joseph, 172, 173, 501
Castellane, Marquise de, 286
Castelli Félix, 122
Castonguay Romeo Sgt, 254
Cato Raymond Lt. Col., 250
Caula Mr, 296
Cauvin Claude, 273
Cauvin François, 451, 453
Cauvin Henri, 407
Cauvin Honoré, 452
Cavaleri Lt, 357, 358
Cavallero Jean, 450, 451
Cavenago Ss Lt, 337
Cavenago Paul, 391-393, 405, 409
Caviglia Antoine, 346
Cazelles Mlle, 138
Celebonovitch Nicole, 89
Cellary Paul, 371, 524
Centofanti Robert, 35
Chabaud Hubert, 388, 540
Chaffiotte Lucien, 157-160
Chalkley Jud Capt., 209, 220, 420
Chalmette Pierre, 231, 232, 540
Chambéry, see Joseph Martin
Chapon Mr, 60
Chasseloup Mme, 186
Chaussee, La, Capt, 75
Cherico Joseph, 329, 330
Cherina Ludmilla, 42
Cherry Orthelle, 89, 213
Chervin Lucien, 407, 413, 541
Chesshire James, 178, 179
Chesunas Charles, 164, 165, 500
Chevalier Mr, 60
Chevalier Henri, 122, 141, 540
Chism John, 124, 140
Chittenden Jim, 69, 70, 83, 102
Chiumento J., 80
Chory Charles, 289, 297
Christoff André, 132
Chwaszczynski Johann, 363, 523
Ciampoli Maxie, 335, 336
Cicchinelli Joe, 203, 205, 433-437, 478
Cinader Johann, 186, 227, 521
Ciner Henry A., 90, 504
Cires Joseph, 426
Cisek Johann, 226, 521
Clar Mr, 289, 291, 293
Clariond Jeannette, 126, 127
Clark John W., 90, 504
Cobra, 49, 50, 339
Coche Marcel, 342, 343
Codaccioni Antoine, 413, 541
Coffelt Ernest R, 384, 385, 502, 506
Cogno Jules, 540
Coil Msgt, 108
Collins John, 205
Collinson Thomas, 91, 505
Colmars Antoine, 260, 261, 541
Colo Hector H, 251, 502, 505
Colpart Docteur, 28
Cook Russel, 213, 214
Cooley John, 485
Cooper Leonard S. Lt., 458, 459
Cooper Robert, 459, 484
Cooper William C., 215, 502, 506
Copple A., 80
Corbé Lucien, 408, 413, 541
Cordellini Guido, 408
Corlou Albert, 159, 160, 500
Cornil Alphonse, 407, 413, 541
Cornu Nicholas, 447, 541
Costa C, 233, 540
Cottingham Peter, 150, 151, 418, 420, 421, 443-445
Cox Francis E, 92, 504
Craig SSgt, 371
Crane Thomas J, 198, 201, 474, 502, 505
Cravi Charles, 443, 541
Crawford William, 295, 306
Cresp Albert, 359
Crety, 159
Crevelling Oscar F, 85, 90, 504
Crosby James H, 196, 215, 502, 506
Cross Lynwood W, 90, 504
Cross Roderick S, 172, 173, 501
Cruciani Charlotte, 354
Culture Pathfinder, 144
Curtis Bud, 70
Cyron Karl, 21, 26, 31-33, 180-183, 186, 199, 388
Cyrus Orvil, 377
Czarnowski Waldemar, 443, 525
Czech Erich, 225, 520
Cziolek Simon, 93, 509
Dahlberg Mel, 470, 484
Dahlhaus Friedrich, 95, 513
Dahlquist General, 174
Dahmen Heinrich, 185-187, 227, 521
Dainard Stanley E, 461, 503, 506
Dallas Frank, 106, 254-257, 473, 481, 482
Dalmas Lucien, 366
Dalrymple Robert Capt., 71
Dalton Capt, 204, 205
Damiot Georges, 403, 404
Daniel Louisette, 326
Danjek Rodolf, 17
Dank Milton, 81
Darden Jack, 213, 214
Dauser Karl Olt., 94, 511
Daver Josef-Charles, 241, 242, 540
David Robert B, 90, 504
David Roy W, 191, 197, 501, 505
Davis Charles R, 91, 503
Davis Gary, 470
Davis William, 192
Davison Robert E, 198, 201, 502, 505
Davit David, 296
Dawson Albert T, 90, 504
Dawson John, 293, 301, 441
Debarr Everett, 208
Debray Jacques, 76, 92, 504
Debuissy, 401
DeLeo Dan Lt., 144-148
Deming James W, 209, 501, 505
Dennis William E, 209, 501, 505
D’Entremont Collin, 455, 456
Deparday André, 412-414, 540
Deparday Reine, 413
Depot Jean, 355
Deshayes Albert, 139, 140
DeVanie John, 10, 144-146, 148, 196
Dewey 517 PIR, 482
Dewey 551 PIB, 442
Dias Jean-Raymond, 134
Dillard Douglas, 10, 202, 205
Dirkson Martha, 496
Dirkson Vernon D, 90, 496, 504
Dodson Robert L. Lt., 134, 135, 141, 501
Doi Masato, 464
Domoy Gendarme, 347, 348
Donavan Ray, 191
Döring Edwin, 225, 520
Dorr Virgil, 433, 436
Dorsa Anthony J, 85, 90, 504
Dorschel Carl H, 162, 169, 171, 172, 501
Douglas Allen, 116, 467, 468
Dourous Pierre, 159, 160, 500
Dowie Benjamin, 91, 503
Drevon Henri, 432, 541
Drischel Helmuth, 225, 520
Drzisga Otto, 186, 227, 521
Duarte Toney F, 153, 502, 505
Dube E., 80
Dubeau, 337, 338
Ducote Larry J, 89, 196, 197, 501, 505
Duffy Paul, 162
Duggan Clifton, 377
Dunan Edmond, 388, 541
Dunbar Vernon E, 91, 504
Duncan Cecil, 373
Duneli André, 451, 452
Dunlap George H IV, 172, 173, 501
Dunn Jim, 205
Duplay Henri Dr, 347
Dupont Raymond, 264, 270, 272
Durand Pierre, 389, 405, 416
Durandal, 131
Durham George E, 152, 153, 502, 505
Durkee Dick Lt., 210, 417
Durkee Edward, 166
Dürr Willi, 186, 229, 519
Ebersbach Dr, 39, 188
Eickelmeier Anton, 414, 523
Eckert Carroll, 468
Eckl Martin, 94, 511
Eckmeier Josef, 439, 443, 525
Edwards Thurman H, 170-172, 501
Eger Eduard, 121
Ehrig Martin, 94, 509, 511
Einesy Henri, 329
Eisenberg Karl, 36, 37
Eitt Herbert Maj., 134, 137
Elisei Primo, 47, 61, 340
Elleboode Gabriel, 447, 541
Ellis Perry I, 204, 205, 501, 505
Emmons Lt, 448
Engle Ernst, 484, 485
Erbetta Charles, 10, 37, 450, 451-454, 457
Erhardt Xaver, 351, 352, 523
Ernst Albert J., 72, 91, 504
Eschenburg Emil, 400
Escot Pierre, 394
Escudero Jo, 341, 441
Esparza Tony, 253
Esposito Pierre, 238, 239
Estable Jean, 61
Euzière Adolphe, 280
Evans Capt, 437
Everett William Lt, 161, 165, 169, 174, 175
Fabrick Anthony, 460, 503, 506
Faiola Frank, 378
Fairlamb Charlie, 203
Falkus Eduard, 225, 520
Fancellu Ange, 388
Fanti Louis, 293, 294, 308, 222
Fantino Marius, 413, 541
Fassone Mme, 440
Fastia Martin Capt., 105, 128, 252
Faust, 401
Feldkamp Klemens, 254, 257, 522
Félix Félicien, 112
Félix Fernand, 107-109, 129
Fergg Egon, 20, 469
Ferlat Tave, 341
Ferrara Max, 335-337
Ferrari, 241
Ferreri, 338
Ferrua Maurice, 440, 540
Fiander Hubert J, 199-201, 220, 502, 505
Fichefeux Pierre, 160, 500
Ficker Franz,see Guder Franz
Fiedler Hubert, 186, 227, 522
Fiedler Kurt, 427, 428, 525
Field Richard, 206, 207
Fields Warren B, 209, 501, 505
Filipczak Henry, 102, 103, 467, 468
Fiori Louis, 340, 341, 441
Fischer Herbert, 226, 522
Fischer Kaspar, 22, 379-381, 524
Fischer Leopold, 187, 538
Fisco Richard, 85, 193, 194
Fisher Daniel A., 72, 73, 91, 504
Fitzgerald Cecil M, 295, 296, 502, 506
Flandin Maurice, 388, 541
Flavier Dr, 346, 347, 350, 370, 371, 378
Fleischer Ofwb, 33, 183
Fleischer Paul, 117, 142, 520
Flögel Alfred, 257, 522
Florent John L, 91, 505
Fluder Eduard, 440, 525
Foatta ‘Morgan’ Georges, 61, 422, 345, 346, 422
Foitzik Vincent, 269, 522
Foks Gerhard, 302, 316, 523
Foncet, 337
Forberger Otto, 302, 314, 523
Ford George Col, 486, 487
Ford Johnnie C, 86, 90, 504
Forigone Tony, 179
Forker J., 80
Fornazier Bruno, 286
Förster Romanus, 164, 511
Fortune FTP, 392
Foster Albert S, 153, 500
Fougère Lt, 337
Fouques Aristide, 366
Fouracre Robert G, 91, 503
Fournier Paul, 288, 289, 291, 293, 307
Fouts John, 485, 508
Franco FTP, 46
Frank Albert, 371, 524
Franzini Guillaume, 414, 541
Fraser Don Capt., 448
Frattini Mr, 269
Frazier John Lt., 196, 198, 212
Frederick Robert Maj. Gen., 65, 68, 79, 188, 340, 376, 394, 395, 422
Freeman Harold M., 91, 504
Freestone James E. Lt., 252
Fretter-Pico Otto Gen., 15, 39, 41, 128, 161, 188, 189, 262, 264, 304, 329, 340, 389, 392, 397, 408, 411, 464, 465
Freund Kenneth B. Lt., 108
Freymouth, 159
Frice Gene, 470
Friede Walter, 225, 519
Frings Josef, 95, 512
Fröhlich Josef, 23, 180, 183
Froidurot Alfred, 231, 540
Fröse Walter, 141, 509
Fuchs Josef, 8, 9, 115, 117, 142, 520
Fujiki Akira, 464
Fuller R.B. Lt., 477
Funk Jack D., 91, 505
Gabian, see Peragnoli ‘Gabian’ Osiris
Gabrus Joseph, 179, 180, 473, 501
Galafard Mme, 286
Gallitzschke Erich, 461, 525
Gallo Eli, 131
Gallo Jean, 282, 290, 298, 306
Gallo Rina, 306
Gallus Alois, 381, 383
Gambassi Alfred, 401
Gandiglio Charles, 266, 269, 271
Gannon John, 477
Ganswindt Franz, 95, 512
Garcia Julius, 86, 90, 504
Garente Jean Joseph, 366, 368, 369, 540
Garnero Louis, 45, 47-50, 52, 53, 339, 345
Garriges Don, 204
Gastaud Gustave, 428
Gastaud Raymond, 439
Gastine, 241
Gatermann Heinrich, 95, 512
Gates Olive, 496
Gates William H, 202, 203, 205, 496, 497, 501, 505
Gatti Josette, 299
Gaudo Agent, 412
Gaunce John E., 91, 504
Gautier ‘Malherbe’ Pierre, 337, 358, 365, 366
Gazagnaire Roger, 330, 331, 541
Geary George, 378
Genouillac Antoine, 414, 541
Gerhold Heinz, 186, 227, 521
Germaine FTP, 51
German Angelin, 137, 138, 489
Gérôme Marcel, 335-337, 346, 347, 540
Gettinger Lt, 443, 444
Ghera Raymond, 221
Ghio René, 274, 284, 303
Gianton François, 414, 540
Gibbons Lud, 104, 105
Gilbert Lawrence, 165, 166
Gillman Marvin N, 90, 504
Ginczek Josef, 414, 415, 526
Ginette, see Petitjean Félix
Gino Capitaine, 432
Giordanengo Mme, 228, 229
Giordano Gustave, 10, 286, 289, 291, 293-295, 307, 308
Giordano Louis, 286, 308
Giordano Noël, 307
Giovannini ‘Souny’ Philippe, 401
Giraud Fleury, 140, 541
Giraud Raymond, 285
Gironne Jean, 414, 541
Giuge Joseph, 407, 414, 541
Gläser Werner, 95, 513
Glasser Etienne, 388
Glomb Alfred, 226, 522
Glowania Roman, 461, 525
Gnielczyk Franz, 302, 305, 309-311, 523
Gold Capt, 289
Goletz Stefan, 440, 525
Gonsior Alois, 415, 525
Goodman Allan, 385
Goodman Ben, 207
Goodsell Roger, 377
Gordolon Jean, 407, 414, 541
Gorinschek Friedrich, 17, 403, 414, 523
Gorrel John, 75, 76
Gosik Thaddeus, 170
Goswick Jesse O, 251, 258, 502, 505
Götz Reinhold, 169, 225, 520
Gouarin Elianne, 134
Gouirand August, 407, 414, 541
Govi Mr, 221
Graber Sgt, 191
Graca August, 225, 521
Graille Gilbert, 146, 148
Graille Lucien, 146-149
Gram George, 331, 332
Granel, 307
Granger Renaldo, 265, 266, 502, 505
Granier Paul, 403
Granz Gottfried, 415, 523
Grassi Ange, 61, 62, 259, 389
Graves Rupert, 66, 250, 256, 373, 374, 376
Grazzaffi Joe, 136
Green Louis, 445, 503, 506
Green Louis F, 331, 332, 502, 506
Greene Justin, 246
Gregor Stanley, 134, 135
Griffin Donald F, 213, 215, 502, 506
Griffitts William C, 161, 162, 164, 500
Grimaldi Dr, 261
Grohmann Ottokar, 440, 525
Grolik Theodor, 415, 524
Grosselin Pierre, 112, 113
Gruber Georg, 461, 525
Grüne Walter Hptm, 93, 510
Gruwell Robert R, 91, 108, 124, 141, 500, 504
Gübler, 226, 522
Guder Franz, 39, 41, 302, 312-314, 318, 523
Guerin Robert, 270
Guerrin Marcel, 131, 143
Guido Marcel, 38, 277, 278
Guidoni Jacques, 156, 158, 160, 500
Guilcher Henri, 159, 160, 500
Guillevin Paul, 388, 541
Gustel, 240, 321
Gutierrez Eugene, 152
Gutmann Wilhelm, 461, 525
Habicht Alfred, 225, 519
Häfele Wilhelm, 94, 511
Hagvall Donald, 494
Hahn Johann, 443, 525
Hahn Kurt, 18, 304
Haller Leonard R, 197, 201, 501, 505
Hamilton Billy, 328
Hampton J B, 251, 497, 502, 505
Hanes Joseph, 377
Hankes John, 283, 298, 306
Hanna Walter C. Lt., 128, 138-140, 245, 398
Hansen Wilhelm, 392, 414, 523
Harang Victor, 388, 541
Hardin Robert, 82, 90
Harms Masch.Mat., 186
Härtel Ernst, 248, 249, 257, 260, 521
Hartman Lt, 417, 418
Hasselbring A., 80
Hathorn Robert R., 91, 504
Hau Richard, 461, 525
Haug Friedrich, 94, 511
Hauser Julien, 10, 309
Häusig Karl, 226, 238, 239, 522
Hay John J, 215, 502, 505
Haynes Willie, 82
Heckelmann Lorenz, 225, 520
Hecq Lt, 207, 208
Heffernan Jim, 203
Held Richard, 34, 35, 229-233
Hellenthal Dr, 39
Helmers Art, 79, 84, 275, 276, 287, 295, 475
Helms Ray, 373, 376
Helms Wilhelm, 117-119, 142, 521
Helmut Otto, 327
Hemker George, 164, 168
Hemsworth George P, 194, 197, 501, 505
Henderson Lowell Jr., 91, 504
Henderson William B, 172, 501
Hensleigh Howard Lt, 8, 10, 103, 104, 131, 135-137, 477, 478
Herbolzheimer Albrecht, 32, 516
Hernandez Joe, 190-192, 473
Herold Richard, 187, 521
Hessert Otto, 109, 110, 115, 117, 118, 120
Hessong Arthur J, 164, 165, 500
Hikichi Yoshio, 464
Hilgenstock Captain, 408
Hillerson Sayre, 162, 164, 500
Hilton Dick, 455, 456
Himmel Heinrich, 257, 522
Hipskind James, 419
Hirales Ralph V, 195, 197, 501, 505
Hitler, 38, 109, 211, 222, 259, 308, 348, 356, 380, 383, 427
Hoch Paul Lt, 419
Hoffmann Gerhard, 436, 437, 525
Hoffmann Kurt, 31, 518
Höfig Gerhart, 477-480
Holmes Chuck, 213
Holt Robert Maj, 273, 295
Holzworth Louis, 107, 124, 129, 130
Hönig Oberzahlmeister, 23
Hook Bud, 433, 436
Hook Flavian, 203
Hooper Grand Capt, 102, 108, 116, 130, 131, 245, 246, 250, 256
Hörl Herbert, 141, 509
Hosey Carl O, 172, 173, 501
Houghton pathfinder, 144
Hubbard Capt, 283
Hübner Willi, 94, 511
Hudson Dudley W, 135, 141, 501
Hughes Olen Pvt, 128
Hugues Victorin, 388, 541
Hulshier Allen H, 90, 504
Hümmer Otto, 171, 226, 520
Hyena, the, 52, 53
Imbert FFI, 338
Imbert Mr, 131
Innocenti Adèle, see Tacconi Adèle
Irwin Walter Lt, 137, 363, 365, 367-372, 374, 376
Issert Marius, 328
Jaensen Father, 239
Jaffard Michel Germaine, 138-140
Jahn Johann, 141, 187, 521
Jamme Norbert, 337, 346, 390
Jamme Richard A, 448, 503, 506
Janas Josef, 414, 524
Janise Franz, 225, 521
Jank Ulrich, 414, 524
Janostik Martin, 478, 479, 529
Jansen Clarence, 170
Jantzen Hans, 478, 479, 529
Janus Josef, 225, 520
Jasper Theodor, 187, 521
Jaynes Howard D Jr, 384, 385, 502, 506
Jean (anonymous FFI), 44, 264, 265, 270, 272, 288, 303
Jeck Andreas, 41, 225, 237, 520
Jenner William R, 91
Jerina, 128
Jeschke Willi, 117, 142, 520
Joerg Wood Col, 67, 205
John Frederick M., 91, 504
Johnson Allan, 473
Johnson Eugene, 164, 178, 179
Johnson Harold, 293
Johnston William E., 83, 488
Jones Barney C., 198
Jones Davy J, 91, 503
Jones Geoffrey Capt, 288, 357, 358, 394-396
Jozefski Chester B, 90, 504
Judelin Jean-Pierre, 341
Kaastad Olav, 331, 332, 502, 506
Kadrmann Karl, 288, 523
Kambrick William, 219
Kamussella Richard, 296, 330, 523
Kane George, 206
Kangas Martin, 206
Kaplar Joseph J, 195, 197, 501, 505
Kapler Gottlieb, 423, 520
Karbowski, 22
Kasprowitz Heinrich, 443, 525
Kauert Lt, 392, 393
Kavan Anton, 382, 383
Keddy Kenneth, 290, 291
Keefe Frank J
Keil Dr, 34
Kelley Hoyt, 72, 447, 448, 474
Kellogg Pvt, 74
Kelly J. Alfred Dr., 200, 220, 221
Kennamer Franklin, 76
Kennamer Philip M., 75, 76, 90, 504
