Welcome to my home page!
My name is Blaise Gassend. I currently work on Lidars for self driving cars at Waymo.
Me in my office.

What's here?
- My publications.
- My usually out of date Resume (in PDF format).
- A description of some of my software creations.
- Descriptions of various protocols.
- Ideas on space elevators.
- MIT Rocket Team competition pictures and video.
- TrackWrangler, my music recording website
- Site map.
- Information on the making of this web page.
Friends and Family
- Nicolas George a friend from prep school who likes hacking around in Linux.
- Neil Fraser: Builds lots of cool gadgets.
- Max Gassend, my dad.
- Jean-Loup Gassend, my brother.
I'm not really this lonely, I just haven't had time to add anybody else yet. :-)