Kennamer Woodie, 378, 459
Kern William E, 82, 90
Ketchens Bill, 325
Ketelsen Thomas, 95, 513
Kimball Paul R., 90
Kirby Capt, 80
Kirchner Hermann, 221, 225, 241, 523
Kireeff Georges, 122, 127, 128, 141, 540
Kirsner Josef, 19, 26, 28, 357, 408, 409, 449
Klann Erich, 164, 225, 509
Klausen Albert J, 91, 505
Klisiewicz Henry, 213, 214
Klöditz Willy, 225, 520
Kluge Werner, 117, 142, 521
Knapp Burl J, 89, 194, 197, 501, 505
Kniess, 63
Knight Ferris Lt, 85, 194
Knight Jack, 273, 298, 300, 302, 305, 306
Knirsch Franz, 187, 217, 227, 522
Knödlseder Josef, 151, 152, 513
Knopp James, 328
Kobel Harold L, 90, 504
Koblatz Ferdinand, 260, 261, 541
Kochersperger Chester, 72
Koechling Dr, 393
Koffen Günter, 379, 524
Kokott Alfons, 94, 511
Konradt Willi, 94, 511
Konsek August, 226, 521
Körber Georg, 94, 511
Korte Josef, 186, 521
Kosma Joseph, 330, 331
Kosowski Joe, 207, 437
Kraemer André, 388, 541
Kraft Olt, 64
Krakowski Teophiel, 94, 511
Kramer Johannes Olt, 93, 510
Krapp Willy, 225, 241, 522
Krassa Georg, 171, 226, 511
Krautschneider Josef, 217, 218, 226, 522
Kreissl Johann, 414, 524
Krengel Georges, 231, 232, 540
Krieger Emil, 407, 413, 414, 541
Krieger Masch. Ogefr., 185, 186
Kritner Erich, 226, 512
Kroliczek Georg, 147, 149, 513
Krotofil Paul, 443, 525
Krugls Johann, 414, 524
Krumm Josef, 53, 59, 515
Krumpill Roman, 171, 226, 511
Kruschynski Alois, 371, 524
Krzyzowski Josef, 302, 313, 523
Kubitzki Günter, 225, 522
Kuchenmeister Max, 187, 522
Kuhla, 234
Kuhnert Lt, 152, 513
Künz Reinhold, 414, 524
Küper Fk.Ogefr., 186
Kures, 442
Kusserow Paul, 94, 511
La Valle Ralph E, 90
LaBar LaVerne Jr, 459, 460, 503, 506
Lachman Karl, 423, 520
Ladd Walter L, 288, 303, 502, 506
Lagorio Aldo, 148
Lambert Jean, 296
Lammli Joseph, 318-320
Lantz James, 368, 370
Lanzi Noël, 407
Lapok Josef, 95, 512
LaRochelle Joseph, 377
Las, see Albertini Capitaine
Laske Robert, 221, 225, 241, 523
Latil Zézé, 45, 48, 49, 122, 142
Latimer Tom, 459
Latruffe Lt, 340-342
Lattre Robert de, 388, 541
Laugier André, 431
Laugier Henri, 245
Laugier François, 259
Lauvel Prefect, 391, 399, 408
Lawson William C, 203-205, 501, 505
Lazzarus Morris, 283, 298, 302
Leaman Horace F, 90
Leclere Marcel, 424, 540
Lécuyer ‘Sapin’ Jacques, 53, 340, 359, 421-423
Ledieu Jean-Clément, 325, 541
Lefebvre Dr, 294, 301
Léger Ernest, 286
Legg Theodor N, 90, 504
Legros Joseph, 91, 505
Leibowitz Irving, 73, 84
Lejkowski Edward, 222, 242, 328
Lemen Charles C., 91, 504
Lencer Rudolph M, 91, 505
Lenza Mr, 234
Lesch Helmut, 277, 523
Lesmeister Louis P, 444, 445, 503, 506
Lestang Labrousse Capt, 264, 422
Letonturier Lt, 156, 157, 159
Lewis Radford, 378
Leyden, 196
Lieber Harry Lt, 198, 213, 214
Liebetanz Herbert, 117, 142, 521
Liebich Lt, 53, 59, 188
Lindemann Btsmt., 186
Lindenthal Walter, 217
Lindner Rudi, 95, 512
Linert Berthold, 461, 525
Lingansch Paul, 169, 225, 520
Link Lothar, 226, 521
Lins N., 80
Linzi Mr, 258, 259
Lissner John Lt, 469, 470
Little Ray, 206
Locateli Bastian, 461, 525
Loeffler Pvt, 128
Logan Daniel Capt, 486, 487
Longo Frank, 135, 136
Lopez Daniel T, 460, 503, 506
Lorenz Alois, 526
Lorrain, 337, 338
Löscher Johannes, 95, 512
Lössl Josef, 302, 316, 523
Luciano Charles, 294
Ludwig Ernst, 168, 226, 512
Luenning Lt, 433-436
Lundquist Arthur E, 194, 197, 501, 505
Lupone Arthur J, 445, 503, 506
Luquet Laurent, 388, 541
Lynch George R, 90, 504
Maccagno Louis, 388, 541
MacCombie Herbert Col., 489
MacElroy Lt, 251
Mackiewicz Joe, 253
Macocco Joseph, 293, 296, 297, 300
MacPhie Warren, 284, 289, 295, 302, 306
Madden General Pvt., 193
Magou, le, see Mendrsisezki Claude
Maicon Jean, 359
Maier Hans Georg, 141, 511
Maier Johann, 449, 523
Maizen Vinzent, 288, 523
Malaguti Paul, 230, 232, 233
Malaussena Jean Baptiste, 388, 541
Maldi Commander, 411
Malherbe, see Gautier Pierre
Mallaussène Hilaire, 366
Manaira Denise, 10, 217-219
Manietzki Johann, 182, 187, 227, 521
Mann Rexford C, 461, 503, 506
Manuali Adamo, 296
Marche Gérard, 156-160, 500
Marchetti, 159
Marciniak Josef, 461, 525
Marcucci Corrado, 51, 359
Marenda, 320, 541
Marengo FTP, 345, 360
Mari Mr, 111
Mario August, 296, 297, 330
Mario Foli, 441
Marks René, 425-428
Marschner Martin, 95, 512
Marseillais, le, 53
Martin Charles, 355
Martin Joe, 72
Martin Joseph, 44, 45, 47, 358, 360, 361
Martin Willi, 420
Martinetti Marcel, 260, 261
Martinez Federico, 373
Martini César, 409
Martini Marius, 231, 540
Martini ‘Pensée’, 401
Martini Second Master, 156
Martini Vincent, 424, 540
Marze Robert, 411, 412, 414, 540
Marzullo Albert, 242
Mascarello Marius, 216
Mascuch Dick Lt, 207
Masselo, 46
Mathis Leonard, 384, 385, 502, 506
Mathis Lt, 391, 405-407, 410
Matlok Alois, 255, 257, 522
Maurel Louis, 350, 352
Maurel Maurice, 453
Maurice Adjudant Chef, 415
Mauvignant Max, 343-345, 349, 540
Maxwell Howard, 193, 328, 438
McAvoy Thomas, 125, 127, 128
McCarthy Justin, 86, 88, 189, 191, 200, 476
McCullough Elvis, 328, 438
McDade, 378
McDonald John, 144, 148, 149
McDonald Travis V, 459, 460, 496, 503, 506
McElroy Lt, 130, 131
McFadden Jerry, 272, 275, 420, 443, 444
McFarland Richard M, 90
McGee Marion, 144, 197
McGeever Joseph Capt, 105, 277, 506
McKee Paul R., 133, 134, 141, 473, 501
McMorrow Merle, 474
McQuaid Woodrow, 257, 258
McRoberts Marvin, 82, 119, 475
Medwed Anton, 225, 522
Meek Willard E, 170-172, 497
Mehlis Franz, 427, 428, 525
Mehltreter Max, 94, 511
Meider Ernst, 443, 525
Meinshausen Col., 63, 64
Melani Marius, 320
Melchior Mr, 250, 256
Melin, 337, 338
Mendrsisezki ‘le Magou’ Claude, 46, 50, 51
Mercier Pierre, 84
Merle Ange, 146
Mertin Otto, 302, 305, 311, 312, 314, 523
Metzger Georg, 225, 520
Metzger Harold D, 90, 504
Meyer Johann, 23, 351, 352, 499, 523
Meyer Vincent, 10, 309
Meyer-Detring Klaus, 187, 189, 210, 211, 227, 521
Meyers, 434, 435
Michaels Patrick, 473, 507
Michel Auguste, 146
Michenon Charly, 335-337
Miezanek W., 80
Mignot Georges, 160, 500
Miley Maurice J, 73, 91, 504
Miller Ryle Pvt, 107, 108, 129
Miller Ralph R Jr. Capt., 84-86, 88, 90, 489, 504
Miller Robert J., 128, 462, 503, 506
Minano Franck, 254
Miniconi Ange-Marie, 233, 240, 243
Miol Jean, 431, 432, 541
Miquel Pierre, 343
Miquelis René, 348
Mlaker, 402
Moles Marvin, 105, 252, 255, 257, 258, 279, 280, 462, 482, 483
Mollo Paulette, 216, 222
Monroe Lt, 331
Montgomery John Maj., 201
Montgomery Walace A., 91, 504
Moore Harry F. Lt, 75, 76, 90, 504
Moore James D. Lt., 460, 461, 503, 506
Moore Robert Col., 306
Moore Rogers, 205
Moore Stanley W., 87, 88, 90, 504
Morales Juan, 414, 541
Moreau Henri, 412
Morley Eric A., 69, 92, 503
Morrison Douglas, 420
Moscone Ferdinand, 237, 241
Motoni Pierre, 51, 360
Mougins Amélie, 235, 239, 240
Moute Jean, 342, 343
Mücke Gottfried, 379, 524
Mullay E.J. Capt., 496
Mullen Clifton, 227, 439
Müller Albrecht, 141, 511
Müller Hans, 337, 346, 347
Müller Hauptm., 210
Müller Heinrich, 31, 32
Muller Janine, 287
Municchi Bruno, 351, 353, 354, 356, 371-373, 376
Municcho François, 10, 351, 353-355, 376, 380
Muntzer Gendarme, 431
Münzel Hermann, 272, 522
Murolo L., 289
Muschiol Anton, 187, 227, 523
Musso Lucette, 30
Myers William, 372-375, 383
Mysuna Tomasz, 95, 513
Nachefski Phil, 86
Nakahara Mitsugi, 448
Nannini Henri, 157
Nannis ‘Bucky’ Irving, 207-209
Nario Joseph, 329, 541
Nasica Achille, 160
Naso Constant, 332, 541
Natale ‘Tunis’ Jean, 342, 343, 540
Nava Oberfeldwebel, 22
Neeseman Arthur Maj., 153, 445
Negri Edouard, 34, 230-233
Neil Gene, 328
Neiler John Lt, 125, 137, 478, 479
Nelson Ralph, 103, 465, 468, 469
Nemoikin Iwan, 171, 226, 512
Nerascu Mr, 326
Neumann Herbert, 94, 511
Neurath Jakob, 95, 512
Neuwirth Franz, 226, 520
Newberry Robert Capt, 368, 376
Newell Harry, 91, 503
Neydorff Marcel, 231
Nichols William E., 172, 173, 501
Nickelmann Hellmuth Gen.Maj., 388, 389, 392, 396-398, 408, 409
Niederl Erich Olt, 449
Niedlich Hans Oberstlt., 18, 243, 391, 393-398, 408, 433, 449
Nieper Wolfgang Oberst, 93, 510
Niergond Anton, 226, 522
Niesporek Franz, 225, 520
Nini FTP, 49
Nizinski Walter, 219
Nolan G Co 517, 251
Nordhof Paul, 379, 524
Norris Jim, 363
Novok Eduard, 225, 522
Nowrotek Alois, 226, 521
Nunn Jim, 328, 438
Nuntschitsch Karl, 363, 523
Obenrader Eugene E., 168, 172, 501
O’Brian Mike Lt, 87, 88, 476
O’Brien Joseph E., 91
O’Brien Thomas, 306
Oczko Herbert, 182, 183, 225, 521
Odadjian Barbev, 392
Oddo Honoré, 325
Oelschlegel Hans, 225, 229, 520
O’Flaherty Patrick, 91, 503
Ofsthun Harold, 328
Ogniewski Daniel, 485, 508
Okubo Yugo, 464
Olivari, 392
Oliver Marvin, 474, 507
Ollivier Marius, 122, 141, 540
Olschenka Erich, 210, 226, 521
Olsen James, 378
Olson Eino Capt, 273
Onimus Jean, 343
Oravec Andy, 420
Orr Ross, 294, 299
Osburn Victor A., 194, 197, 501, 505
Ott Anton, 94, 511
Oxman Sidney, 331-333, 488
Ozenda Mme, 325, 327
Pacey James, 470-473, 499, 507
Paco FTP, 45, 48
Pagliuzza Georges, 424, 540
Pallanca Joseph, 239, 540
Palmer Howard, 128, 138, 140
Panichi Osvald, 134
Panisse-Passis Marquis, 282, 289, 291, 305, 306
Panke Mr, 34
Panza Joseph, 440, 540
Paperella Albert, 219
Paplatario Anthony, 91, 505
Parker Maurice A., 283
Parks Jesse Ms, 497
Parks Leon W., 209, 498, 501, 505
Parks Willa Ward, 498
Parnell George Lt, 294, 295, 438, 445
Parrot Walt, 420
Pascalis Mr, 406
Pasero Marius, 212
Pasqua André, 44
Pasquier Laurent, 338, 345, 349, 360
Passero ‘Kiké’ Janvier, 216, 234, 235, 540
Patch Gen., 395, 396
Patterson James F., 92, 504
Patterson Thomas L., 482
Pattloch Günter, 521
Paulsteiner Xaver, 449, 525
Paxton Forrest Maj., 137, 253, 477
Peabody Rushton Lt, 473, 507
Peaslee Arthur, 442
Pèbre Marie-Louise, 452
Pellegrin Marius, 306
Pendaries Dr, 138
Pennebaker Thomas W., 90, 504
Pensée, see Martini ‘Pensée’
Pepino Mr, 61
Peragnoli ‘Gabian’ Osiris, 50, 51
Perez Marcel, 28
Perkins Leslie, 363
Perkowski Walter, 73
Perlo Hyman, 214, 215
Pernot Louis, 405
Perrimond ‘Le Lapin’ August, 113, 540
Peschen Kaspar, 181, 186, 519
Pétain Maréchal, 60, 320, 338
Peters Minister, 36
Petit Roger, 321
Petitjean ‘Ginette’ Félix, 327, 328, 330, 332, 333, 423-425
Petras Adolph, 164, 165, 501
Pettke Edmund, 95, 513
Petty Charles, 144, 146, 148
Petzi Fritz, 95, 513
Peukert Fritz, 257, 522
Pfannkuche Lt, 76, 79
Philipe Honoré, 269
Piccardo Albert, 407, 408
Picot Lt, 39, 41
Pierazzi FFI, 44, 264
Piercy George Lt, 455
Piesiur Johann, 403, 414, 524
Piette Larry Capt, 289, 291, 293, 294
Pilastre Henri, 424, 540
Pilch Hubert, 302, 314, 315, 523
Pile James M., 86
Pipino Alfred Jr, 86, 90, 504
Pisano Marius, 447, 541
Plassman Walter Lt, 123, 124, 132, 136
Plöchl Johann, 141, 509
Plöhm Masch.Gefr., 186
Podbarschek Franz, 187, 227, 522
Podolak John S., 104
Poggio Esther, 388, 541
Poindexter Robert, 418
Poirier Albert, 289, 290
Polk Floyd, 484, 485
Pollak Richard, 117, 142, 520
Pollender Paul E.M., 502, 506
Poller Franz, 225, 521
Pollin Kurt, 171, 226, 512
Polson Lee W., 213, 215, 487, 502, 506
Pomader Commander, 408
Poppe Robert Lt, 141, 509
Potter Leon V., 90, 504
Poulle Arthur, 134
Povinelli Felix, 458, 459
Powell Robert N., 193, 222, 438
Powell William J., 193
Prasch Johann, 425, 523
Prettyman James, 144
Prichard Howard, 475
Prince Sgt 509, 242
Prince Thomas, 151
Pringle Jim Lt, 300
Prokop Gregor, 95, 512
Puons Joseph, 354, 540
Pusche Olt, 109
Quigley Lt, 372
Quinn Tim Capt, 420
Raab Eduard, 403, 415, 525
Rademacher, 406
Radon Stanley, 481, 482, 491, 507
Rambert Antoinette, 412, 414, 540
Rambert Jean, 412, 414, 540
Ramonda Justin, 112, 113, 141, 540
Rapp Roe, 272
Rappold Georg, 379, 524
Raschke Gerhard, 257, 522
Rasser Hughes, 366
Rathje Max, 402, 403, 414, 415, 424
Rauch Hans, 277, 523
Ravard Mr, 391-393, 397-399, 408
Ravet Mr, 325
Raybaud Francis, 45
Raybaud Joseph, 249
Raybaud Marcel, 250, 256, 261
Raymond Dr, 386
Raynaud Antoine, 352
Raynaud Marceau, 33, 35, 37, 48, 49, 61, 339, 360
Rebufel Albert, 106, 107
Reed Emmett J., 461, 503, 506
Reed ‘Field Manual’ F.M., 208
Reek Joseph Lt, 493, 494
Reginato Joseph, 495, 496, 506
Reh Dr. Fritz, 187, 523
Rehfeld Wilhelm, 95, 513
Reid George W., 90, 504
Rein Josef, 269, 522
Reiniger Franz, 164, 225, 509
Reith Paul, 96, 513
Renard Jean Jacques, 388, 541
Reschkomski Marcus Marie Ruth, 388, 541
Retschek Regierungsratsturmbahnfürer, see Retzeck
Retzeck Regierungsratsturmbahnfürer, 64
Reuter Mike Lt, 9, 17, 50, 85, 86, 89, 193, 196, 198, 200, 219, 222, 224, 227, 242, 321, 328, 368, 418, 419, 434, 438, 439, 475, 476
Ricard Emmanuel, 540
Richier Marcelin, 366, 368, 369, 540
Richier Paul, 132
Richmond Julius, 477, 478, 507
Richter Ernst, 337, 519
Rickard George, 204
Rickards Claude, 73
Ricuort François, 432
Ridler Arthur Lt, 104, 252, 465-469, 499, 506
Ridout Arnold, 471, 473, 507
Riebs Jakob, 94, 511
Rieck Georg, 478-480, 529
Rieux Agent, 412
Rigel FFI, 241
Rimer John, 87, 194, 196
Ripitz Ewald, 30, 31
Riquier Joseph, 371
Rittmann Wilhelm, 94, 511
Ritzka Josef, 175, 225, 520
Rival Louis, 130
Rivolta Claude, 345
Roatta Anna, 306
Robineau André, 388, 541
Robinson Albert M. Lt, 91, 504
Robinson F.K., 292
Robles Jose, 486, 487
Rockenbach Doug, 332, 333
Rodez FTP, 338, 346, 360
Rodger Robert G., 91, 503
Rodgers Herbert, 91, 503
Rodolphe, see Capt. Lestang Labrousse
Rodoschek Anton (8.1.1926), 226, 520
Rodoschek Anton (16.1.1926), 403, 415, 524
Roger (SOE agent), 46
Rogers Milton, 75, 252
Rogge William A., 213-215, 495, 502, 506
Rohde Lorenz Stabmusikmeister, 39-41
Römmen Matthias, 187, 227, 521
Rondeau pathfinder, 144, 145
Roquemaure Marius, 47, 48, 122
Rösch Johann, 363, 523
Rose Burnell, 331, 332, 496, 502, 506
Rose Murrell, 496
Rossi Basile, 414, 541
Rossi Inspector, 404
Rossi Robert, 245
Rossi Second, 351, 357, 540
Rotter Gerhard, 321, 322, 523
Roubert Mr, 337
Rouvier Charles, 134
Rouvier Marcel, 134
Roux August, 388, 541
Roux Edmond, 260-262
Roux Jean, 51, 343, 541
Roux Léon, 246-250, 257, 264, 541
Rudat Werner, 404, 415, 525
Ruell George P., 215, 502, 505
Rulison Ted Dr., 16, 78, 85, 158, 163, 237, 433, 488
Ruppe Emil, 440
Sailor Richard, 128, 253, 258, 502, 505
Saiz Anthony, 144
Saling Heinrich, 96, 513
Salmon Carl G., 91, 504
Salvatico Marguerite, 296
Sammons Lt, 191
Samorkin Ivan, 24
Samuel Ross Leroy Lt, 293, 294, 502, 506
Sana Louis, 391, 393
Sanchez Max W., 90
Santoro Cézarine, 250
Sapin, see Jacques Lécuyer
Sauermann Hans, 461, 525
Saussine Jacques, 10, 354-357, 370, 371, 375
Sauvageot Jean, 424
Scecina George, 91, 504
Scharberth Werner, 427, 428, 525
Scheffczyk Viktor, 225, 521
Schiarizza Anthony, 283
Schiche Walter, 525
Schiffhorst Gerhard, 211, 212, 226, 521
Schleich Ob.Strm., 186
Schleicher Josef, 443, 525
Schlub R., 80
Schmidt Floyd S., 300, 301, 502, 506
Schmidt Johann, 348, 349, 523
Schmidt Karl Ernst Maj., 262
Schneider Col, 243
Schneider Ludwig, 95, 512
Schneider Paul, 117, 142, 520
Schober Albert, 273
Scholz Lt, 392
Schönberger Adolf, 415, 525
Schönle Walter, 461, 525
Schroeter Arthur Hptm, 93, 509
Schultz Cpl, 205
Schultz Lt, 379-381
Schulz Major, 39, 41, 393, 398, 408
Schuster Leopold, 210, 226, 521
Schütte Alfred, 427, 428, 525
Schwarz Michael, 114, 117, 118, 142, 520
Schwenk Johannes, 94, 511
Sciskala Rudolf, 94, 511
Scorpioni Italo, 440, 540
Scott Erwin Jr, 73, 484
Séassau, 335-337
Sedan-Miegemolle Henri Dr, 338, 541
Séguran Hippolyte, 231, 540
Seidel Emory P., 134
Seidel Georg Olt, 168, 186, 189, 210, 211, 226, 520
Seifert Rudolf, 226, 522
Seitz Richard, Lt.Col, 363, 368, 369, 376
Selvetti Armand, 440, 540
Separovitch Nicolas, 233, 234
Septembre Yvette, 347, 350
Sepulveda Ramon M., 209, 502, 505
Serano Emmanuel, 144, 147, 148
Sereto Firmin, 451, 452
Seriot Roland Commandant, 156, 159, 160
Servel Pierre Ss.Lt., 156, 158-160, 500
Setimo Baptiste, 148
Seubert Johann, 379-381, 524
Sexton Rex D., 90, 504
Shaker Kenneth Lt, 214
Shaneyfelt Alton L., 91, 504
Shankman Benjamin, 378
Sharpe George W. Lt, 91, 505
Sheehan Thomas L., 170, 172, 501
Sherman Arthur E., 470, 473, 507
Shumaker Harold I., 481, 491, 507
Sibonga Pvt, 128
Siegel ‘Bud’ Ernst Capt., 198, 199
Siegert Lothar, 217, 218, 226, 522
Sierra Alexander, 484
Sikora Zdenko, 187, 227, 521
Silbermann Max, 37
Silve Lt, 47, 347, 348
Simms J.G. Lt, 308
Simon Mr and Mme, 330
Simon Roger, 407, 414, 541
Simpson Jack, 205
Sizemore Arlis, 162, 175
Skowronski Heinrich, 461
Skrzydolski Adam, 226, 521
Skutnik Mitchell J. Lt, 108
Slucter Glenn, 203
Smart George S., 98
Smith Charles R., 278
Smith Dave, 209
Smith Douglas FlO, 82
Smith George, 205
Smith J.D., 206
Smith Norman, 274
Smith Robert I. Lt, 265
Sobschak Willi, 94, 511
Soppelsa Josef, 46, 342
Sorrentino Capt., 441
Souny, see Giovannini Philippe
Sowka Gerhard, 227, 520
Spencer Dick Lt., 222, 224, 465, 466, 469, 499
Sputek Leo, 379, 382, 524
Staat John A., 465, 466, 469, 474
Stanford Charles F., 251, 258, 502, 505
Stange Werner, 528, 525
Starkey Carl E. Lt, 458, 459
Starr Hugh R., 152-154, 505, 505
Stedherm, 141, 509
Steele H. Pvt, 438
Steele Robert, 447, 448
Steiner Johann, 94, 511
Steinke Franz, 117, 142, 520
Stephens Preston, 90
Stèque Max, 10, 38, 247-250, 256, 258-261
Stevens Jim, 204
Stevenson Leonard, 92, 503
Stewart 509, 193
Stewart Arthur C.F., 91, 503
Stobbe Franz, 415, 524
Stockl, 142, 513
Stoermer Edward, 163, 164
Stoner Tom, 193
Story William Lt, 283, 300, 483
Stott Floyd Lt, 126-128
Strassburg Alton W., 172, 173, 501
Striegl Franz, 94, 511
Strom Carl Lt, 134, 135, 163, 165
Strunk Johann, 269-271, 522
Strzoda Herbert, 210, 226, 521
Stumpe Helmut, 257, 522
Styppa Konrad, 18, 182, 226, 520
Suarez François, 401, 414, 541
Sutherland Harvey, 85
Sutherland William A., 86, 90, 504
Sweeny Sgt, 246
Sweetitz Frank J., 144, 196, 197, 501, 505
Swobodnik Reinhard, 302, 523
Synczek Josef, 117, 142, 520
Szafranek Richard, 187, 227, 522
Szczech Casimer, 474, 508
Tacconi Adèle, 10, 351, 356, 362, 370, 377
Taglioni François, 411, 412, 414, 540
Talent Dr, 138
Tallent Angèle, 111
Tappen Jerome F., 91, 505
Tardieu Gaston, 388, 541
Taubmann Udo, 24, 25, 30, 31, 38, 113, 115, 116, 123
Taylor Water Willard Lt, 246-248, 250, 257, 262, 264, 464
Temel Johann, 265, 521
Tenerini Louis, 50, 51
Tenute Louis J., 206, 209, 474, 502, 505
Téobaldi Policeman, 404
Tevenac F. Lt, 137, 138
Thibaud Roland, 264, 540
Thieme Hans, 225, 521
Thoma Vinzenz, 61, 62, 517
Thomas Edward Maj., 10, 11, 284
Thomas Gwilym J., 90, 503
Thomas José, 239, 540
Thompson 509, 196
Thompson Alfred G., 90
Thompson Chuck, 459
Thompson Don, 204
Thompson Raymond F., 492, 493, 506
Thorng William, 459, 460, 503, 506
Thornton Tom, 437
Tichanow Piotr, 24
Tietz Olt, 22
Tilley Luther, 418-420
Tilly Capitaine, 441
Tilney Gerald K., 191, 192, 194, 197, 501, 505
Timm Marvin, 331, 332
Tischer Abbé, 426, 427
Tischlerei, 415, 524
Tobiassen Reidar, 91, 505
Toche Pauline, 352, 353, 355
Toledo, 45, 48
Tomasik Edmund J. Capt., 191, 198, 200
Tonner Amable, 213, 216, 228
Tonner Fernand, 213, 216, 228, 229
Tonner Francis, 49, 213, 216, 228, 229, 540
Tönnisen Richart, 402
Tordo brothers, 37
Torino Mme, 261
Tornow Paul Maj., 136, 138-140, 398
Torrin Séraphin, 61, 62, 259, 389
Traband Paul, 238, 239
Tramontana Joseph, 45, 48, 120
Travaca Mr, 287
Traver Myrle, 72, 454, 470, 484
Tremellat G., 289
Tremellat Paul, 61, 307
Trenne Heinrich Lt, 95, 512
Trzeszkowski Victor, 144, 149
Tully Joseph J., 304, 473, 502, 506
Tully Martin Lt, 161
Twibell Charles L., 377
Ulysse FFI, 424
Underhill Adna Capt., 285, 286
Urban Leo, 204
Urbanski Wilhelm, 415, 525
Uschold Josef, 186, 340, 521
Vada Paul, 440, 540
Vagliano Hélène, 388, 541
Vahanian Stephan, 220, 233
Valaira Josette, 30
Valeria FSSF, 284
Vallaghé Paul, 414, 541
Van Guilder Lloyd, 193
Van Ness Joseph F., 448, 449, 491, 503, 506
Van Schoorisse Antoine, 268, 269, 541
Van Utt Vandermoor Lt, 494
Vanderpool Walter, 485, 508
Vanssay Elizabeth de, 282, 283, 285, 287, 290, 295, 297-302, 305-307
Vella Paul Maj., 125
Verani Angèle, 452
Verine ‘Gustel’ Commandant, see Gustel
Verola Jean, 354
Veyan Jean, 106, 107, 112, 113, 124, 129-131
Veyan Urbain, 112
Vial Gilbert, 147, 149-152
Vial Honoré, 443, 541
Vial Verdun, 414, 541
Viale Madame, 32, 307
Vidal FTP, 50
Villecrose Mr, 293
Vivalda Joseph, 439, 440
Voegeli Mme, 186, 276
Vogl Georg, 22, 147, 149, 513
Vogt Capt., 63
Völker Franz, 141, 509
Waber Gustav, 415, 523
Wagner Dr, 109, 110, 115, 117
Walker Edwin Col., 68, 304, 324
Wall Arthur, 226, 521
Walls Jessie Capt., 86, 88, 439, 440, 476
Walton James L., 385, 474, 503, 506
Walz Josef, 456, 461, 525
Walzek, 419
Wanielik Wilhelm, 93, 509
Warrant Father, 347, 350
Wassermann Mr and Ms, 36
Waters Lou, 433-436
Waters Stan Maj., 284
Watkins Elza, 493
Wayda Frank s., 377
Webb Harold, 298
Webb Lee M. Lt, 199-201, 220, 502, 505
Webb Orval W. Lt, 476
Webb William, 277
Weber Fritz, 178, 226, 512
Weber Paul, 93, 509
Wegen Willi, 186, 227, 521
Weidlich Herbert, 436, 437, 525
Weimann Paul, 210, 226, 521
Weis Georg Olt, 269
Weise Richard, 93, 509
Wenthold Ralph, 418
Wesoly Stefan, 23, 24
White James E., 215, 502, 506
Whitfield Jack, 477, 478, 507
Wickstrom Karl Lt, 32-34, 80, 275, 276, 418
Wierzba Stephan, 74
Wiesniewski Alfons, 296, 330, 523
Wikins(ki) Henry, 91, 92, 505
Wilcox Virginia, 75
Williams Howard, 275
Williams John, 91, 503
Williams Max G., 208, 209, 502, 505
Wilson Jack, 162, 169-172
Winkler Fritz, 96, 513
Winkler Richard, 461, 525
Wirges Gestapo, 229, 230
Wismann, 159
Witcher Carl, 139
Witt Josef, 443, 525
Wittig Eberhard, 436, 437, 525
Wittmann Albert, 423, 520
Witzigmann Paul, 94, 511
Wolfgong Amos, 166
Wood C.M., 203
Woodard Lt, 455
Woodhull Woody, 477, 478
Woznicka Stefan, 217, 218, 226, 522
Wright Ronald, 163
Wright ‘Spud’ Allan Lt, 149-152
Wright William J., 209, 502, 505
Wrodarczyk Viktor, 226, 521
Wühr Alois, 305, 313, 318-320
Yarborough William Lt.Col., 67, 439, 440
Yellowrobe Alvin J., 205, 501, 505
York Joe E., 460, 503, 506
Young Capt, 73
Yulo Basil, 91, 505
Zadlo Joseph L., 195, 197, 501, 505
Zädow Horst Olt, 63, 519
Zais Melvin Lt.Col., 104, 105, 125
Zebisch Josef, 141, 509
Zecchini Angelin, 338
Zeichen Jakob, 415, 524
Zelioli Joseph, 440, 540
Zimmer Caparros Jeanne, 330, 331
Zimmer Voisen Marcelle, 330, 331
Zimmermann Wilhelm, 471-473, 479
Zimonczyk Victor, 415, 523
Zipperer Hermann, 187, 327, 523
Zuntini Georges, 406
Zwirner Major, 151, 152, 397
The project continues, and the author is always looking for more veterans, documents, photos, manuscripts and information regarding Operation Dragoon, the 1st Airborne Task Force, the 1st Special Service Force and the 509th, 517th and 551st Parachute Infantry Regiment/Battalions. If you are a veteran or family member, please contact me at
Abe James P Abe
Abel Raymond J. Abel 1922 Chicago IL
Abram Teddy M Abram 1921 Erie Co NY
Acosta David Acosta
Adams Marion L. Adams Union Co KY
Adams John B Adams Panam City FL
Adams Orlando A.E. Adams Sparta Wis
Adams Richard D Adams Nance Co OH Neb?
Adams Clayton C Adams 1919 Dade Co FL
Adams Erwin T Jr Adams
Adler Frisbie M Adler
Adler Frisbie M Adler Versailles MI
Affleck Jack H Affleck
Ahrens Richard L Ahrens Tucson AZ
Akiyama Mitsuo Akiyama
Albert John A Albert
Alcala Ramon Alcala
Alden Carlos C Alden
Aleck Johnie G Aleck
Alexich Jack J Alexich
Alfred Roth Alfred Bronx NY
Allen Alton L. Allen
Allen Glen H. Allen Yankton SD
Allen Joe M Allen Long Beach CA
Allen Alvie L Allen
Allgood William S Allgood
Allison Paul T Allison
Allison Ralph I Allison Minneapolis Min
Alongi Jack Alongi 1916 Wayne Co MI
Althoff Richard Althoff Columbus OH
Althouse David Althouse
Alto Lawrence L Alto Grand Rapids MI
Altshul Alex Altshul
Alvarado Jose M Alvarado
Alvarez William Alvarez Santurce
Amstutz Donavin Amstutz 1921 Hancock Co OH
Anderson Elmer J. Anderson Philadelphia Co PA
Anderson Robert C. Anderson 15.3.1919
Anderson Robert E Anderson
Anderson Donald E Anderson
Anderson Robert F Anderson
Anderson William D Anderson Bedford VA
Andrade Ben Andrade
Andrews Joseph Andrews Charlston Co SC
Aoki Toru B Aoki
Aponte Victor D Aponte 1918 Anne Arundel MA
Apperson John N. Apperson 21.11.1904 Richmond Henrico CO VA
Araki Joe H. Araki
Archer Clark R. Archer Cleveland OH
Archer Eugene M Archer Kenosha WI
Arii William E Arii
Armatta Edward A. Armatta
Armitage Oliver W Armitage
Arnold Alex E Arnold
Arredonds James M. Arredonds Los Angeles CA born TX
Arroyo-Ruiz Alfredo Arroyo-Ruiz Ponce
Arsenault Harry J. Arsenault
Attebery Edgar R. Jr Attebery
Atwater Warren C Atwater
Audet Charles H Audet
Augesen August P Augesen
Austin Harold E Austin 1921 Madisson Co IL
Austin James M Austin
Austin James M Austin
Austin Michael J Jr Austin
Aviles Angel L Aviles
Ayabe Tadashi Ayabe
Ayabe Tadayoshi Ayabe Hanapepe Kauai Hawaii
Ayres David W. Ayres 1920 Passaic NJ
Baca Albe J Baca Pueblo CO
Bacon Howard F Bacon Ware MA
Bacon Milton E Bacon
Bagan Frank J. Bagan
Bagby James E Bagby
Baggett Al D. Baggett
Bail Ignatius J Jr Bail Philadelphia PA
Bailey Charles A Bailey
Bailey Charles D Bailey Centralia IL
Bailey Marion E Bailey Vidtette GA
Bailey Douglas M Bailey Port Angles WA
Bailey Richard M Bailey
Bain James Bain Holliwood CA
Baker James E Baker Shell Lake Wis
Baker Clyde D Baker 1923 St Louis City MO
Baldwin William F. Baldwin
Baldyga Constanti P Baldyga Hartford Conn
Ball Devere L Ball
Ballantyne Archibald Ballantyne Kearny NJ
Bandy Jack D Bandy National City CA
Banks Wilbur M Banks
Barbeau Melvin E. Barbeau
Barber James M Barber
Baressi Joseph Baressi
Barker Arthur J Barker
Barnes David A Barnes
Barnes Robert D Barnes
Barnhurst Ira R Barnhurst
Barnthouse Robert M Barnthouse Decauter Indiana
Barr John Jr Barr Turtle Creek PA
Barry Lawrence A Barry 1924 Elmore Co Idaho
Barth Otto W Barth
Bartlett Harold Bartlett Los Angeles CA
Bartok Eugene J Bartok East Chicago Ind
Barton Ken Barton
Bartow Clifford H. Bartow 28.11.1911 White Plains NY (or Westchester)
Bass Vernon L Bass
Bassett James A Bassett
Battenfield John Y Battenfield Oklahoma City OK
Batton James N. Batton Ridgely Tenn
Bauer Keith J Bauer
Baum Charles O Baum Logan Ohio
Baumann Elwood D Baumann Green Bay Wis
Bausch Earl E Bausch
Bauza Jose O Bauza
Baze Roy E. Baze 22.7.1910 Paul's Valley or Chickasha, OK
Beach Charles C Jr Beach
Bearse Selwyn F Bearse 1923 Bristol Co Mass
Beatham Stanley Jr Beatham 6.10.1915 Lincoln, Main
Beatty Walter C.J. Beatty
Beauchaine Arthur E. Beauchaine 13.11.1919 Middlesex Co Mass
Beaver Homer C. Beaver
Beck Eugene R Beck Atlantic city NJ
Beckner Eugene Beckner 1.8.1921 Lebanon, Wadena Co, MINN
Beckwith Lewis B Beckwith Aroostook Co ME
Bednarz Richard B. Bednarz
Beggs Claud E Beggs Greenville SC
Begrin Louis Begrin Willows CA
Begue Arthur C. Begue
Bejma Frank J Bejma
Belanger Joseph Belanger
Belcher John D Belcher
Belcher Jasper Belcher
Belezzuoli Peter O Belezzuoli
Bell George Bell Sharpsville PA
Bell Marvin C. Bell Los Angeles
Bell Orman G. Bell Ljamsville MD
Bell George Bell Same as other George Bell????
Bell Richard? R Bell
Bence Allen H. Bence Milwaukee
Bennett Joseph M Bennett
Benoit Rene A Benoit Rutland Vermont
Bensley Robert E Bensley 1919 Vico Co Ind
Bergeman Clarence Bergeman 16.2.1923 Winslow Illinois
Bergeron Otis E Bergeron 1922 Covington Co Mis
Bergin? Martin W Bergin?
Berman Bernard Berman
Bernay (Bernheimer) George I Bernay (Bernheimer) Coos Co NH
Bethel Jewell G. Bethel
Bezon Ivan J Bezon
Biblowitz Solomon Biblowitz
Bickel Earl L Bickel
Bickl John A Bickl
Billman Lewis R. Billman 12.6.1921 Magnolia Ohio, born Dresden
Billner William J Billner
Billstrom John E. Billstrom Pomona CA
Birdsall Russell E. Birdsall New York
Bires Stephan J Bires
Birkner Archie G Birkner
Bishop Ellis L Bishop
Bishop James M Bishop
Bittinger Ross E Bittinger
Bjelland Lloyd K Bjelland
Blackman Henry F Blackman NY NY
Blackwood Joseph R Blackwood Evansville Ind
Blair Charles P. Blair
Blais Joseph A. Blais 9.4.1923
Blakely George W Blakely
Blanco Rafael A Blanco Santurce
Blashill Lester G Blashill Laport Min
Blass Edward Blass Jamaica Long Island
Bledsoe Maurice O Bledsoe 1924 Curry NM
Bleiler Donald R Bleiler Detroit Mich
Bloyd David G. Bloyd 3.10.1923 Moundsville W Virginia
Bluhm John Bluhm 1920 Osceola Co MI
Blythe William J Blythe
Bobb Joseph A. Bobb
Bobbitt Calrence E Bobbitt
Boccino Angelo O Boccino
Bodor Louis J Bodor Swissdale PA
Boehlke Otto A Boehlke
Boehmer Glenn E Boehmer
Boehmke Warren Boehmke
Boese Robert Q. Boese St Cloud MN
Boettner Ervin E Boettner
Boggan William F. Boggan
Boisjolie Lloyd L Boisjolie
Bolen Robert A Bolen
Bone Richard W Bone Provo Utah
Bongiovanni Joseph J Bongiovanni
Bonham Vernon B Bonham 1924 Kanahwa Wva
Booth Warren H Booth
Borelli James J Borelli
Borrelli Joseph James Borrelli 1918 Monroe Co NY
Bostrom Rodney W. Bostrom Vergas MN
Botti Rocco I Botti
Bouis James D Bouis New Orleans LA
Bowden Foster V. Bowden 1920 San Benito CA
Bowers Bowers
Boyd C.G. Boyd
Boyer Jack W Boyer Sunbury PA
Boyle William J Boyle NY NY
Boyle Walter B Boyle Sumter SC
Brabson Kimberly Brabson San Antonio TX
Bradley Max C. Bradley 1919 Oklahoma City
Brandes Mills C Brandes
Brandt William A Jr Brandt Poughkeepsie NY
Bransford James H. Bransford Aberdeen MI
Brennan Robert J. Brennan Lakewood OH
Brenner Daniel Brenner 1916 Philadelphia Co PA
Brethen Robert E Brethen
Brewster Jack H. Brewster Ashtabula OH
Brissey Eugene L Brissey Loveland OH
Brittain Denzel G Brittain
Britton Charles T Britton Camden NJ
Broderick Leonard E Broderick
Brodersen Russell N Brodersen Clinton Iowa
Brogdon Dan G Brogdon 1922 Gwinett Co Georgia
Broom Morrison G Broom
Broughton John L Broughton 1916 Erie Co PA
Brown Glemford Brown
Brown Douglas Brown Georgia
Brown Frank S. Jr Brown 1924 East Taunton Mass
Brown Robert W. Brown 1925 Yolo CA, born Kansas
Brown Maurice M Brown Colorado Springs CO
Brown Joseph D Brown Flushing NY
Brown Culver S Brown
Brown Glenford Brown 1924 Huron Co OH
Brown Odus A Brown
Brubaker Charles B Brubaker North Kenova Oh
Bruce Everell J Bruce
Bruce Thomas J Bruce 1921 Los Angeles Co
Bruce Everett J Bruce 1924 Attalla Co MI
Bryan Rester W Bryan
Bryan William J Jr Bryan
Bryan Wrester W Bryan Galivants Ferry SC
Bryant William A Bryant 1924 Riverside CA
Bryant William E Bryant 1924 Maryland
Bryant James B Bryant Huntington WV
Bubert Otis D Bubert Peoria IL
Buchan George T Buchan
Buchanan Joseph L Buchanan 18.2.1919 Richland Parish LA buried Eatonton. Familly all buried in Jasper CO MI
Buckley Robert S. Buckley
Buechler Paul H. Buechler
Buk William Buk Luzerne Co PA buried Lopez
Bumgarner Beryl L Bumgarner
Bunch Rollin F Bunch
Burch James E Burch Syendal Ind
Burcham Jack C Burcham 1923 Dupage Illinois
Burdsal Louis C Burdsal 1918 Greenville Co SC
Burlew Eugene R Burlew St Ignace Mich
Burns Francis N Burns
Burns Francis N. Jr Burns
Burns Edward W Burns
Burns Leroy H Burns
Burnside Don N. Burnside
Burrell Ralph L Jr Burrell Sullivan Co TE
Burrow Harvey K Burrow Troup TX
Burrows William H Burrows Durango CO
Burton Clarence F Burton Denver CO
Buss Royal L Buss
Bussey J.W. Bussey
Butler Ira J Butler 6.2.1915 Pike Co ILL
Butt Charles S Butt
Butts Ollie F Butts
Butts Olie Butts
Butts Ollie F Butts Cincinatti OH
Buxton Harry Buxton Austin MN
Buzzard James F Buzzard 1923 PA
Byran Rester W Byran
Cain Joseph J Cain
Calder Joseph E Calder
Cales Quiros Aristides Cales Quiros Guayanilla
Callahan James Callahan
Callahan Robert R Callahan Walla Walla Wash
Callahan Jerome V Callahan Chicago IL
Camacho-Roman Miguel A Camacho-Roman Villalba
Camden Charles H. Camden
Camp Hugh D Camp 1915
Campbell Richard Campbell
Campbell John J. Campbell 16.6.1918 Dorchester MA
Campbell Buford R Campbell
Campbell Jessie C Campbell 1924
Campos Frank Campos CAL
Canfield Dale R Canfield
Cannon Jerome Cannon 1920 Walker Co AL
Cantero Ramon Cantero San Juan
Carbonel paratrooper friend Carbonel paratrooper friend
Cardell Robert R Cardell
Cardell Walter A Jr Cardell 1920 Beckshire Co MA
Cardwell Elmer T Cardwell 1919 Arlington VA
Carlin James J Carlin
Carls Herbert W Carls
Carlson Edwin C Carlson Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Carlson Elmer J. Carlson
Carnes Joseph C Carnes 1922 Comanche Co TX
Carr Jake W Carr Bluff City TE
Carrion Angel L Carrion Mesilla NM
Carroll Henry E Carroll 1919 Anne Arundel MD
Carroll Richard A Carroll Norfolk VA
Carsey Henry T Carsey 1922 OH
Carson Crote D Carson 1921 District of Columbia
Cartagena Lorenzo Cartagena
Carter Carroll C Carter Columbus OH
Carter Carveth G Carter
Casey Thomas J Casey Elkhardt Indiana
Casey John W Jr Casey
Castaneda Salador P Castaneda 1922 Los Angeles Co
Castanon Joe Castanon 11.12.1922
Castiglione Jack C Castiglione
Castillo Juan A Castillo
Castonguay Romeo J Castonguay Fort Williams Maine
Castrillo Jacinto Castrillo Rio Piedras
Castro Enrique L Castro Eagle Pass TX
Cato Raymond L. Cato Indiana
Cavanaugh George F Cavanaugh
Cavolo Patsy Cavolo Newark NJ
Cawley Thomas J Cawley 1915 Allegheny PA
Cawthorn Victor M Cawthorn Tallahassee FL
Celli Anthony S. Celli Monmouth Co NJ
Cenna Albert K Cenna
Cergizan Emil W Cergizan
Cestero Eric Cestero
Chamberlain Demart Carl Chamberlain
Chambers Clarence A Chambers Raleigh NC
Chambless Benjamin L Chambless 1921 Tarrell GA
Chandler Billy J Chandler
Chapin Raymond A Chapin
Chappell John F. Jr Chappell 17.11.1920 Durham NC
Chavez Benny A Chavez Denver Col
Chenevert Hudson J Chenevert
Cherry Orthelle E Cherry
Chevallier Joseph A Chevallier
Childs Roderick E Childs
Chism John W Chism Berkeley CA
Chorniak Paul Chorniak
Chow On W Chow 1921 Sacremento Co CA
Christian William L Christian NY NY
Chrusciel August P Chrusciel Chicago IL
Chuchla Joseph J Chuchla
Chumly? Thomas J. Chumly?
Cielinski Joseph Cielinski Welch Wva
Ciner Henry A. Ciner
Cipy Charles Cipy
Clapp Arthur J. Clapp Riverside CA
Clark John W. Clark
Clark Alexander R Clark Hyattsville MD
Claus Leonard H Claus
Clay Edward H Clay Burbank CA
Coddington Harold S Coddington Orange County NY
Coffell Charles C. Coffell Huntsville AL
Coffelt Ernest R. Coffelt 28.5.1923 Savanah Georg, born Tennessee
Cogdell Robert C Cogdell
Cohen Harry Cohen
Colbert John W Jr Colbert
Cole James T. Cole
Cole Adelle E Cole
Coleman Richard H Coleman Clarence MO
Colflesh John G. Colflesh
Collatos Charles N Collatos
Collazo Narciso Collazo 15.12.1914
Collazo Charles Collazo 1912 Hilsboro Co FL
Collins Boggs G. Collins Nuttonville W.Va
Collins James T. Collins
Collins Wilbur C Collins
Collins Claud T Collins
Collinson Thomas Collinson
Colo Hector H. Colo 24.1.1925 Los Angeles, A.Lincoln Hschool
Colquitt James A Colquitt
Colvin Milton Colvin
Compston Robert E Compston
Conaway Edward E. Conaway
Conely Dennie M Conely
Connoly Raymond J Connoly
Connoly Raymond J Connoly Long Island NY
Cook Russel P. Cook Birdseye Indiana
Cook Moffet C. Cook 30.1.1925 Walnut Springs TX
Cook John W. Cook Carthage IL
Cook Clinton C Cook
Cooley John C Cooley
Cooley Robert V Cooley
Cooper William C. Cooper 14.5.1918 Welston OH/Cross Creek PA
Cooper Leonard S Cooper Chicago IL
Cooper John T Cooper
Copeland Richard M. Copeland Denver CO
Corbet Harry F Corbet 1923 Allen Co OH
Corbin Paul E Corbin
Cordero Juan C Cordero Santurce
Cornett Edgar Cornett Jackson KY
Correa Antonio Correa
Cory Paul F Jr. Cory
Coupland Leland Coupland
Coutts Archie S Coutts
Covostese? Alexander Covostese?
Crabb Willie E Crabb
Crabb? Troy Crabb?
Craft Walter C Craft Rose Hill NC
Crane Thomas J. Crane 23.5.1919 Corry PA
Crane Oakley H. Crane
Crawford William H Crawford Passaic NJ
Crawford Bruce M Crawford
Crevelling Oscar F Crevelling Yates Co NY
Crichtlow Charles A Crichtlow Indianapolis Ind
Critchfield Robert Critchfield
Crocker Elton R Crocker
Crosby James H. Crosby 4.7.1920 Columbus, Georgia
Cross Lynwood W. Cross
Cross John R Cross 1916 Crane Co TX
Crowder Louis C. Crowder Malott Washington
Crumley Manley L Crumley
Cuccerre George D Cuccerre Houston TX
Culley James P Culley
Cummings Harry R Cummings Syracuse NY
Currie Graham Currie New Jersey
Currie Donald S Currie
Currie Graham Jr Currie
Cusimano Thomas F Cusimano
Cutmore William C. Cutmore
Cwynar Julian J Cwynar
Dager Albert Dager
Dahlheimer Leon E Dahlheimer
Daich/Daigh Charles G Daich/Daigh Los Angeles CA
Dainard Stanley E. Dainard 26.11.1919 Belleville Ontario
Dalessandro Raymond P Dalessandro
Daley Richard R. Daley
Dallas Jack W Dallas Daly City CA
Dalrymple Harold V. Dalrymple Chico CA
Danner John H Danner
Danowski Walter Danowski
Darden Jack M Darden Brownsville / Harlingen TX
Darden Jack M. Darden Harlingen TX
Darnell K. E. Darnell
Darrough Theodore B Darrough 1919 Douglas Co Nebraska
Darter Garlande E Darter Ozark AK
Daunders Douglas I Daunders Pacotello Idaho
David Robert B David Atlantic Beach FL
David Roy W. David 26.1.1921 Idaho Falls Idaho
Davis William H. Davis Cumberland MD
Davis James M. Davis
Davis William D Davis
Davis Jesse W Davis
Davison Robert E. Davison 26.12.1920 Bandon Coos Co OR
Davison William A Davison
Dawson Albert T Dawson Lake Co IND
Dawson Albert F Dawson
Dawson Albert F Dawson Seattle WA
De Fabbo Innocent De Fabbo Pittsburg PA
Dean Patrick J Dean
Dearing Albin P Dearing Eccleston MD
DeCamilla Bernard J. DeCamilla Monroe Co NY
DeFelice Lorenzo F DeFelice 1921 Shenectady NY
DeGaeta Nicholas R. DeGaeta Brooklyn NY
DeGavre Chester B. DeGavre
DeGregory Antoni F DeGregory
Delaney William H Delaney NY NY
DeLeo Dan DeLeo Chicago IL
Delgado Agenol Delgado
Deliz Arturo Deliz
Dellaca Thomas J Dellaca
DeLong Henry L DeLong
Deming James W. Deming 22.2.1923 Worcester+Schenectady NY
Demling John J Demling
Demmel Ruchard P Demmel Raton NM
Dennis William E. Dennis 25.10.1921 Dearborn Co, Indiana
Derbin Charles A Derbin Detroit Mich
Derringer Roger P Derringer 1917 Defiance Co OH
DeVanie John C DeVanie
Devault Charles R Devault Jonesville VA
Dewar Melvin A Dewar
Dewar Melvin A Dewar
Dewey Charles E. Dewey Wellesboro PA
Diaco Joseph P Diaco Wilkes Barre PA
Diaz Felix Diaz
Dickinson Daniel W Dickinson Pittsburgh PA
Dickson William L Dickson Tulsa OK
Dietbolt John A Dietbolt
Dieterlen Charles A Dieterlen Clark Co IN
Digenova John Digenova
DiGenova J DiGenova
Dillard Earl H Dillard Idabel OK
Dillard Ernest C Dillard
Dineen James J Dineen
Dinet Eugene A Jr Dinet
Dirkson Vernon D. Dirkson 17.03.1923 Wells County ND
Dobbins John H Dobbins
Doby Dolan R Doby
Dodd Floyd H. Dodd
Dodge George A Dodge Cambridge MA
Dodge Charles F. Dodge Washburn Wis
Dodson Gerald L. Dodson Lyons Kansas
Dohner Sigurd L. Dohner 20.3.1923 Queens Co Ny
Doll Ralph W. Doll
Donahue Robert J. Donahue
Donovan R.J. Donovan
Dores? A.J. Dores?
Dorsa Anthony Dorsa
Dorsa Anthony J Dorsa Dallas Tex
Douglas Allan H Douglas Savannah Georgia
Downes Raymond J Jr Downes
Downing James P Downing Boston MA
Doyle Paul E Doyle
Doyle Robert L Doyle
Draper Earl W. Draper 1924 Boston
Driscoll John A. Jr Driscoll
Duarte Toney F. Duarte 1919 Richmond CA
Ducote Larry J. Ducote 6.2.1912 Tarrant or Fort Worth TX, born Louisiana
Dugan John E. Dugan Philadelphia PA
Dumm Cornelius M Dumm
Dunbar Vernon E. Dunbar
Duncan Dale H Duncan Worthington PA
Duncan Robert F Duncan Charleston SC
Duncan James E Duncan 1924 Cumberland Co PA
Dunlap Amos H Dunlap Anson Co NC
Dunlavey Thomas F Jr Dunlavey
Dunn Roy L Dunn Atlanta Georgia
Dunton Albion W Dunton Pittsfield Main
Durand Frank A Durand
Durant Henry N Durant Maldan MA
Durham George E. Durham Parkers Lake, St Claire Co, Illinois
Dusenbury William W Dusenbury
Dyas James H. Dyas
Dyer Forrest L. Dyer Schatz Montana
Dyer Earl A Dyer
Dyer Robert F Dyer 1920 Cook Co IL
Eadie Albert J. Eadie Greensburg PA
Eaker Wallace H Eaker 1920 Cuyahoga Co OH
Eastman Albert E Eastman
Eaton Wyndle Eaton Aspermont TX
Echard Lewie H Echard
Edgerly Joseph A. Edgerly
Edwards Clarence E Edwards
Edwards Eldon R Edwards Columbus OH
Egawa Robert Egawa
Egolf James F Egolf
Eister Harry A Eister
Eldredge Paul J Eldredge
Eliszewski Henry J Eliszewski 1922 Milwaukee Co Wis
Eller Evan Eller Spokane WA
Elliot Willis S Elliot 24.02.1922 Collingdale
Elliott Carroll Elliott
Elliott Richard F Elliott
Ellis Perry I. Ellis 10.10.1918 Forsyth North Carolina
Ellis Robert A Ellis Monroe Wis
Ellis Cecil E Ellis
Ellis James O Ellis
Emmons Ralph Emmons
Emmons Ralph L. Emmons
Endlich Walter G Endlich
Engle Ernest J Engle Bismarck ND
Englert Wallace P. Englert
Erickson Carl Erickson Mommoth Utah
Erickson Gustave E Erickson
Erickson Gustav E. Erickson Chicago IL
Ernst Albert J. Ernst 28.12.1922 Bronx NY
Erskine Lark A Erskine
Eschenburg Emil P Eschenburg
Eschenburg Emil P Eschenburg
Espinoza Manuel S Espinoza 1922 Monterey Co CA
Estes James S Estes
Estes James S Estes 1924 Canadian Co
Eugene Donald W Eugene Cleveland OH
Evans James Evans
Evans James Evans 1925 Kentucky
Evans Bryan Evans Fayetteville NC
Everett Coleman L. Everett Red Oak OK
Everett William E. Everett
Everhart William H Everhart Lexington NC
Ewing Paul R. Ewing Darlington Wis
F/Parmer? Cecil E F/Parmer? Braden OK
Fabrick Anthony Fabrick East Mauch Chunk PA
Fairbanks William O Fairbanks Greenzich Village NY
Fairbanks William Fairbanks Portville NY
Fallon John J Fallon
Falstich Paul B Falstich
Fanale Vincent C Fanale
Farrell Charles S. Farrell
Farren Joseph A. Farren
Fedel Charles R Fedel Chicago Ill
Felbob Victor F Felbob
Ferreira Frank Ferreira Taunton MA
Ferris Louis A Ferris
Fiander Hubert J. Fiander 14.10.1920 Gloucester Mass
Fields Warren B. Fields 16.8.1915 Uniontown+Charleroi PA or Wayne Co Michigan
Fies Gene L Fies Birmingham AL
Figueroa Francisco Figueroa Penuelas
Fina Theodore J. Fina Bronx NY
Fina Theodore J. Fina NY NY
Fiorino Vince J Fiorino Chicago IL
Fisco Richard D Fisco Oakwood Heights NY
Fisher Daniel A. Fisher 3.10.1924 Prairie du Chien WI
Fisher Herbert E. Fisher 27.8.1919 Ny Co NY
Fite B.H. Fite
Fitzgerald Cecil M. Fitzgerald 10/11/1912 Lawrenceburg TN
Fitzgerald John J Fitzgerald Renselaer Co NY
Flach William H Flach Mendon Mich
Flach William H Flach 1924 St Joseph Co Mich
Flament Charles A. Flament Lichtfield Co CT
Fletcher Robert L Fletcher 1924 Elkhart Co Ind
Flick Charles R Flick Hannibal MI
Florant John L. Florant PA
Florentine James V Florentine Mount Jewett PA
Flores Abel N Flores Robstown
Floyd William N Floyd
Flynn Leo L. Jr Flynn
Fonaas Richard C Fonaas
Fonrrodona Miguel A Fonrrodona Sabana Grande
Fontanez Monserrate Fontanez
Ford George A. Ford
Ford/Fort Johnnie C Ford/Fort Columbus GA
Foster Ora A Foster Pontiac Michigan
Fouts John Fouts Strang Mayes Co OK
Fowler Fred F Fowler NY NY
Franklin Winston A Franklin St Louis City MO
Frantl Edward W Frantl Milwaukee WIS
Fraser Donald W Fraser Blue Island IL
Frazier John W Frazier
Frederick Robert T Frederick 33rd St NW Washington DC
Freeman Harold M. Freeman
Freeman George F Freeman
Fremed Charles M Fremed
Fretz Charles L Fretz
Frezon Lawrence G Frezon Albion Mich
Froman James J. Froman DeWitt Arkansas
Frye John W Frye
Fuchs Raymond J Fuchs 11.1.1914 Huntington Co IN
Fuentes Gabriel Jr Fuentes Santurce
Fuentes Candelario Fuentes
Fuhrer Charles Fuhrer 1920 Burlington Co NJ
Fujikawa Genji Fujikawa
Fujiki Hideo Fujiki
Fujimoto Haru Fujimoto
Fujimoto Kiyoshi Fujimoto
Fujita Sadamitsu N Fujita
Fujiu Hobi Fujiu
Fulgham Jack E Fulgham Weatherford TX
Fuller Richard B. Fuller
Fuller John L Fuller Ashtabula OH
Fuller Beverly P Fuller
Funk Jack D Funk
Furis Nick M Furis
Furr Everett M Furr
Furr EM? Furr
Futamata George M Futamata Denver County Co
Gaich Peter Gaich
Gaither Charles R Gaither Creswell NC
Galea Joseph F Galea
Galicki Bronislaw N Galicki
Galicki B.M. Galicki
Gallagher Henry A Gallagher
Gallardo Jesus M. Gallardo
Gallardo Robert Gallardo NY NY
Gallegos Martin G. Gallegos Albuquerque NM
Gallipeau Donald J Gallipeau
Galuskin Martin M Galuskin
Gandia Felix Gandia
Gannon John P Gannon 1923 Philadelphia Co PA
Garcia Julius Garcia
Garcia Ralph S Garcia
Garcia Amnanto Garcia
Gardner George B. Gardner 2.7.1916
Garner Paul Garner
Garoia Florencio Garoia
Garrett Victor E Garrett Kerrville TX
Garrett Carl F Garrett Rockport Ind
Garrett Victor E Garrett
Garvie Clarence M. Garvie Charlotte MI
Garvin Leslie A Jr Garvin Pittsburgh PA
Gaskill Ross W Gaskill Boise Idaho
Gatch Frank J Gatch
Gates William H. Gates 23.2.1920 Benton Mn or Rice(mother)
Gates Theodore R Gates
Gatsch Frank J. Gatsch Chicago Ill
Gaunce John E. Gaunce KS
Generson? Leonard R Generson?
Genesky Edward Genesky Yonkers NY
Gerhold William H Gerhold
Gerk Stanley J Gerk Cuyahoga Co OH
Gettinger Daniel N Gettinger
Gibson Ernest K Gibson
Gilbert Carroll L Gilbert Danville VA
Gilbert William J Gilbert Newalk OH
Gilbreath William JC Gilbreath 1924 Forrest City AR
Gill John W Gill Douglas Co Nebraska
Gill John C Gill
Gilliam Johnnie W Gilliam Cyril OK
Gillman Marvin N Gillman Union Pier MICH
Gillmore Stewart Gillmore
Giscti Walter E Giscti NY NY
Given Gilbert L Given
Gleen Mifflin G Gleen
Gliosci Joseph Gliosci
Glodan Laszlo Jr Glodan
Glynn Hugh J Glynn 1922 Bristol Co MA
Godfrey Elwood W Godfrey
Goldetsky Frank H Goldetsky
Gomez Ignacio M. Gomez San Antonio TX
Gomez Julio Gomez
Gonzales Mike V Gonzales
Gonzales Mike V Gonzales
Gonzalez Jose M Gonzalez Ponce
Gonzalez Jose M Gonzalez
Gonzalez Fidel Gonzalez
Gonzalez William Gonzalez
Goodman Allan R Goodman Chicago IL
Goodspeed Melvin A Goodspeed
Goodwin Charles G Goodwin
Gorbea Jose A Gorbea Santurce
Goswick Jesse O. Goswick 1925 Rockland NY, born Texas
Gould James R Gould
Graber L.E. Graber
Gracia Julius Gracia Bronx NY
Gracia-Nunez Rafael Gracia-Nunez Caguas
Graff Harold P Graff
Graham Eugene L Graham
Gram George W Gram
Gramza Edward Gramza
Granger Renaldo Granger 14.6.1919 Roselea Alberta
Grant Samuel U Grant Grove City PA
Grant Thomas H Grant Rome GA
Graves Rupert D Graves MA
Graves Arthur H Graves St Charles MI
Gray Doyle E Gray Taft CA
Gray Noah D Gray
Green Leslie E. Green Long Beach CA
Green Leslie E Green
Green Louis F. Green 25.7.1922 Yeager Hughes Co Oklahoma
Green Louis Green 15.2.1915 Emerson NJ
Greene Justin Greene
Greene William M Greene 7.8.1922 Providence County, RI
Greene Jack V Greene 1921 Dodge Co GA
Gregoire Vincent P Gregoire Chelsea Mass
Gregory Harry Gregory
Gregory Burton M. Gregory
Grezeka John Grezeka
Grieder John A Grieder
Griffin Maurice E Griffin
Griffin Donald F. Griffin 12/22/1920 Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Grodin Morrie Grodin 31.8.1913 St Paul MN
Groom Alfred R. Groom Washington
Gross Maurice K Gross
Grover Robert E. Grover
Gruwell Robert R. Gruwell Los Angeles CA
Guerrero Louis C Guerrero 1924 Bexar Co TX
Gullette Leo A Gullette
Gunderson Theodore E Gunderson 1922 Harney Co OR
Gunn Havard John Gunn 10.4.1913
Gurfein Joseph I Gurfein
Gutierrez Rafael Gutierrez Guayama
Guttaduaro Joseph T. Guttaduaro Chelsea MA
Guynup Clarence N. Guynup
Gwin Courtney Gwin
Haas Christian B Haas Chatham NJ
Haerr Clifford M Haerr
Hagmes D.M. Hagmes
Haight David B. Haight
Haines Howard H Jr Haines
Hall Floyd B Hall
Hall John T Hall Haddonfield NJ
Hall F.B. Hall
Hallas Robert C. Hallas Portland OR
Haller Leonard R Haller
Haller Leonard R. Haller 29.12.1924 Parsons Wva or Cheverly MD
Hamamoto Takeo Hamamoto Hilo Hawaii
Hames Robert E Hames 1.7.1920 Clinton SC
Hamilton Hugh R. Hamilton Kansas City
Hammons Leonard L. Hammons
Hamner Fred G Hamner
Hampton J B Hampton 2/8/1924 Gibson Tennessee
Hanna Walter C Jr Hanna
Hannon James T Hannon
Hardin Robert X. Hardin 13.6.1914 Little Rock AR
Hardy Edward W Hardy Washington DC
Harless Hudie H Harless
Harmas Earld D Harmas
Harper Dallam B Harper
Harper Carl B Harper
Harrington John P Harrington
Harris Paul Harris
Harris John E Harris
Harrison Winfield E Harrison
Hart Carl M. Hart
Harter David L Harter
Hartman Edward W Hartman Ravenna OH
Hata Kosaburo Hata
Hathorn Robert R. Hathorn
Hatley Clayton O Hatley Mena AK
Hatmaker Willie R Hatmaker
Hatmaker Willie R Hatmaker Campbell Co TEN
Hattori Takash Hattori
Hauer Henry J Jr Hauer Philadelphia PA
Havig Marlyn Havig
Havig Marlyn W Havig Orchard Iowa
Hawkins James J. Hawkins
Hay John J. Hay 12/4/1913 Harrison NY
Hayashi William M Hayashi
Hayes Frank W Hayes Painted Post NY
Haynes Homer Haynes 1911 White Co Ind
Healey Ralph S Healey Norfolk VA
Hecko George J. Hecko Indiana
Heide Axel E Heide 9.5.1918 Carroll Iowa
Helton Clyde Helton
Hemsworth George P. Hemsworth 7.20.1921 Roxbury, Mass, born Canada
Henderson Lowell Jr. Henderson
Hendricks Henry C Jr Hendricks
Hendrickson Lawrence Hendrickson
Henning Charles R Henning
Henning Charles R Henning
Hensleigh Howard Hensleigh
Hensleigh Howard E Hensleigh Iowa City Iowa
Heriford Jack Heriford
Hernandez Jose D Hernandez
Hernandez Joe Hernandez San Joaquin Co CA
Herosian Rachambeau A Herosian
Heroux Armand R Heroux Holyoke MA
Herr Howard J Herr
Hetland Harold W Hetland La Cross Wis
Hibben Wayne W Hibben Dallas TX
Hickenlooper Howard L Hickenlooper
Hickman Thurman L. Hickman
Hickox Burton A Hickox Lakeville PA
Hicks Edwin C Hicks 1916 GA
Higgins William J Jr Higgins
Higham Warren H Higham Willimantic Connecticut
Hikichi Hikichi
Hild Raymond C Hild Owensboro Ken
Hill John M Hill 22.5.1924 Shickshinny PA
Hill Robert H Hill
Hill Aloysius V Hill
Hiller William J Hiller Philadelphia
Hirales Ralph V. Hirales 28.6.1920 Bisbee AZ
Hirose Toro Hirose
Hisky Edwin F Hisky Baltimore Maryland
Hisky Edwin F Sr Hisky
Hnida Andrew Hnida
Hnida Andrew Hnida
Hoben John Hoben Clementon NJ
Hoben Joseph Hoben Clementon NJ
Hoben John E Hoben
Hodge Harold L Hodge
Hodges Clarence Hodges
Hoffman Guy M Hoffman
Hofsommer Walter M. Hofsommer
Hogan Hugh G Hogan
Hoggatt Elmer A Hoggatt 1924 Lincoln Co OK
Holmes Robert M Holmes Stockton CA
Holmes Charles O Holmes
Holt John W Holt
Holtz William J Holtz Ironton OH
Holz William J Holz Ironton OH
Holzworth Louis D Holzworth
Hooper Grant A Hooper La Cross Washington
Hoover Walter R Hoover
Hopkins Daniel J. Hopkins Fairview NJ
Hopper Charles H. Hopper
Horacek Theodore C Horacek 1925 Cuyahoga Co OH
Horacik Theodore C Horacik
Horton Rodger L Horton Hannibal MI
Horvat Joseph P Horvat Sagamore PA
Horvat Joseph P Horvat Sagamore PA
Houck Robert M. Houck
Hough William Jr Hough
Houghton Theodore R Houghton
Houghton Theodore E Houghton
Hovey Carl E Hovey Springfield IL
Howaniak Stanley F Howaniak
Howaniak Stanley F Howaniak 1920 Cuyahoga Co OH
Howard William L Howard Marion Oh
Howland Charles W Howland
Hudack Micheal Hudack
Huff Paul B Huff 1918 Bradley Co Ten
Hufft Raymond F. Hufft
Hufft Raymond F. Hufft New Orleans LA
Hufft Raymond F. Hufft New Orleans LA
Hughes Felix J. Hughes
Hughes James C Hughes 1919 Fulton Co GA
Hulshizer Allen H. Hulshizer Philadelphia Co PA
Humphrey Edward C Humphrey
Humphreys Sam D Jr Humphreys Rome GA
Hunt Major Hunt
Hunt Joseph E Hunt
Hunt Edwin T Hunt
Hunter Claude A Hunter
Hurley William L Hurley St Joe TX
Hurtado Gabriel A Hurtado Ponce
Iadevaia Lawrence L Iadevaia
Ibsen John H. Ibsen Chicago IL
Igawa Kaichi Igawa
Ige Yukio Ige
Inaba Goro Inaba
Inomoto Saturo Inomoto
Irvin Walter G Irvin Fort Lewis WA
Irwin Walter G Irwin Fort Lewis Washington
Isenberg Michael M Isenberg Chicago IL
Ishida Masaru Ishida
Isobe Isobe
Ivey Horace W Ivey Sylacauga AL
Jackson Ivan E Jackson
Jackson Lloyd J Jackson
Jacobs Joseph M Jacobs Binghampton NY
James Loren S James Olympia Wash
James William L. James
Jameson William R Jameson
Jamme Richard A. Jamme 3/8/1923 Warrenton Oregon
Jarvis Howard Jarvis Columbus OH
Jarvis Charles R Jarvis 1922 VA
Jaynes Howard D. Jr Jaynes Chicago IL, 6445 Fairfield St
Jenkins FW Jenkins
Jennings Sherman Jennings 1923 VA
Jensen George W. Jensen
John Frederick M. John
Johnson Arnold Johnson De Moines Iowa
Johnson Charles L Johnson Winburne PA
Johnson Russel C Johnson Cincinnati OH
Johnson Harold C Johnson Crookston Min
Johnson Charles E. Johnson
Johnson Martin A Johnson
Johnson Charles L Johnson Winburne PA
Johnson Arthur G Johnson 1923 Boyd Co Kentucky
Johnson William W Johnson 1921 Sussex Co Delaware
Johnson John J Johnson
Johnston Leslie G. Johnston New Liberty Ill
Johnston Thomas M. Johnston Bellefont PA
Johnston Thomas M. Johnston
Johnston James A Johnston Chattanooga Ten
Johnstone Norman W. Johnstone
Johson Martin A Johson
Jolley James D Jolley
Jolley Harris L Jolley
Jones Geoffrey Jones
Jones Melvin L. Jones Sarasota FL
Jones Walter L Jones
Jones Lewis L Jones
Jones Raymond L. Jones
Jones Thomas H Jones Dellhose Tenn
Jones Leslie K Jones 1922 Franklin Co PA
Jones Barney C Jones 1922 De Kalb AL
Jordan Eugene C. Jordan
Jozefski Chester B. Jozefski Monroe Co NY
Juneau James Juneau Grand Forks Mich
Junghanns? Carl R Junghanns?
Justice Stephen D Justice Clovis New Mexico
Juve Walter H. Jr Juve
Kaastad Olav Kaastad 19.9.1908 Kiester Faribault Co MN Born Tysnes Norway
Kabat Robert E Kabat Milwaukee WIS
Kachalsky Richard Kachalsky Bronx NY
Kagawa Wallace K Kagawa
Kalinowski Edward Kalinowski
Kalinowski Edward Kalinowski
Kambrick William J Kambrick 1923 Stark Co OH
Kaminishi Matsuo Kaminishi
Kammer Donald H Kammer 1918 Dade Co FL
Kaneshiro Seichi Kaneshiro Kapoho
Kaneshiro Robert M. Kaneshiro
Kaoru Moto Kaoru
Kaplar Joseph J. Kaplar 2/4.11.1923 Pottsville PA
Karatsu James S Karatsu Prowers Co CO
Karpen Keith S Karpen Lewis WA
Katase Bill K Katase
Kato Hideo Kato
Kauble Harold G Kauble Sandusky OH
Kawamoto Mitsuo Kawamoto
Kawamura Kawamura
Kazlauskas Alger P Kazlauskas
Kealen Robert F Kealen
Kearns Charles E. Kearns Asheboro NC
Keaton Noah Jr Keaton
Kecy Napoleon Kecy Manchester New Hampshire
Keefe Frank J. Keefe 28.4.1910 West Hempstead NY
Keegan William B Keegan
Keen Charles M Jr Keen
Kefster John F Kefster
Keim Edwin J Keim
Kelley Maurice S Kelley
Kellum Leon W Kellum Jacksonville NC
Kelly Alfred J Kelly
Kenna John A. Kenna
Kennamer Philip M. Kennamer 26.7.1915 Rogers Co OK+Tulsa
Kermer Arthur C Kermer
Kern William E. Kern 24.1.1921 Forest Park Il
Kersey Wilburn M. Kersey
Kersh E.R. Kersh
Key James I Key Black Mountain NC
Keyser Richard O Keyser Omaha Nebraska
Keyser Richard O Keyser Omaha NE
Kidd Willey D Kidd
Kiefer Carl Kiefer Covina CA
Kienlen Milton M Kienlen Wynnewood PA
Kijowski Walter J Kijowski Ford City PA
Killebrew Delmer Killebrew
Kimball Paul R. Kimball Sacremento CA
King William H King 1916 Union Co NJ
King Weldon W King
Kirchner John M Kirchner
Kirkpatrick Hermon L Kirkpatrick
Kirkpatrick Hermon L Kirkpatrick
Kiyonaga Kazuo Kiyonaga
Kiyota Willie K Kiyota
Klappert William E. Klappert
Klausen Albert J. Klausen Lee Co IL
Klisiewicz Henry D Klisiewicz Worcester Mass
Knapp Howard Knapp
Knapp James J Knapp
Knapp Burl J. Knapp 1922 Jackson Mich, born Williams OH
Knight Ferris Knight
Knight Charles E. Knight
Knopp James R Knopp 1919 Cambria Co PA
Knupp Gilbert B Knupp
Kobel Harold L Kobel
Kobel Harold L. Kobel 8.7.1925 Elmira/Gaylord MI
Kochersperger Chester R Kochersperger Philadelphia PA
Koerper Victor E Koerper Santa Rosa CA
Koizumi Masao Koizumi
Kolczynski Stanley Kolczynski Auburn NY
Kondo Herbert Y Kondo Koloa
Kondo Milton N Kondo McGehee AK
Kort William A Kort 1921 Nassau Co NY
Kortes Neil J. Kortes
Kortes Neal J Kortes 1921 Trumbull Co OH
Korth Frederick Korth Fond du Lac Wis
Kosidlo John M. Kosidlo Detroit Mich
Kranyak Louis Kranyak
Kranyak Louis W Kranyak
Kreiser William E. Kreiser Harrisburg
Kroeger Carlyle C Kroeger
Krueger Richard L Krueger Merrill Wis
Kryznowski Floyd Kryznowski
Kubec Marcus Kubec
Kubic Joseph Kubic 1920 Niagara Co NY
Kubota Sadaichi Kubota
Kuehl Orrin F. Kuehl
Kurata Minoru Kurata Haina
Kurtz Lester E Kurtz
Kutaka Masato Kutaka
Kutkoski Theodore A Kutkoski
La Flam George L Jr La Flam 1924 OH
La Valle Vincent J La Valle NY NY
LaBar LaVerne Jr LaBar 13.8.1921 Wilkes Barre PA
Lachaussee Charles E. Lachaussee Bergenfield NJ
Lacy Ralph E. Lacy Pocatello Idaho
Ladd Walter L. Ladd 25.3.1916 Newtown Ohio, born Ten
Laflam George L Laflam
Lafont Manuel Jr Lafont San Juan
Laich William F Jr Laich
Laidlaw Winn J Laidlaw
Laidlaw Winn J Laidlaw 1919 Cumberland PA
Laidlaw William R Laidlaw
Lamson Charles M Lamson Lockport NY
Lanahan William W Jr Lanahan Towson MD
Lancaster Vinale E Lancaster
Lancaster Vinal E Lancaster Milo Main
Lane James L. Lane
Langley Ralph E Langley
Lanteigne Alcide O Lanteigne
Lantz James F Lantz Republican City, Nebraska
LaPorte Paul G. LaPorte Bordeaux Quebec Bron St Michel des Saints
LaRiviere Gerard A LaRiviere
Larkiewez Chester J Larkiewez
Larson Anton Larson
Lastinger Andrew T Lastinger
Laterro Albert A Laterro 1917 Hamilton Co OH
Lathers James F Lathers National City CA
Latimer William T Latimer Union City Ten
Lattanzi Properzio P Lattanzi
Lau Herbert A Lau Cassville Wis
Laur Helen K Laur 11.4.1901 Pasadena CA, Windsor ON
LaValle Ralph E. LaValle Manistee MI
Lavelle Alton B Lavelle
Lawson William C. Lawson 28.5.1921 Emporia Kansas
Layman LeRoy A. Layman
Leach James R Leach Philadelphia PA
Leaman Horace F. Leaman Pittsburg PA/Pinelas FL
Leavy Stanley H. Leavy Youngstown Ohio
Lecklider George R Lecklider Spokane WA
Lee Calvin R. Lee
Lee James E. Lee
Lee Joseph W Lee
Lee Glynn B Lee
Legg Theodore N. Legg Nicholas Co WV
Legros Joseph Legros
Lehman Dean B Lehman
Lehr John E Lehr
Lejkowski Edward J Lejkowski
Leland Elsworth F Leland
Lemen Charles C. Lemen
Lencer Rudolph M Lencer
Lengeliers Harvey M Lengeliers
Lents John R Lents Marion Co IN
Lepage Alfred J Lepage Newark NJ
LePage Robert A LePage Lewsiton Maine
Lergier Julio E Lergier Mayaguez
Lesmeister Louis P. Lesmeister 20.4.1918 Bear Creek Henry Co Missouri
Lester R.Q. Lester
Letinski Joseph Letinski
Leverett George T Jr Leverett Beaumont TX
Lewandowski Edward W. Lewandowski Chicago IL
Lewis William J Lewis Cleveland OH
Lewis Raymond M Lewis Shelbyville ILL
Lewis Harold J. Lewis
Lewis Billie E. Lewis 4.1.1925 La Grange GA
Lewis Robert E Lewis
Lewis Robert E Lewis
Leydens Junior Jr Leydens
Lieber Carl Lieber Cook Co IL
Lieber Harry S Lieber
Lilja Richard H Lilja
Linaweaver Robert L Linaweaver
Lindner Herbert O Lindner Chicago Ill
Lindner Herbert O Lindner
Lindquist Carmond F Lindquist
Lindsay Homer F Lindsay
Lindsey Lewis N. Lindsey 4.6.1922 Knoxville/Johnson City TN
Line William E Jr Line Fresno CA
Linett Harry Linett 2.11.1920 Albany NY
Linker David Linker
Lirette Nolan J. Lirette Charvin LA
Lirette Nolan J Lirette
Litis Theofan H Litis
Little Arthur J Little San Diego CA
Livingston Hoyt R. Livingston Wynootka Ill
Lloyd Alfred A Lloyd Hanover MA
Lobianco Frank E Lobianco
Lobur Theodore Lobur Groton NY
Logan Daniel B Logan
Loggains Willie M Loggains Cleveland OK
Lohrig William W. Lohrig
Lohrig W.W. Lohrig
Long Rector O Long Reyno AK
Long Dallas L Long Kenton OH
Longmire Robert W. Longmire
Longstreth Ralph A Longstreth Columbus OH
Lopez Daniel T. Lopez 19.11.1924 Ceedar Grove NJ buried E.Hanover
Lorkiewicz Chester J. Lorkiewicz
Loubriel Jose A Loubriel Santurce
Lozada Jesus Lozada
Lozada Angel L Lozada
Lozano Hector J Lozano 1924 Hildago Co TX
Lucas Eugene A Lucas
Lucas Vestal R. Lucas 12.9.1923
Lucas Thomas B Lucas
Ludeko Raymond Ludeko
Lugo Juan B Lugo
Lukens Walter L Jr Lukens Yeadon PA
Luksis Albert V. Luksis
Lundquist Arthur E. Lundquist 13.3.1925 Buffalo NY 81 Sherman St Forrest Lawn Cem
Lunger Joseph J Lunger 1921 Almeda Co CA
Lunghofer Robert L Lunghofer 1921 Blair Co PA
Lunsford William K Lunsford
Lupone Arthur J. Lupone 30.5.1921 Summit NJ. Bro Patrick died Kansas City
Luszezek Chester J Luszezek 1923 PA
Lutkus Stanley J. Lutkus 23.03.1921 Bronx NY
Lynch George R Lynch
Lynch Lonnie Lynch Campbell Co TN
Lynch George R Lynch NY
Lynch John V Lynch Spingfield MA
Lynch Earl C Lynch 1922 Maryland
Lyons Joseph W Lyons Hillsdale NJ
Lyons Robert R Lyons Chicago Ill
Lyons Joseph W Lyons
MacDonald Raymond F Jr MacDonald
Madaras Gabur C. Madaras 1924 Pittsburg PA
Madden General S Madden
Maddox Warren G. Maddox
Maddox Carley I Maddox
Maenhout? Leon G Maenhout?
Magan John W Magan 1921 Onondaga Co NY
Maier Lewis J Maier
Maille Robert J. Maille
Maire Roman W Maire
Maitland David Maitland
Maitland David Maitland Greenville Co Va
Malave Gilberto Malave
Malinowski Edward Malinowski
Mancini Domonico S Mancini
Mandinec John J Mandinec NY NY
Mangialomini J.C. Mangialomini
Mango Francis A Mango Philadelphia PA
Mani Wallace J Mani
Mani Wallas J Mani
Manikis John G. Manikis Shickschinny PA
Manis Howard H Manis Elwood IN
Mann George R Mann
Mann Rexford C. Mann 17.12.1924 Bracebridge Ontario
Mann George R Mann 1925 Los Angeles Co
Mansfield Jack M Mansfield Seattle WA
Maranzano Leonard F Maranzano
Marcano Jesus Marcano
Marchand Clifford A Marchand
Marcum Walter Marcum
Margola Gordon R Margola
Marjala Gordon R. Marjala Duluth
Marjewski Stanley Jr Marjewski
Marks Frank L Marks Baltimore MA
Marks Lester A Marks Providence Rhode Island
Marks Sidney M Marks Ponca City OK
Marks Sidney M Marks Ponca City OK
Marnechek George F Marnechek 1916 Cambria Co PA
Marrero Villalobos Antonio Marrero Villalobos 1.12.1920 PR
Marsh Felix B Marsh 1919 Choctaw Co MI
Marshall James Marshall Chicago IL
Marshall William T Marshall
Martel Robert P Martel Holyoke MA
Martin Joseph M. Jr. Martin
Martin Robert L Martin
Martin Theodore R Martin
Martin Joseph T. Martin Trinidad CO
Martin Donald N Martin
Martin John R Martin
Martinez Nick M Martinez
Martinez Angel G Martinez Sabana Grande
Martinez Hector A Martinez Santurce
Martinez Dionisio Martinez
Martinez de Andino Luis A Martinez de Andino San Juan
Marzullo Albert S Marzullo
Marzullo Albert Marzullo
Masha William Masha Yonkers NY
Masnica Albert B Masnica Altoona PA
Masten Edgar J Masten
Masumoto Noriyuki Masumoto Kaumana
Masumotoya Genichi Masumotoya
Mathews John H Mathews
Mathis Leonard Mathis 2.8.1922 Kenova Wayne co W Virginia
Matsura Stesuo J Matsura
Matthews William H Matthews Osborn OH
Matthews John H. Matthews Afton Okl
Matthews William H Matthews Osborn OH
Mattice Kenneth R Mattice Schenectady NY
Matticks Ralph E Matticks Pittsburgh PA
Matuszewski J.R. Matuszewski
Matyas Stephen Matyas Philadelphia Co PA
Maurer Joseph W Maurer Bethlehem PA
Maxwell Howard J Maxwell 1922 Middlesex Co Conn
May Frank May S.Frankfort Ky
Mayewski Stanley S Mayewski
McAndrew Joseph F. McAndrew
McAtee John F McAtee
McCaig Milton E McCaig 1923 Lincoln Co Nebraska
McCall George N McCall
McCalligan Edwin T McCalligan Cleveland OH
McCarthy Justin T McCarthy
McCarthy Earl J McCarthy
McCauley John R. McCauley 1923 Philadelphia
McChesney Leonard W McChesney Maplewood NJ
McClung French C. McClung
McClurg Wallace D McClurg 1924 Scioto Co OH
McCullough Elzie B McCullough 1917 Holmes Co FL
McDermott Romie? P. McDermott Oakland CA
McDonald John E McDonald
McDonald John E McDonald
McDonald Travis V. McDonald 11.5.1923 Motley TX
McDonald Theodore M. McDonald 24.5.1916 Lacrosse Co WI
McDougall Kenneth D. McDougall
McElroy John S. McElroy
McFarland Richard M. McFarland Omaha NE
McGee Marion A McGee
McGee Edwin N McGee 1922 Lincoln Co NC
McGeever Joseph T. McGeever
McGervey Raymond H. McGervey Pittsburg PA
McGervey Raymond H. McGervey
McGuire George W McGuire Brooklyn NY
McKenna William C McKenna
McKithan Quincy C McKithan Fort Worth TX
McKnight Jesse L McKnight
McLamb Herbert B. McLamb
McLane Wallace B McLane
McLaney Lester C McLaney Hartford Alabama
McLaney Lester C. McLaney Hartford Alabama
McLean David L McLean
McLey Melvin W. McLey
McNamara J.C. Jr McNamara Dallas TX
McNeal Glenn O McNeal
McQuaid Woodrow W. McQuaid Jackson MS
McReynolds Philip H McReynolds Tampa FL
Meadows Guy E Meadows
Megibow Harold J Megibow Ramsey NJ
Mehler Thomas W Mehler Waynesboro VA
Mehler Thomas W Mehler Waynesboro VA
Meier Alvin Meier
Melanson George A Melanson
Melendez-Rudon Carmelo Melendez-Rudon Orocovis
Meline George E Meline Klamath Falls OR
Mellon Winifred L Mellon
Mendenhall Sanford H Mendenhall Matton IL
Mendez Enrique Mendez San German
Mendoza Enrique G Mendoza
Mentzer John J Mentzer
Mercer Walter H Mercer Macon GA
Merriman Donald W Merriman
Mescher Donald R Mescher
Messenger Donald H Messenger Langlois OR
Metzger Harold D Metzger 31.1.1918
Meyer Arthur R. Meyer
Meyer Wallace A Meyer Spokane WA
Mezzie Donald C. Mezzie
Michael Ernest H Michael
Michaels Patrick L. Michaels
Micknal Philip J Micknal Sacramento CA
Mieres Adolfo Mieres Rio Piedras
Mildner Russel L Mildner
Miles David N Miles Phoenix AR
Miley Maurice J Miley
Miller Ryle L. Miller Clearfield PA. 1923-1999, Orange Co Vermont
Miller Travis T Miller
Miller Ralph R Jr Miller 26.7.1918 Younstown OH
Miller Robert J. Miller LA CA born MN
Miller Harold H. Miller
Miller T Miller
Mills Richard W Mills NC
Mills Claude E Mills Columbus OH
Mills Calvin N Mills
Mills Regis Mills
Milne Aubry Milne
Milton George D Milton Marchall IL
Mims Leon S Mims
Minami Hiroschi Minami
Mioduszewski John Mioduszewski Pittsburgh PA
Miranda Juan Miranda
Mitani Kazuo Mitani Salt Lake Co UT
Mitchell George W Mitchell Cullman AL
Miura Larry N Miura Ewa
Miura Yashuiro Miura Honolulu
Miyakawa Yuichi Miyakawa
Mize James C Mize Newton NC
Mizuno Mizuno
Mizuno Herbert K Mizuno
Mizusawa Tsuneto Mizusawa
Mohler Harold A Mohler
Montanez Jesus Montanez Fajardo
Montgomery Walace A. Montgomery
Monzo Thomas C. Monzo
Moody Floyd L Moody 1920 Tulare CA
Moody Calvin H Moody
Moore Harry F. Moore Butler County KS
Moore Stanley W Moore 22.8.1923 Gore OK Muskogee County
Moore James D. Moore 27.6.1922 Hastings MN
Moore Harry J. Moore
Moore Johnnie C Moore Baker OR
Moore Benjamin F Moore
Moore Rogers W Moore
Moore Lester L Moore 1918 Wetzel Co W.Va
Moore John S Moore
Moore Alfred Moore
Morales Carmelo Morales
Moran Robert Moran
Moran Timorhy A Moran
Moreland Earl E Moreland
Morgan Charles W. Morgan
Morgan Gaines L Morgan
Morgan Robert M. Morgan Spur TX
Morika George L Morika
Morimune George M Morimune Honolulu
Morphy Harry Morphy
Morris Charles L Morris Fort Snelling MN
Moscatiello Joseph Moscatiello
Moser Orlin F Moser Sublimity OR
Moses William E. Moses Altoona PA
Moses James M. Moses Uvalda Georgia
Moss Lewis Moss St Louis Mis
Mothersell Don D. Mothersell Modesto CA
Mowery Robert R Mowery
Moyer Stewart H Moyer Gettysburg PA
Moyer Howard G Moyer Tyrone PA
Moyer Robert C Moyer
Mulhalland Francis H Mulhalland
Mullen Clifton R Mullen
Mullen? Thomas E Mullen? … his PA
Mullens James N. Mullens 1917 Winona Texas
Murakami Eddie T Murakami
Muraoka Ikito Muraoka
Murphy Lawrence Murphy
Murphy L Murphy
Murphy James E Murphy
Murray Nathan Murray Cotton OK
Murtha Richard P Murtha Philadelphia PA
Mury Alfred J Mury
Muscarella Angelo J Muscarella
Myers Taylor L Myers Peoria IL
Myers William R Myers Fort Wayne Ind
Nachefski Philip K Nachefski
Nagel Frederick W Nagel
Nagurne Nicholas Nagurne Crumlynne PA
Nakahara Mitsugi Nakahara Hilo Hawaii
Nakamura Nakamura
Nakashima Richard Y Nakashima
Nathan Manfred Nathan
Naylor Tom A. Naylor
Nazario Cesar H Nazario Ponce
Negron Rafael Negron Rio Piedras
Neiler John H. Neiler
Neiler John H Neiler Johnstown PA
Neill Bernah E. Neill
Neilson Charles Neilson Butte MO
Nekula Anthony J Nekula
Nellist Joseph J Jr Nellist Eureka CA
Nelson James E Nelson Massena NY
Nelson Norman S Nelson Bismarck ND
Nelson Norman H Nelson Brittmount Min
Nesbitt Paul N Nesbitt
Nevarez Justino Nevarez Corozal
Newberry Robert H Newberry Daughter: Ronda Newberry Hildreth, husb Bartley
Newman Wesley O Newman
Nibbe Donald E Nibbe Lake City MN
Nicewander Holland M Nicewander Raven Va
Nicholas Hersey P Nicholas Bronxville NY
Nichols Dee B Nichols South Bend Indiana
Nichols Dee B Nichols South Bend IND
Nichols Willard C Nichols Sparta NC
Niec Casimer J Niec
Niehan Aldus W Jr Niehan
Nielson Raymond H Nielson Chicago IL
Nielson Raymond H Nielson Chicago Il
Nieves-Hernandez Silvestre Nieves-Hernandez 31.12.1920 Naranjito
Nishio Roy Y Nishio
Nixon James H. Nixon 1914 District of Columbia
Nizinski Walter Nizinski
Nolte Kenneth M Nolte
Norleko Frank Norleko Chicago
Normandin Paul Normandin Crookston Min
North James H. North Poughkeepsie NY
North Arthur C North
Novack David Novack
Novacki John Novacki Labranche MI
Nunnally Boyce Jr Nunnally
O'Brien John W O'Brien
O'Brien Joseph E. O'Brien
O'Brien Mike O'Brien
O'connor Edward W O'connor Cincinnati
O'Doherty Robert B O'Doherty
Ofsthun Harold O Ofsthun
Ogle Charles R Ogle Fort Leavenworth
Ogniewski Daniel L. Ogniewski Erie Co NY
Oja Arvo Oja
Oja Arvo Oja
Okada Tetsunobu Okada
Oldham Arthur W. Oldham Marion OH
Oliver Harry E Oliver 29.12.1919 Los Angeles CA
Oliver Marvin R. Oliver
Oliveras Maximino Oliveras
Olsen Frank E Jr Olsen Seattle WA
Olson Clarence B. Olson
Olson William W Olson
Olson William Olson Carson Lake Min
Olson Robert W. Olson Cadillac Mich
Omine Thomas G Omine
Omine Thomas G Omine Kekaha Kauai Hawaii
Ommen Henry W Ommen
Orman Melvin L Orman
Orr James A Orr Calhoun Georgia
Ortiz Juan Ortiz
Osburn Victor A. Osburn 3.11.1918 Buckhannon Upshur W Virginia
Oshiro William G Oshiro
Oshiro Seikichi Oshiro Maulua
Oshiro Seiji Oshiro Waipahu Oahu Hawaii
Oshita Mitsuye Oshita
Ota Ota
Otero-Nater Pedro Otero-Nater Vega Baja
Otsubo Akira R Otsubo San Joaquin CA
Ott Harry A Jr Ott
Otzal Charles J. Otzal
Ouchi William K Ouchi
Oxman Sidney L Oxman
Pabish L.H. Pabish
Pacey James J. Pacey 13.4.1925 Montgomery Co OH
Pagan Luis R Pagan
Pahl William A Pahl
Pahl William A Pahl St Louis MO
Painton Robert J. Painton
Palmer Melvin R. Palmer
Palmer-Lopez Arnaldo Palmer-Lopez Santurce
Pander Paul E Pander
Paparella Albert Paparella
Paplatario Anthony Paplatario
Pare Joseph E Pare
Parish Newton D Parish
Park Hickman William Park Hickman
Parker Maurice A Parker Lewiston Main
Parker Edson T. Parker
Parker Chester A Parker
Parker Harold O Parker Bonita MI
Parker Joel F Parker
Parks Leon W. Parks 11.1.1925 Mexico Oswego co NY
Parnell George A Parnell Woodside Long Island NY
Parrack Cecil T Parrack
Pascal John J Pascal Boston MA
Pate William A Pate
Patenaude Eugene F. Patenaude
Patrick Justus F Patrick
Patt ? Alvin M. Patt ? Talmo Georgia
Patterson Kenneth L Patterson
Pavlo Andrew Pavlo
Paxton Forrest S Paxton San Francisco CA
Payne Chan Payne Ashville NC
Payne Paul L Payne
Payne Robert B Payne
Peabody Rushton D. Peabody
Pearce Derald D. Pearce
Pearo Dale A Pearo
Pearson Vernon D. Pearson 1921 Fairfax VA
Pearson Ralph A Pearson
Pearson James R Pearson
Peck Milo P Peck Fitchburg MA
Pedico Dennis R. Pedico
Pedigo Dennis R Pedigo
Peed George W Peed
Peinhardt Herman O Peinhardt El Reno OK
Pelletier Lucien P Pelletier
Pelton Stewart T Pelton
Pennebaker Thomas W Pennebaker
Pennebaker Thomas W Pennebaker Philadelphia
Penton Gordon J Penton Gautier MI
Perelmuth Samuel Perelmuth
Perkins Leslie E Perkins
Perkins John E. Perkins
Perlo Hyman M Perlo Washington DC
Perlsweig Bernard L Perlsweig
Perry Charles W. Perry
Peters Alexander G Peters
Peters Robert R Peters
Peterson Albert T Peterson 1910 Erie Co NY
Peterson Edward J Peterson
Peterson Edward A. Peterson
Petrovich Enrique Petrovich Cabo Rojo
Petty Charles Petty
Petty Charles A Petty
Peyton George H Peyton
Pfeil Frank T Pfeil East Orange NJ
Pflugler Frank Pflugler 1915 Northampton Co PA
Phaneuf Joseph A Phaneuf Providence Co Rhode Island
Phillips John A Phillips
Phillips Thomas W Phillips Seguin TX
Phillips John A Phillips
Piechnik Stanley J Piechnik
Pieper Richard L.V. Pieper
Pierce Francis B Pierce
Pierce Francis B Pierce 1921 Delaware PA
Pietras John A Pietras
Piette Lawrence J Piette Appleton Wis
Pike Edwin G Pike
Pilcher Edgar W. Pilcher
Pïlcher Edgar W. Pïlcher Los Angeles CA
Pile James M Pile
Pinciak John A. Pinciak
Pinkston Erwin J Pinkston Concil Bluffs Iowa
Pipino Alfred Jr Pipino Philadelphia
Pippin Layton W Pippin Chattanooga TN
Pisarek Edmund P Pisarek
Pius Alvin Pius Bronx NY
Pius Alvin Pius
Plassman Walter P Plassman Centralia IL
Platt Edwin Platt 1921 Fulton Co GA
Ploof Maurice P Ploof
Ploskac Vincent M Ploskac
Plourde Thomas Plourde
Podlaski Joseph F. Podlaski Yonkers NY
Podrasky Vincent D Podrasky Altoona PA
Pogue Jack Pogue
Poindexter Robert N Poindexter
Polinsky John J. Polinsky
Pollender Paul Emile Maurice Pollender Farnham Quebec
Polson Lee W. Polson 13.7.1921 Bannettsville, S Carolina
Ponder Braxton Ponder Lester AK
Pool Woodrow W Pool Covington Ten
Pool Woodrow W Pool Memphis TE
Pope Walter C Pope East Gadsden AL
Posey Hershel W Posey Jasper Al
Post Leslie R Post Amarillo TX
Poteet John C Poteet
Potenza Thomas C. Potenza
Potter Leon V Potter Senath MO
Potz David F Potz Hartford Conn
Povinelli Felix Povinelli Brooklyn NY
Powell Robert N Powell
Powell William J Powell
Powell Earl E Powell Newark NJ
Powell Odis P Powell
Prather William K Prather
Prebensen Lawrence R Prebensen Cambridge Mass
Prelan? Frank E Prelan?
Prencipe Leonardo Prencipe
Preston Douglas M. Preston
Prestwood Harry E Prestwood
Prince James R Jr Prince Mt Pleasant PA
Pritchett Harry R. Jr. Pritchett Baltimore Maryland
Pritchett Harry W Pritchett Washington DC
Provost Louis E. Provost Los Angeles CA
Provost Louis E Provost
Psaro? Dale A Psaro? Fruitport MI
Puckett Steve E Puckett Houston TX
Pulley Luby C Pulley
Purkhiser Harry R Purkhiser
Purser Arthur J Jr Purser Seatle WA
Pyontek Paul A Pyontek
Quigley Timothy P Quigley Bloomfield NJ
Quiros Pedro A Quiros Comerio
Rader Sam L. Rader
Radon Stanley E. Radon 8/4/1920 Cook County IL
Ragsdale James C Ragsdale
Ragsdale James G Ragsdale Pryor OK
Ramos Luis Ramos Cayey
Ramsay William R Ramsay
Ramsdon John W Ramsdon
Ramsey Marvin O Ramsey
Ramsey Joseph R Ramsey Camargo OK
Ramsey Ray F Ramsey
Rance Ralph W Rance
Rang Alfred Rang 29.11.1915 Pierce County WA
Rank? WH Rank?
Raper Charles H. Raper
Rapp Roe E Rapp Renick WV
Rash Carl F Rash 1924 Enlisted Toledo OH
Raskow Stanley Raskow
Ratajczak Carl R. Jr Ratajczak 28.10.1922 Erie PA
Rawls Charles B Jr Rawls Ocala FL
Rawls Charles B Rawls Ocala FL
Ray George E Ray
Raybal Joseph E Raybal
Reafleng Harry E Reafleng Pacific Junction Iowa
Reardon Harold Reardon Akron OH
Rechsteiner Walter J Rechsteiner Union City NJ
Redgate Russel J Redgate
Reed Emmett J. Reed 7.7.1926 Scuddy, Kentuky
Reed William L Reed Los Angeles CA
Reese Haskell C Reese Decatur Georgia
Reger Robert J. Reger
Reginato Joseph J. Reginato Santa Clara CA
Reichers William N Reichers
Reichers WN Reichers
Reid George W Reid
Reid George W Reid Albany NY
Reiner Abraham B Reiner
Reiss William J Reiss Troy Illinois
Relling Egill H Relling
Relling Egil H Relling 1914 PA
Renton Benjamin E Renton Tuckahoe NY
Reseburg Melvin C Reseburg Kiel WI
Resser Clarence A Resser
Resser Resser
Reuter Edward R Reuter
Reynolds James D Reynolds Atlanta GA
Reynolds Paul R. Reynolds
Reynolds Darwin F Reynolds
Rhodes Frank J. Jr Rhodes Tampa Kansas
Rich Leslie L Jr Rich
Richard Wesley A Richard Richmond VA
Richards William Richards
Richards Reginald J Richards Detroit Mich
Richmond Julius J. Richmond 18.10.1922 Pike County MS
Richmond Howard L. Richmond
Ridler Arthur W. Ridler E.Orange NJ 172 Freeman Av
Ridout Arnold C Ridout 18.4.1924 Weyerhaeuser, Rusk Co WI
Rigby Don A. Rigby
Riggins Clifton R Riggins Ashville NC
Rimer John L Rimer Memphis Tenn
Rios-Morales Gaspar Rios-Morales Alto
Rivera Pascual Rivera Las Piedras
Rivera Anibal R Rivera
Rivera Pablo Rivera
Rivera Carlos Rivera
Rivera Cesar M Rivera
Rivera Angel L Rivera
Rivera Pascual Rivera
Rivera Bauza Ramos Rivera Bauza
Riviera Ruben Riviera Ponce
Riviera Anibal R Riviera Manati
Roach John D. Roach Detroit Mich
Roberts Charles W. Roberts Los Angeles CA
Roberts J.W. Roberts
Roberts Charles W Roberts
Robertson James T. Robertson
Robertson William R. Robertson
Robertson Edward K Robertson Grasse Point Mich
Robertson James T. Robertson
Robinette Samuel T Robinette Dallas TX
Robinson Thomas Robinson
Robinson Albert M. Robinson 28.10.1920
Robinson E.L. Robinson
Robinson James E Robinson 10.2.1920 NC
Robinson Claude E Robinson 1915
Robison John F Robison 1918 Jefferson Co Kentucky
Robles Jose R Robles Rio Piedras
Rodriges LL Rodriges
Rodriguez Tomas Rodriguez
Rodriguez Luis E Rodriguez San Juan
Rodriguez Victor Rodriguez Cayey
Rodriguez Tomas Rodriguez
Roediger John E Roediger St Louis MO
Roediger John E Roediger
Rogers Rogers
Rogers John A Rogers 1917 Louisiana
Rogers Milton D Rogers Blanding Utah
Rogge William A. Rogge 8.8.1921 Janesville, Wisconsin
Rojas Pablo Rojas
Rolseth Earl L Rolseth
Roman Felix Roman
Romero Frank Romero Santa Fe NM
Rondeau Gerard R Rondeau 1923 Providence RI
Rondeau Roland W Rondeau
Rosa Luis C Rosa Camuy
Rosado-Rivera Agapito Rosado-Rivera
Rose Burnell Rose 29.1.1917 Colerain Ncarolina
Rose Herbert Jr Rose
Roskow Stanley Roskow
Ross Harry L Ross
Rostocile Gilmore A Rostocile 1924 Lake Co Ohio
Rowe Joe G. Rowe Lecks Wva Nephew Farley R. Beavers
Rowe Lindsay Rowe
Roy Edward H Roy 1925 Vermont Wash
Roybal Joseph E. Roybal Kansas City
Rozen James K Rozen
Ruark Walter D. Jr Ruark
Ruddy Francis J Ruddy Albany NY
Ruder George F Jr Ruder
Ruell George P. Ruell 21.7.1924 NY NY born Pensylvania
Rundell Ora J Rundell
Ruppel Howard W Ruppel Milwaukee Wis
Ruppert Victor H Ruppert
Rutter Edward Rutter Wilmongton Delaware
Ruyffelaere Raymond F Ruyffelaere Pawtucket, Rhode Island
Rzepinik John S Rzepinik Baltimore MD
Sachs Edward I Sachs Evanston Il
Sada Bada P Sada
Sadlo Charles J. Sadlo Raleight Co WV
Sagawa Kiyoshi Sagawa
Sailor Richard Sailor 2.11.1920 Becker Co MN
Saiz Anthony Saiz Detroit Mich
Sajazovich Michael L Sajazovich
Sakamoto Masami Sakamoto Placer CA
Sakimoto Jimmy S Sakimoto
Salazar Henry Salazar
Salmon Carl G. Salmon
Sammons Robert L Sammons
Samuel Ross Leroy Samuel 10.9.1921 Arthur Ontario
Sanchez Max W. Sanchez Los Angeles CA
Sanchez-Sanchez Sergio Sanchez-Sanchez
Sanford James T. Sanford Laurinburg NC
Santana Elsie Santana
Santiago Primitivo Santiago 16.11.1916 PR, Bayamon national Cem
Santini Puis R Santini
Santini Jose M Santini
Santos-Santos Jose L Santos-Santos
Sasaki Takayuki Sasaki
Sauerwine Robert J. Sauerwine Conneaut OH
Scecina George J. Scecina
Schaeffer Eugene A Schaeffer
Schantz Alexander Schantz Morgan CO
Scheck John J Scheck
Schettler Charles L Schettler
Schmidt Floyd Stanley Schmidt Elmira Ontario
Schoeneck George W Schoeneck
Schoeneck George W Schoeneck
Schreiner Cyril B Schreiner
Schumacher Herbert L Schumacher Cleveland Heights OH
Schwartz L.F. Schwartz
Schwartz Isadore Schwartz
Schwarze Carl H Schwarze Bellingham
Schwarze Carl H Schwarze
Scotland John M Scotland Bala-Cynwyd PA
Scott Mark E. Scott
Scott Robert H Scott
Scott Ross W Scott Tell City Indiana
Scott Frank W Scott
Seaton Stuart M Seaton Staunton VA
See Ethan E See
Seegar Harold D. Seegar
Sembrat Michael Sembrat
Senne Horace C Senne
Sennett Lincoln S Sennett
Senter Joseph A. Senter Dallas TX
Sepulveda Ramon M. Sepulveda 1.11.1918 Cook Illinois, born Mexico
Serrano (Em)manuel Serrano Brooklyn
Settlemeyer Phenis C Settlemeyer
Sexton Rex D Sexton 25.3.1920 Sioux City, Iowa/Kings County WA
Seymour Gerald J. Seymour Escanaba Mich
Shaban Edward J Shaban
Shaddox Tilden W Shaddox San Jose CA
Shade Marion W. Shade 16.02.1916 Miamisburg OH
Shaker Kenneth R Shaker Hartford Connecticut
Shaman Morris N Shaman Roxbury MA
Shaneyfelt Alton L. Shaneyfelt
Shank Norman L Shank Mount Union PA
Shape James W Shape
Sharpe George W. Sharpe
Shaw Thomas M. Shaw
Shaw Hugh P Shaw
Shaw Thomas N Shaw
Shay James D Shay 6.11.1924 McDowell County WV, buried Surry Co NC
Shearer Theodore R. Shearer
Shemo Joseph Shemo 1921 Cuyahoga Co OH
Sheppard Robert E. Sheppard
Sheridan George J Sheridan 1918 Allegheny Co PA
Sherman Arthur E. Sherman Los Angeles CA
Shirley Floyd Shirley Luverne AL
Shortt William J Shortt Waycross GE
Shumaker Harold I. Shumaker 18.4.1919 Van Wert Ohio
Shupe Kenneth C Shupe
Sides Louie W Jr Sides
Siebert Norman C Siebert Canada KS
Siegel Ernest T Siegel Lynbrook NY
Siegfriedt Alvin W Siegfriedt Freeport Long Island
Siegfriedt Alwin W Siegfriedt
Siewierski Alois J. Siewierski
Sikora J.A. Sikora
Silverman Jack F Silverman
Silvers A.D. Silvers
Simmons Roy C Simmons
Simonds Clifford E Simonds
Simpson Robert N Simpson Union Co OH
Simson Jack C Simson
Sindler Harold C Sindler
Singleton James F Singleton Florence NC
Singley Eugene D. Jr Singley
Sinjem R.A. Sinjem
Sirotkin Irving Sirotkin NY NY
Sivak Ernest A Sivak Allentown PA
Six Nelson D Six
Skursky Leonard L Skursky
Small Tom G Small Dallas TX
Smallwood James W Smallwood San Antonio TX
Smith Glenwood Smith Detroit Mich
Smith David W. Smith
Smith Ralph D Smith
Smith Duane L. Smith Miniapolis MN
Smith David W. Smith
Smith Willis H. Smith
Smith Cloyd D Smith
Smith Willard F Smith
Smith Willard F Smith Chicago IL
Smith Frederick W Smith
Smith E.J. Smith
Smith James F Smith 1924 Chicago
Smith Merritt E Smith 1923 Kalamazoo Co MI
Smith Norman P Smith
Smith Alfred C Smith
Smithers Hanry L Smithers
Snead Warren L. Snead
Snead Warren L Snead
Sobbens George H Sobbens
Solak Edwin W Solak
Solberg Marvin Solberg
Soldani Virgil J Soldani Steubenville OH
Solvay Micheal Solvay
Soot Beleslaw J Soot
Sorlie Odde Sorlie Detroit Mich
Sorlie Odde Sorlie Detroit Mich
Sorrelis John H. Jr Sorrelis Charlotte NC
Sorrells John R Sorrells
South James T. South Grand Bay? Alabama
Souto Francis J Souto
Sowers Teddy H Sowers
Spahr Kimball Spahr
Spangler Theodore F Spangler
Sparlis Andrew Jr Sparlis Wilmington CA
Spath Edward M. Spath
Spath Edward N Spath
Speer Frank M Speer
Spencer Richard Jr Spencer Des Moines Iowa
Spess William E Jr Spess
Spillman George F Spillman
Spoeneman Harry R Spoeneman 1917 Los Angeles Co
Sprouse Steve R Sprouse
Staat John A Staat 10/6/1922 Cook County IL
Stacy Alfred L Stacy 1923 Hamilton Co OH
Stadta Raymond M Stadta Maricao
Stanford Charles F. Stanford 13.2.1913 Oil City Pensylvania
Stankus Lawrence C Stankus
Starling Herman W Starling
Starnos Charlie O Starnos
Starr Hugh R. Starr 28.12.1913 East Liverpool Ohio
Staves Joseph W Jr Staves
Steele Robert P Steele Ely Nevada
Steele Hugh M Jr Steele
Steele James T. Steele Denver CO
Steigner Donald P Steigner
Stenger George W Stenger 1919 Fulton Co PA
Stephens James E. Stephens Dehli Louisiana
Stephens Preston Stephens Port Arthur TX
Stephenson Paul V Stephenson
Sterud William C C Sterud
Stevens Edward R Stevens Fort Woth TX
Stevenson Billie B Stevenson San Diego Co CA
Stewart Stewart
Stewart Richard W. Stewart
Stewart Walter H Stewart
Stewart Joseph M. Stewart
Stewart Clyde L Stewart Swainsboro Georgia
Stille Collie W Stille
Stinner Paul A Stinner Pittsburgh PA
Stitt Hathan S.P Stitt
Stoner Frank T Stoner
Stout Jacob D Stout
Straccio Arthur Straccio Bristol
Strand Carl O Strand
Strange Ernest D Strange Meridian Miss
Stumper Edward Stumper Forsyth Mont
Stuyvesant Allen R. Stuyvesant
Sugawara Senji Sugawara Waimea
Sullivan Patrick F Sullivan
Sullivan William W Sullivan Knox Co IL
Sumpter Fred A Sumpter Willis Virginia
Sunakoda George T Sunakoda
Sundquist Alfred B Sundquist
Sutherland Harvey S Sutherland Lynn Mass
Sutherland William A Sutherland Gaffney SC
Sutton Clifton G Sutton Spings NC
Suzawa Jiro Suzawa Kohala
Swank Glenn W. Swank
Swatsenberg Leonard A Swatsenberg
Sweetitz Frank J. Sweetitz 12.10.1912 Colonia, Rahway NJ
Swidergal Matthew Swidergal
Swiger Harry Swiger Clarcksburg Wva
Sykes Clarence Sykes Skeetrock VA
Szczech Casimer W. Szczech
Tachihara Ben T Tachihara
Tadlock Ray J Tadlock
Takao Thomas T Takao
Takeda Hiroshi Takeda
Tambroski Stephen G Tambroski
Tanabe Hideo Tanabe
Tanaka Mitsugi L Tanaka
Tanaka Yoshikatsu Tanaka
Tanaka John Y Tanaka Denver County Co, Los Angeles CA
Tanaka Seiya Tanaka
Tappen Jerome F. Tappen
Tapyrik Samuel Tapyrik
Tashiro Ken M Tashiro
Tatro Charles H. Tatro 28.1.1925 New Bedford, MA
Taylor Walter W. Taylor
Taylor Lonnie F Taylor
Tennis Ray V Tennis
Tenute Louis J. Tenute 26.9.1922 Hennepin County MN
Teraji Shigeo G Teraji
Terry Jack S Terry
Terry Jack S Terry
Terry Jack S Terry
Thibault Joseph G Thibault Northampton MA
Thomas Hillard B. Thomas
Thomas Roderick G Thomas Jacksonville FL
Thomas Francis P Thomas
Thompson James W. Thompson
Thompson Raymond F. Thompson 31.12.1923 Lamont Fl, Bro Savanah Ga
Thompson Alfred G. Thompson Pittsburg PA
Thompson Worthington J Thompson NY NY
Thorng William Thorng 1.10.1919 Worcester MA
Thornton Alvin P Thornton Jaschville FL
Tierno James J. Tierno 18.11.1915 Phyladelphia PA
Tilney Gerald K. Tilney 4.17.1916 Crawfordsville Indiana, born N Dakota
Timm Marvin L Timm
Tims Donald M Tims
Tims Donald M Tims
Tobiassen Reidar Tobiassen 1913 NY, NY, born Norway
Tofany Victor J Tofany
Tolster George P. Tolster
Tomasik Edmund J. Tomasik New Bedford MA
Torres Manuel Torres Cayey
Toyama Yuki Toyama
Trezkowski Victor S Trezkowski
Trzeskowski Victor Trzeskowski Bayonne NJ
Tsukahara Theodore Tsukahara
Tsukayama Conrad C Tsukayama
Tsunematsu Bertram A Tsunematsu CA
Tucker George F Tucker
Tully Joseph J. Tully 26.11.1921 Suffolk Co MA
Tully John R Tully Milwaukee WI
Turner J.F. Turner
Upson Harold N Upson Reno Nevada
Upson Harold N Upson Reno Nevada
Urrutia Cesar E Urrutia
Uyeno Theodor T Uyeno
Van James T. Van Artemus KY
Van Etten Merlin E. Van Etten
Van Guilder Lloyd G Van Guilder
Van Horn Robert O Van Horn
Van Horssen Robert W. Van Horssen Grand Rapids Mich
Van Ness Joseph F. Van Ness 4/16/1918 Oklahoma Oklahoma, born Kansas
Van Regenmorter Cornelius Van Regenmorter
Vander Gaag James Vander Gaag 1921 Passaic NJ
Vandergaag James Vandergaag Prospect Park NJ
Vanderpool Walter Vanderpool
Varags CM Varags
Vasily Andrew J Vasily Everett MA
Velazquez Rafael Velazquez
Vella Paul D Vella NY NY
Vella Paul D Vella NY NY
Verbos Peter J Verbos Steelton PA
Vickers Charles E. Vickers Mobile Co AL
Vickers Keith J Vickers
Vidal Reyes Vidal
Vigus Marshall W Vigus Aberdeen WA
Vinther? Bowen C? Vinther?
Virella Felix Virella
Viteritto Joseph Jr Viteritto Newark NJ
Viteritto Joseph Viteritto 1919 Essex Co NJ
Voight Walter B Voight Port Wing Wis
Voleta George Voleta
Von Essen Arthur Von Essen Woodhaven NY
Von Essen Arthur W Von Essen
Voseteig Chryst Voseteig
Vuchak Joseph Vuchak
Vuckan Michael Vuckan 1919
Waddell Curl Waddell Louisville Kentucky
Waddle Ernest Waddle
Wagner Donn H Wagner
Wagoner Jack Wagoner Walnut Cove NC
Wakeman Francis F Wakeman Sioux Falls South Dak
Walker Weldon Walker
Walker Leonard I Walker Chicago IL
Walker Donald E Walker Wichita Falls TX
Walker Edwin A Walker TX
Walker Dan Walker
Walker Albert J Walker 1919 San Franciso Co
Walker George L Walker
Walkmeister John L Walkmeister
Wall Edward J. Jr Wall
Wallace Theodore I Wallace
Wallace Hadley B Wallace
Wallace Arthur J Jr Wallace
Wallace Robert L Wallace
Waller Robert R Waller 1918 GA
Walls Jess W. Walls
Walter Richard C. Walter
Walters Richard C Walters
Walton James L. Walton 26.2.1925 Calypso or Wlmington NC
Warmuth Ivan J Warmuth
Waterman Robert W. Waterman Houston TX
Waters Samuel Waters
Watson Billie Watson Camden Tenessee
Watts Harry L Watts
Watts Rily J Watts
Weatherwax Dean W Weatherwax
Webb Wayne A Webb Lucky OH
Webb Lee M. Webb 7/18/1913 Mesa AZ
Webb John B Webb
Webb Orval W Webb
Weber Eldred C. Weber Wiona MN
Weber Merle M Weber
Weber Soloman A Weber
Weber Merle M Weber
Webster Clifton F Webster Bangor Main
Weickersheimmer William JB Weickersheimmer Lufkin TX
Weil Thomas L Weil NY NY
Welch Joseph W Welch
Weldon Charles J. Weldon Arlington WA
Weller Sylvester G Weller Rock Point MI
Wells Lloyd C Wells
Wess La Verne P Wess
West Jack N. West Fargo ND
Whisman Cyril J Whisman
Whisman Cyril J Whisman Oakland CA
White James E. White 20.3.1924 Sibley MN
White Harley L. White
White Merton D White
White Edward C White Mena AK
White Maurice L White Richmond VA
White Virgil O White Los Angeles Co CA
White Prentiss White 1924 Marboro Co SC
White Raymond W White
Whitfield Jack Whitfield 1920 San Diego CA
Whiting Vernice H Whiting
Whittington Charles W Whittington
Wickham Kenneth G Wickham
Wickham Kenneth G Wickham
Wikins(ki) Henry Wikins(ki) 25.12.1922 Bronx NY+Philadelphia PA
Wilcox James R Wilcox Detroit MI
Wilf Boyce L Wilf Pleasent Plains AK
Wilkerson Robert C Wilkerson Rustbury VA
Wilkerson Robert C. Wilkerson Rusbury VA
Williams Wilburn M Williams Camden Tenessee
Williams George E Williams Bishop CA
Williams Max G. Williams 6.7.1918 Lawndale, N Carolina
Williams Joe A. C. Williams
Williams William V Williams
Williams Dallas E Williams
Willison Thomas E Willison Daughter contact info, see file
Wills Monroe E Wills
Wilson Joseph F. Wilson Newton MA
Winchell Richard W. Winchell Fort Anne Wash
Winship Leslie D Winship
Winslow Floyd W Winslow
Wise Albert R Wise Los Angeles CA
Witcher Carl E. Witcher 1923-1992? Scotsville Kentucky?
Witchko Stephen A Witchko Pittsburgh PA
Withem William F. Withem Glouster OH
Wojcik Edward F Wojcik 1919 Cook Co IL
Wolbert Richard Wolbert Albany NY
Wolf Thomas J. Wolf
Wolfe Dane M Wolfe
Wolfe Franklin W Wolfe
Wood Grahame Jr Wood
Woodcock Willis A. Woodcock Niagara Co NY
Wordingham John M Wordingham
Worrell Elmer C Worrell Pulaski VA
Wright William J. Wright 5.13.1924 Vintondale PA
Wright Stephen J. Wright
Wright Carl J Wright
Wright Benjamin F Wright
Wundisch Herman G Wundisch Warrendale PA
Wylie Robert C Wylie
Yabardo Berlin M Yabardo Tyler TX
Yagesh Joseph Yagesh
Yakubisin George S Yakubisin
Yamaki Joe T Yamaki
Yamamoto Shiroku Yamamoto
Yano Francis M Yano
Yarborough William Yarborough
Yardley Doyle R Yardley
Yates Clyde O Yates Des Moines Ohio
Yellowrobe Alvin J. Yellowrobe 15.1.1925 Wolf Point Montana
Yevak Robert E Yevak
Yochum Kenneth Yochum
Yokoyaka Yokoyaka
York Joe E. York Cochranton PA
Yoshida Tsutomu Yoshida
Yoshimoto Kenichi Yoshimoto
Young Charles E. Young McPherson KS
Yulo Basil Yulo
Zaborowski BJ Zaborowski
Zadlo Joseph L. Zadlo 1917 Hatfield PA
Zafke Donald P Zafke St Paul Min
Zaima George I Zaima
Zais Melvin Zais Fall River MA
Zawadski Joseph S Zawadski
Zayas Eugenio Zayas
Zoriki Itsuo Zoriki
700100 35285413 30318623 39018529
1107033 35290790 30400139 39018777
3376771 35291766 30401214 39024476
3667437 35308796 30401320 39024476
3667680 35310304 30401408 39024770
4029725 35317473 30401607 39025991
4203633 35346498 30402049 39034481
6029284 35346886 30402665 39041302
6084195 35360712 30402960 39043957
6138809 35360712 30406576 39046581
6140537 35386252 30406790 39080474
6143340 35392487 30406913 39082062
6145127 35393015 30408955 39082151
6147317 35404429 30409080 39086554
6148870 35412606 30410068 39091031
6149141 35414021 30410071 39110593
6153096 35414316 30410150 39123561
6154272 35436818 30420156 39126152
6179911 35442815 30421604 39126339
6270291 35462543 30421643 39128366
6273776 35470679 30421830 39128697
6281439 35478463 30422258 39132903
6284123 35489328 30422875 39134894
6291828 35502482 30493948 39146786
6292979 35513709 30926045 39152817
6384682 35525274 31004155 39162690
6392471 35527519 31016356 39168587
6392752 35530152 31016717 39168906
6392776 35532458 31025044 39179154
6397754 35541255 31026966 39179897
6421660 35545753 31033970 39194205
6438339 35545850 31042782 39194888
6556955 35546734 31044588 39199743
6566895 35547095 31044632 39199802
6584895 35547095 31050021 39199802
6653854 35549422 31060680 39201984
6674622 35550176 31060680 39204809
6674661 35551738 31061207 39205667
6674668 35552820 31061597 39206007
6674823 35552992 31069120 39206910
6674989 35561493 31069168 39209078
6674989 35571441 31080457 39209286
6708937 35577242 31086344 39230588
6716813 35578145 31086418 39244642
6825362 35599808 31091790 39246161
6844974 35600579 31095206 39246161
6858990 35601426 31133650 39247396
6863545 35601772 31136132 39248965
6883529 35602812 31146951 39251615
6884512 35602812 31200681 39264226
6885037 35607535 31200703 39270845
6890189 35626804 31214934 39272655
6899412 35634366 31224416 39277657
6899412 35634884 31224539 39280045
6904032 35634896 31237338 39280878
6906537 35642441 31252216 39283778
6907006 35648145 31252893 39287635
6907006 35648343 31254804 39287722
6909874 35650805 31254924 39287765
6912546 35653653 31261651 39290843
6912546 35654651 31266315 39291498
6918072 35654652 31269338 39292048
6918198 35655292 31281423 39297863
6918400 35658693 31290946 39300480
6925842 35664536 31292323 39312263
6926117 35665270 31293341 39313822
6926117 35676644 31301161 39316742
6927574 35678957 31303343 39322512
6939075 35682901 31304642 39328054
6939871 35689033 31305567 39328656
6946153 35696054 31308336 39330810
6946710 35703699 31308596 39330953
6954560 35718243 31309197 39336523
6963923 35722889 31312902 39379463
6966537 35723031 31316951 39383169
6968137 35727348 31316951 39384998
6973808 35728569 31321250 39386260
6978635 35732276 31334836 39390320
6984872 35732276 31346805 39390568
6991277 35743953 31357888 39460789
6997152 35750995 31357888 39461636
6998609 35750995 31360756 39461974
7001457 35751464 31364430 39462148
7001466 35753080 31364556 39462288
7001820 35758377 31364556 39462498
7005915 35765154 31376300 39462924
7006020 35765154 31381513 39464080
7022992 35767628 31410050 39464818
7023618 35767859 31427473 39465295
7024924 35771659 32003952 39536630
7032449 35774337 32004741 39557230
7047220 35776745 32012593 39557653
7061266 35787032 32028873 39564256
7070862 35790180 32032774 39564888
7074136 35790946 32040289 39564888
7080650 35792088 32043926 39565514
7081230 35799475 32057006 39566021
7081299 35800377 32074714 39566024
7083430 35801089 32081361 39566258
7083491 35803600 32093047 39566866
7083491 35870174 32113988 39571179
10401037 35914459 32113988 39571184
10401137 36002028 32117105 39575796
10401149 36046005 32120668 39576679
10401374 36048603 32120668 39576986
10402100 36057780 32135724 39576986
10403293 36060609 32141270 39617250
10403542 36064314 32156950 39617271
10403570 36067793 32156950 39619047
10403642 36071982 32172130 39619047
10403698 36119596 32174003 39619427
10403725 36121939 32176492 39677200
10403774 36127657 32187065 39680890
10403839 36128011 32193816 39689173
10403872 36150720 32198871 39695786
10403935 36162028 32208979 39696265
10403950 36181549 32213490 39700032
10403957 36189330 32220746 39700132
10404009 36190613 32243176 39700299
10404076 36192881 32252055 39836011
10404140 36194006 32272144 39839050
10404150 36213824 32274543 39841070
10404154 36226727 32335593 39844505
10404196 36226753 32338773 39847995
10404209 36226871 32357758 39859910
10404241 36227005 32359812 39860835
10404253 36228487 32365840 39860891
10404253 36231034 32372289 39865455
10404289 36244382 32379033 39909563
10404301 36244484 32380354 39911384
10404345 36246219 32391775 39911471
10404360 36248087 32397806 39912080
10404371 36250841 32397806 39912505
10404420 36253794 32430225 39912639
10404420 36255131 32444804 39913298
10405049 36256221 32452591 39913298
10405923 36260628 32469702 39914761
10406387 36273918 32474441 39914762
10600122 36273918 32483663 39916961
10600281 36283051 32483821 39918380
10726224 36283232 32483821 39918413
10891099 36285049 32500920 39921190
11014209 36295392 32517102 39921468
11019840 36295444 32521262 39929832
11039984 36313441 32521427 42003633
11040983 36315585 32522271 42047402
11045716 36319938 32522280 104040006
11046075 36330675 32522324 301000757
11047798 36347748 32522351 ?4784644
11050793 36350960 32523429 0-1313177
11055335 36355145 32554248 0-1823915
11055366 36367813 32561788 0-464564
11062605 36368070 32561973 1?051030
11072895 36371771 32568770 16047653/6563
11092625 36375445 32568770 20802704/2074
11097769 36383866 32575409 3??07675
11107566 36402694 32581947 3?861218
11110897 36406966 32591406 30408718/708
12006562 36418003 32592507 31348251/31548452
12012651 36431647 32606949 33037842/7892
12018620 36446838 32642224 33605699?
12031945 36447757 32651685 34?22245
12036393 36451373 32653634 34054782
12048883 36452011 32673914 34710541/6541
12056283 36458496 32675885 35212885/35122885
12067554 36458577 32681785 35369614/8614?
12067554 36458577 32698176 36733796/3786
12079843 36458667 32710122 36737???
12089113 36459438 32710122 37214203?
12091650 36462841 32728747 38531149/38521149
12091720 36464634 32730175 39211277/2177
12097779 36467845 32748680 39323137/3127
12128455 36477866 32756208 39909641/9541
12138417 36508947 32767093 62048
12153037 36514507 32767596 6879269/9296
12154083 36533521 32767596 B-128516
12160585 36538503 32770970 B-128519
12169743 36550935 32772054 B-137315
12183647 36553916 32774901 B-137590
12216229 36557440 32792166 C-4446
12216613 36560523 32799176 C-72766
12219417 36560719 32829161 Canadian
12219417 36561455 32835125 Canadian
13002180 36566508 32842529 Canadian
13003286 36572956 32843474 D 129989
13008831 36579912 32845218 D-138140
13022051 36590873 32848007 D-72006
13022693 36591144 32849337 H-17835
13039066 36599951 32849610 L-12464
13039188 36605076 32851149 M/65375
13042041 36605076 32852974 M-105942
13059313 36611767 32853241 M-414
13061007 36611767 32853489 M-66207
13061125 36621633 32872521
13065661 36642738 32879085
13066012 36647952 32879320
13077142 36649311 32889158
13079454 36653263 32890609
13081472 36653632 32890925 O-1002736
13081489 36658440 32894159 O-1011121
13090871 36665402 32909238 O-1016615
13093712 36666247 32909238 O-1016711
13096830 36669985 32910141 O-1030679
13098414 36671647 32912809 O-1030679
13099739 36673083 32921266 O-1036670
13100121 36673603 32931782 O-1040640
13100308 36678058 32932175 O-1040794
13102197 36678058 32935454 O-1042447
13112165 36678204 32936356 O-1047534
13119555 36678250 32938245 O-1100290
13120815 36678431 32949170 O-1100517
13122623 36688046 32952012 O-1101307
13130169 36728476 32963564 O-1102640
13132911 36734224 32968592 O-1102852
13134759 36735555 32975683 O-1102955
13143102 36735915 32981213 O-1103863
13167878 36736373 32981213 O-1104025
13178097 36736373 32983299 O-1104880
13186200 36737188 32983299 O-1107132
14005804 36741323 33011510 O-1112041
14008019 36741323 33015534 O-1164570
14008019 36744297 33017778 O-1165028
14011711 36758803 33025780 O-1165137
14017112 36774069 33039782 O-1165243
14018863 36801780 33045737 O-1165243
14020845 36802113 33048862 O-1165467
14023350 36804363 33050222 O-1165650
14036778 36804785 33067317 O-1165901
14043285 36808610 33067321 O-1165901
14046508 36808622 33067892 O-1166530
14047256 36810196 33070689 O-1166530
14053575 36810354 33071886 O-1166564
14062818 36810673 33074356 O-1167506
14063280 36812547 33076970 O-1167667
14064410 36813568 33077136 O-1167667
14065823 36813850 33077758 O-1167667
14068228 36822772 33081732 O-1168529
14073128 36828543 33082489 O-1168795
14079196 36829059 33082490 O-1168891
14079429 36859987 33084091 O-1169064
14097443 36867079 33084662 O-1169083
14097469 36867486 33089438 O-1169125
14103751 36867486 33094099 O-1169265
14116473 36867504 33095679 O-1169593
14119642 36867777 33108212 O-1169978
14123348 36877837 33108386 O-1170097
14123700 36877837 33110740 O-1170478
14124055 36879538 33111114 O-1170920
14129133 36879538 33111244 O-1170928
14139492 37018504 33112809 O-1170933
14140033 37020050 33115516 O-1171212
14180769 37028020 33118235 O-1171219
15012443 37053390 33120264 O-1171350
15051541 37065001 33128397 O-1171376
15065664 37070099 33129153 O-1171378
15075931 37072304 33131117 O-1171379
15075931 37072845 33137792 O-1171418
15076259 37072857 33138970 O-1173010
15077458 37087498 33148019 O-1173061
15077968 37097654 33173012 O-1173353
15077974 37110026 33181101 O-1174313
15078527 37110174 33183152 O-1174320
15100412 37113598 33186150 O-1174320
15100974 37117331 33248339 O-1174384
15115562 37124547 33248339 O-1174404
15133366 37130567 33257611 O-1174461
15140320 37130925 33266398 O-1175649
15140332 37139986 33266692 O-1175902
15140332 37143011 33274489 O-1176437
15311473 37144128 33275644 O-1176553
15315539 37161198 33284682 O-1176614
15316887 37172985 33284682 O-1177366
15331935 37173336 33291640 O-1177366
15335588 37175525 33294862 O-1177639
15338552 37197790 33305594 O-1178174
15353994 37199420 33309229 O-1178385
15374332 37203481 33312244 O-1178773
15377196 37203983 33323297 O-1179241
15394397 37225777 33329609 O-1179966
16006665 37226102 33346968 O-1180201
16021254 37226132 33359847 O-1180218
16024232 37249305 33397839 O-1180375
16062981 37264405 33407875 O-1181072
16073133 37271740 33430998 O-1182068
16084954 37274607 33431169 O-1183182
16089059 37277019 33432371 O-1183182
16089059 37298659 33435191 O-118441
16090831 37300492 33435420 O-1184412
16097920 37304645 33436367 O-1210770
16105218 37309913 33439107 O-12133
16109003 37310924 33444292 O-1237967
16120920 37330775 33455725 O-1283101
16125481 37335830 33472745 O-1283116
16128583 37343354 33472745 O-1283152
16128602 37344456 33490075 O-1283152/1303911
16144172 37344552 33492792 O-1283258
16144173 37344752 33499871 O-1283333
16146056 37345369 33500076 O-1283333
16150133 37352213 33507226 O-1284042
16162441 37356649 33509996 O-1284344
17004024 37357663 33513160 O-1284487
17004024 37363813 33513160 O-1284540
17010079 37379481 33525081 O-1285932
17012098 37403366 33526156 O-1286934
17051276 37403366 33529447 O-1287315
17055898 37408822 33533318 O-1287506
17060394 37409013 33533600 O-1288416
17077506 37434456 33554470 O-1288493
17077865 37436684 33554470 O-1289132
17089362 37446901 33556566 O-1289154
17089454 37458130 33565339 O-1289550
17104854 37460214 33565357 O-1289643
17143768 37464789 33570902 O-1291902
17156927 37469724 33572163 O-1292864
17157225 37470820 33572163 O-1293187
18010273 37472277 33572805 O-1293248
18016802 37476134 33576023 O-1293998
18027936 37478751 33584783 O-1294881
18030040 37478751 33586341 O-1295730
18076609 37480962 33589428 O-1298184
18102851 37492818 33594507 O-1298484
18104461 37493057 33594599 O-1298490
18108589 37495813 33601611 O-1299458
18108589 37510745 33601731 O-1300319
18120410 37526502 33602311 O-1301127
18120714 37527519 33604469 O-1301182
18122353 37529813 33604812 O-1301543
18122646 37530283 33605699 O-1302917
18125561 37539541 33620898 O-1303837
18135996 37539541 33622713 O-1303874
18150778 37542568 33638144 O-1303961
18231790 37546744 33638310 O-1304466
18232420 37547430 33650462 O-1304917
19003071 37549178 33652541 O-1306991
19018088 37551318 33673105 O-1309270
19060184 37555231 33674408 O-1309655
19063188 37557834 33674408 O-1310402
19074676 37558629 33679953 O-1310549
19081526 37559914 33682244 O-1311455
19082123 37559914 33688684 O-1311537
19082123 37560678 33691339 O-1311547
19082804 37561838 33692039 O-1311575
19083538 37563163 33727735 O-1311583
19084510 37563755 33727847 O-1312483
19084566 37568132 33739690 O-1312523
19085580 37570093 33758235 O-1313435
19085680 37570093 33758464 O-1313566
19085945 37570276 33758978 O-1314153
19085996 37573671 33760623 O-1316349
19091280 37601442 33761629 O-1317459
19100342 37604754 33763555 O-1317650
19115661 37608277 33764047 O-1319329
19122432 37610564 33767450 O-1320057
19144022 37616930 33781304 O-1320157
19153000 37617693 33783472 O-1320364
19176501 37617693 33783706 O-1320540
19186465 37620711 33785028 O-1320829
20020837 37660576 33785047 O-1321725
20023245 37661242 33791091 O-1323499
20024019 37664467 33796870 O-1325520
20024168 37666186 34008807 O-1325524
20024372 37667421 34050279 O-1325525
20024418 37670415 34050284 O-1325729
20024553 37673380 34054426 O-1548404
20024596 37674276 34054533 O-1574046
20101936 37674276 34054782 O-1578999
20106283 37674614 34054816 O-15790
20108701 37674628 34055040 O-15794
20109068 37684764 34078779 O-1635380
20111390 37702959 34082215 O-164480
20210150 37703556 34083576 O-1683236
20210150 37704060 34084165 O-1683449
20222880 37708538 34084489 O-1683461
20224547 37709097 34085029 O-1683521
20226417 37709418 34087987 O-1691935
20226593 37732376 34104799 O-1703049
20229786 38017693 34105753 O-17196
20232720 38017693 34105790 O-18185
20235001 38033233 34105790 O-1822015
20310154 38062496 34118812 O-1822197
20310415 38069384 34123453 O-1822321
20318827 38071165 34128576 O-1822415
20342259 38085512 34131349 O-1824388
20342259 38141040 34137482 O-1824472
20350080 38141040 34140348 O-18505
20350094 38149463 34142155 O-18552
20350108 38152796 34146207 O-19262
20362245 38191535 34146658 O-1998050
20365878 38193032 34146658 O-1998656
20365878 38193032 34160372 O-1999526
20380015 38194286 34165913 O-1999529
20412749 38203306 34176696 O-1999530
20419742 38219760 34193685 O-1999531
20422876 38231674 34214516 O-1999532
20429256 38254110 34236280 O-1999533
20432612 38305333 34285374 O-2006446
20434753 38319548 34285711 O-20195
20611970 38339713 34287734 O-20362
20653122 38340389 34288569 O-2055069
20708128 38342796 34303847 O-2055818
20712934 38343717 34311726 O-2056282
20713670 38343892 34311768 O-2058819
20713709 38359258 34312158 O-21073
20713751 38367931 34312200 O-21073
20714884 38371840 34312303 O-21202
20714884 38381661 34323087 O-21685
20716017 38381661 34343218 O-21953
20716292 38382321 34345349 O-222751
20725077 38389522 34352269 O-23469
20725755 38389522 34355274 O-23469
20734657 38390691 34358884 O-23734
20736422 38402126 34380760 O-244400
20745579 38402630 34395007 O-25705
20745664 38406471 34396667 O-25705
20756363 38407313 34397262 O-25745
20811348 38407313 34402517 O-25814
20823160 38419515 34440520 O-269840
20841466 38419777 34464887 O-283165
20907209 38419909 34480071 O-289886
20909552 38420415 34494255 O-292009
20912993 38432380 34494689 O-293602
20948316 38432407 34497967 O-298661
30102078 38432785 34499781 O-299929
30102949 38434508 34505901 O-3?89785
30103608 38437666 34531050 O-300666
30103608 38437944 34540098 O-301346
30103633 38442647 34545137 O-303027
30103667 38452631 34546641 O-309064
30103922 38468661 34546647 O-313426
30103923 38469050 34583968 O-314413
30103953 38469985 34599669 O-316080
30104005 38470226 34610801 O-316894
30104021 38470900 34624161 O-318423
30104314 38474678 34625459 O-328045
30104488 38475662 34629783 O-334660
30104552 38475845 34630661 O-336535
30104685 38478440 34634612 O-338465
30104714 38478727 34634612 O-338465
30104920 38479146 34648721 O-339637
30104943 38487373 34651514 O-340863
30105201 38499636 34671887 O-345018
30105333 38499980 34671917 O-345018
30105371 38503610 34673997 O-34508
30105371 38507064 34674325 O-346946
30105382 38508398 34680400 O-354178
30105396 38510447 34701161 O-354179
30105452 38514905 34722235 O-354595
30105480 38518283 34728088 O-354932
30105554 38518575 34728184 O-356190
30105576 38531148 34728951 O-356872
30105797 38531177 34732224 O-360716
30105937 38554324 34732376 O-362905
30105938 38556504 34734290 O-363269
30105945 38588104 34734578 O-363776
30106082 38694102 34736973 O-370993
30106148 39000870 34737447 O-371368/1068
30106251 39006997 34739492 O-373015
30106292 39006997 34739492 O-373942
30106365 39017693 34764872 O-374527
35202265 O-450332 34774475 O-374527
35207817 O-451539 34783098 O-377640
35209270 O-451628 34783726 O-378101
35209893 O-452119 34788424 O-379436
35212885 O-452199 34807384 O-380423
35217469 O-454403 34807881 O-381211
35218224 O-462339 34807979 O-381211
35223101 O-467666 34810300 O-382370
35231744 O-469286 34810582 O-382908
35231744 O-472075 34820461 O-384517
35233987 O-481319 34822510 O-384517
35251718 O-481698 34824503 O-385585
35252151 O-493461 34824503 O-386685
35270677 O-493729 34824777 O-386685
35275416 O-494705 34824836 O-386926
35281777 O-498580 34826735 O-388011
35285413 O-499498 34884139 O-389254
O-548468 O-499498 35004066 O-393696
O-672275 O-503881 35012461 O-396102
O-885620 O-5053973 35026838 O-398487
O-925620 O-507421 35034610 O-399024
T-000806 O-507432 35034953 O-399436
T-000813 O-507432 35035088 O-399875
T-060452 O-507475 35044018 O-4003312
T-060478 O-507994 35044715 O-404618
T-120248 O-510407 35048859 O-405192
T-121464 O-510407 35049860 O-406151
T-122096 O-513545 35064391 O-407325
T-122745 O-513548 35074673 O-408778
T-122899 O-519371 35095826 O-410914
T-123849 O-519371 / O-509371 35097717 O-411807
T-124242 O-526649 35097721 O-412818
W2105438 O-526649 35099077 O-413009
W2105462 O-531318 35108558 O-413110
W2105462 O-531344 35109598 O-413355
W2108718 O-537984 35127864 O-413808
W-2110391 O-540370 35127868 O-416862
W-2119264 O-541217 35129578 O-417257
W2122086 O-541917 35129578 O-417257
35164905 O-442711 35129578 O-418010
35164966 O-443400 35130651 O-430375
35166421 O-443400 35135402 O-439942
35166548 O-443912 35135543 O-440043
35168653 O-446475 35144358 O-440623
35168853 O-446891 35162430 O-440623
35174115 O-447310 35162430 O-441680
35201146 O-450254 35163341 O-442215
The project continues, and the author is always looking for more veterans, documents, photos, manuscripts and information regarding Operation Dragoon, the 1st Airborne Task Force, the 1st Special Service Force and the 509th, 517th and 551st Parachute Infantry Regiment/Battalions. If you are a veteran or family member, please contact me at
Keywords Libération de Vence, Villeneuve-Loubet, Montauroux, Nice, St Cézaire sur Siagne, la Roquette sur Var, la Colle sur Loup, Mandelieu la Napoule, Cannes, Théoule sur Mer, Fayence, la Turbie, Peira Cava, Hill 1098, le Col de Braus, Sospel, le Broc, Grasse, St Tropez, Menton, Callian, et le reste de la Côte d'Azur. Reserve Division 148. Reserve Grenadier Bataillon 7. Reserve Jäger Bataillon 28. Reserve Grenadier Bataillon 164. Reserve Grenadier Bataillon 327. Reserve Grenadier Bataillon 372. Reserve Grenadier Bataillon 444. Reserve Artillerie Regiment 8. Reserve Artillerie Abteilung 44. 509th Parachute Infantry Batallion. 551st Parachute Infantry Battalion. First Special Service Force (FSSF). FABTF. First Airborne Task Force. Le Groupe Naval d'Assaut de Corse. Generalleutnant Otto Fretter-Pico. General Robert T. Frederick. Colonel Yarborough. 517th Parachute Infantry Combat Team Puerto Rican 65th Infantry Regiment Moulinet Tête du Pin, First Airborne Task Force.